
Disciple, Come Back to Draw Talismans When You’re Free

In front of Xuanyue Temple.

In front of the magnificent and grand temple, a middle-aged Taoist priest in a gray robe kneels down and tightly embraces the legs of a young girl, crying with tears streaming down his face:

“Disciple, don’t go back home to inherit the family fortune. Your master can’t bear to part with you!”

Nanli, wearing a plain silk dress, is not considered stunningly beautiful, but she is delicate and beautiful, with clear and bright eyes, like a beautiful jade emitting a faint brilliance.

She tugged at her leg but couldn’t move it. She sighed and said impatiently, “Master Qing Xu, when first I came here, we agreed that I would only work part-time, not become your disciple.”

“I don’t care, you have settled in Xuanyue Temple, so you are my disciple!” Qing Xu cried sorrowfully, tears flowing like rain. “Ah, half a year ago, when Aunt Xu beat you until you were on the verge of death, it was your master who saved you. I even cooked the last few grains of rice in the temple to make porridge for you. I didn’t expect you to be so heartless and ungrateful today…”

The corner of Nanli’s mouth twitched.

The real Chu Nanli had long since disappeared.

Ten years ago, the original host went missing by accident and was later taken home by a peasant woman.

Aunt Xu was not a good person and often beat and scolded the original host.

Once, because her son accidentally hit his head while playing, Aunt Xu beat the original host until she was on the verge of death. Coincidentally, Qing Xu passed by and couldn’t bear to see it, so he gave Aunt Xu a few copper coins and saved the original host. At that time, the original host had already passed away, and in her place was the youngest sect master of a hidden metaphysical sect in the 22nd century.

She was born with a pair of spiritual eyes and was skilled in fortune-telling, divination, observing astrology, feng shui, and even medical skills.

Three days ago, the Chu family found her and confirmed her identity, wanting to take her back to the An'yang Marquis Mansion in the capital.

"Master Qing Xu, I have already repaid your kindness," Nanli responded, pointing behind her. "The temple, the golden ancestor statue, and even the rice you've been eating for the past six months were all purchased with money I earned."

She had earned reputation for Xuanyue Temple, and there was a constant stream of worshippers. The Taoists in the temple would not go hungry for the next ten years.

Qing Xu lowered his head guiltily, but then thought about it and said loudly, “That’s right, because you have devoted yourself to Xuanyue Temple, that’s why I have to take good care of you.”

The little Taoist next to him also had red eyes and choked, “Senior Sister, I heard that the Chu family has many heirs and a complicated family structure. They didn't come to find you until you were already fourteen, which shows that they don’t value you. Master is worried about you, that’s why he doesn’t want you to leave the mountain.”

Nanli patted the little Taoist’s head and said, “Don’t worry, I can catch evil spirits and tackle evil thoughts.”

Seeing this, Qing Xu held her legs even tighter and said, “Disciple, if you want to leave, then I won't stop you. But you have to leave something for us to protect ourselves.”

Nanli helplessly handed him a cloth bag and said, “There are various talismans I drew. It should be enough for you to use for at least three years.”

Qing Xu forgot to cry and quickly took it and examined it.

It was a thick stack of talismans of all kinds.

Among them were five or six of the most powerful Thunder Talismans.

“Disciple, even so, your master still can’t bear to part with you.” Saying that, Qing Xu’s eyes were fixed on the peach wood sword on her back, and his face only showed three words: I want it.

Nanli sighed and gave him the peach wood sword as well.

Then, Qing Xu's gaze fell on the small Eight Trigrams Mirror hanging on her waist.

Nanli tightly held onto the Eight Trigrams Mirror and said, “No way, I put in a lot of effort to make this.”

Qing Xu wiped away his tears with his sleeve and cried loudly. “When your poor master saved you back then, he gave you all the porridge he had and went hungry for two days...”

“All right, all right, I’ll give it to you.” Nanli couldn’t stand hearing these words and took off the Eight Trigrams Mirror.

It was just a mirror used to deal with evil spirits, she could make another one.

Qing Xu got what he wanted and stood up happily, looking at the treasure in his hand.

He waved his hand and smiled, “Disciple, take care on your journey. Come back to draw talismans when you’re free… no, come back to stay for a while.”

When Nanli finally get to leave the mountain, even her money bag was taken by Qing Xu. She left with nothing but the clothes on her back.

The Chu family’s carriage had been waiting at the foot of the mountain for a long time. Standing next to the luxurious carriage was a handsome young man with a graceful appearance and a tall figure.

That was just her second elder brother.

Chu Shuo had been impatiently waiting for a long time. When he saw Nanli coming down the mountain, he walked over and said impatiently, “Why are you so late? It’s almost dark.”

As he spoke, he yawned tiredly.

Nanli looked at him and saw that he looked tired, with dark circles under his eyes. It was either because he indulged in pleasures or…

Her gaze fell on the jade pendant around his waist.

“Brother, this jade pendant is absorbing your yang energy. You must not wear it anymore.” She directly explained the reason.

Chu Shuo’s eyes widened, clutching his precious jade pendant protectively. “This was bestowed upon me by the esteemed Master Zhi Guang, blessed and imbued with protective powers to ensure my safety and ward off misfortune! Do not feign understanding if you truly do not comprehend!”

Could his sister, after residing in the Taoist temple for half a year, truly believe herself to be a master?

Nanli shrugged nonchalantly. “Believe it or not.”

She only offered this reminder out of familial duty, knowing their bloodline connection.

The siblings boarded separate carriages, embarking on their journey towards Jing City.

Even in the most luxurious carriage, the ride remained unsteady and jolting.

Nanli could only close her eyes and rest.

During the time-traveling process, the Seven-Star Spirit Pearl, bound to her soul, accidentally fell away, severing its connection with its owner. With its weakened spiritual energy, she could only sense the general direction of the pearl in Jing City, unable to pinpoint its exact location.

Thus, she only agreed to return to the Chu residence because she had to find a place to stay while searching for the Spirit Pearl.

As night fell, the caravan sought refuge at an inn.

After spending most of the day in the carriage, Nanli's body was stiff. As soon as she disembarked, she heard the panicked cries of the carriage ahead. “Young Master Chu has ceased to breathe!”

The entire caravan was thrown into chaos, gathering around the scene.

Old Biddy Zhang, shouted desperately, “Doctor! Fetch a doctor quickly!”

How could he have passed away so suddenly?

Nanli couldn’t stand idly by in the face of death.

Without hesitation, she walked straight toward the commotion.

Chu Shuo was half lying and half sitting in the carriage and his face engulfed in an even denser black mist than before. It slowly devoured his crimson vitality, leaving his complexion pale and lifeless.

“Seeking a doctor is futile,” Nanli declared, placing a talisman on his forehead.

Then, she swiftly removed the jade pendant from Chu Shuo’s waist.

With a mix of disbelief and disgust, the old biddy tried to stop her. “Sixth Miss, what are you doing? Are you taking advantage of Young Master’s misfortune to pilfer his belongings? This jade pendant is his most cherished possession!”

A hint of disdain flashed in her eyes.

It seemed that those raised outside lacked proper manners and decorum.

Several guards closed in on Nanli.

“He can still be saved. Move aside!” Nanli lifted his eyelids, her voice icy.

“Miss, I beg your pardon!” one of the guards began, reaching out to grab her.

Nanli swiftly evaded, smashing the jade pendant onto the carriage beam, causing it to shatter into countless pieces!