Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - In my life, I don't think I've offended any cosmic entity, especially not to the point of it killing me. At least the entity was kind enough to reincarnate me after his mistake. Although I admit that Westeros wasn't my first choice, at least I have a system for living peacefully. What, did you expect me to aim for the crown or to go and help "the mother of dragons"? Hell no, I just want to be rich and prosperous.
(Try to follow along; it's the shopping episode today.)
(1 month later)
I let out a deep sigh of satisfaction, a broad smile spreading across my face as I reviewed the latest reports from my guards and spies.
Skagos is finally secured, at least from internal threats.
House Stane, the second treacherous vassal house on Skane Island, had been dealt with just as House Crowl had. Fortunately, only the lord of House Stane and his son, a man in his thirties, were involved this time. I felt no remorse for killing them. Yet, despite their deaths, I received no system notification declaring Skagos safe. It only took a few moments to realize why.
The bandits.
Given Skagos' condition, before I inherited it, it wasn't surprising that several groups of bandits had formed. I decided to hunt them down and offer them two choices: surrender and rejoin society or die.
Most of the bandits had no other options. Skagos lacked boats, making it difficult to escape to the mainland of Westeros, let alone Essos. Seeing the promise of work and a better life, nearly all of them surrendered their weapons. Naturally, a few dissidents who enjoyed their outlaw ways were put down without hesitation.
Since I couldn't personally patrol Skagos like a wandering nomad, I left this task to Geralt and Black Noir while I focused on building the infrastructure needed to fulfill my promises to the peasants.
I purchased the following:
[Forge] x2 [40,000 gold dragons]: Provides the infrastructure for crafting tools from various materials, and villagers can learn blacksmithing here.
[Barracks] x2 [60,000 gold dragons]: Trains villagers in melee combat and discipline.
[Lumber Mill] x2 [20,000 gold dragons]: Enables villagers to learn woodcutting and provide timber for various uses.
[Construction Center] x2 [60,000 gold dragons]: Teaches villagers how to construct and renovate buildings.
[Intelligence Agency] x2 [80,000 gold dragons]: Trains villagers in espionage, assassination, and sabotage.
[Research Center] [40,000 gold dragons]: For scientific research and the education of new scientists.
[Academy] [30,000 gold dragons]: Provides education for children in various fields.
[Hospital] x3 [60,000 gold dragons]: Trains villagers in the medical profession.
[Shopping Center] x3 [30,000 gold dragons]: Enables villagers to buy, sell, or trade goods and become merchants.
[Brothel] x3 [30,000 gold dragons]: Trains villagers in the trade of sex work.
[Beauty Center] x3 [60,000 gold dragons]: Teaches villagers the craft of beauty care.
[Cleanliness Center] x3 [45,000 gold dragons]: Trains villagers in sanitation and cleanliness management.
[Public Baths] x6 [60,000 gold dragons]: Allows villagers to bathe in different temperature baths.
[Watchtower] x20 [100,000 gold dragons]: Monitors the territory and informs you of any activity. Guards are stationed here.
I had to buy multiple copies of some infrastructures, particularly the public baths, which became a huge hit with the villagers since the baths are free. Skagos only has three main villages, no smaller ones. It makes sense; why would anyone choose to live in an even poorer settlement when the main ones were already suffering?
I plan to create more villages in the future, each specializing in certain trades like wine, food, or other materials. But for that, I'll need more people, and that's a problem for future me. For now, Skagos is stabilizing, and for the first time in years, the villagers are experiencing something they thought impossible:
And better hygiene, thanks to a critical purchase for any respectable territory:
[Sewage System] [500,000 gold dragons]: A network of pipes that treats and filters wastewater across Skagos.
Interestingly, the moment I bought the sewage system, all the toilets and bathtubs across Skagos became connected to the sewers. Neither the villagers nor I complained. No one questioned the sudden appearance of advanced infrastructure, apparently, they just assumed I'm full of revolutionary ideas.
On the plus side, they adore me more than ever. On the downside, my wallet has taken quite a hit. However, I'll recover soon enough with the profits from my next shipment of alcohol, which should arrive in a few days with Captain Salazar. This time, there are seven ships full of booze, and none of it is destined for that bloated bastard Illyrio.
Now that order has returned, and my spies are preventing the infamous spider from weaving webs in my lands, I can invest in even more lucrative infrastructure. After that, I'll focus on attracting more settlers. But for now, life is good, and it's time to claim my rewards.
[You have reclaimed your lost territories: 3 gacha draws]
[You chose the path of cunning: 2 gacha draws]
[You judged treacherous vassals: 2 gacha draws]
Alexander Harlow
Age: 15
Finances: 114,940 gold dragons
Territory Status: Stable, ripe for improvement
Number of vassal houses: 0
Population: 75,000
My grin widens. I'm making real progress.
"Use all the gacha draws."
The results appear:
[Karl Heisenberg: Summon one of the four lords from *Resident Evil Village*]
[Omnilingual: Grants fluency in all languages]
[Stable x3: Produces horses]
[Raven Aviary x23: Produce ravens for sending long-distance messages]
[Tavern x9: Provides food and drink for relaxation]
[Barracks Upgrade: Adds archery training for soldiers]
[Deus Ex Machina x1: Triggers a significant event that alters the story, for better or worse]
Mmm, these rewards will be very useful. But I'm curious about the Deus Ex Machina. Should I risk using it?...curiosity gets the better of me.
[Activate Deus Ex Machina. Are you sure?]
I hold my breath for a few seconds, looking around to see if anything is happening, but nothing. Then I hear footsteps approaching my office, followed by a knock on the door. Thanks to my superhuman sense of smell, I easily recognize Alfred's scent. "Come in, Alfred." The door opens, revealing Alfred with a grave and serious expression, holding a letter in his hands. "Has something happened?"
"You've received a letter, my lord." He walks over to my desk and gently places the letter in front of me, allowing me to see why his face is so serious. "It's from the King." My eyebrows furrow as I pick up the letter and open it to read the contents.
"Lord Alexander Harlow blah blah blah, the King is organizing a tournament blah blah blah, you are invited to King's Landing blah blah blah signed Jon Arryn, Hand of the King, Defender of the Vale blah blah blah," I say with disinterest, tossing the letter into the fireplace. "Big words to say that Varys pulled some strings to get me to come to that snake pit and vulture's nest."
"The rat can't send spies here, so he wants me to come to his turf, knowing full well I can't refuse a royal invitation." I sniff disdainfully before pulling out some paper from my desk and writing a quick message on it, then handing it to Alfred. "Send someone to the distillery to deliver this message."
"As you wish, my lord." He nods before leaving to carry out my orders, as I sink back into my chair with a slight smirk. If the spider wants to play, then we'll play.
Mmmm, the Deus Ex isn't as bad as I thought. Sure, this letter forces me to reveal myself to the snakes and vultures sooner, but I'm confident in my ability to handle the political landscape of the Seven Kingdoms. Besides, I think I can take this situation to my advantage.
Well, I'd say this Deus Ex isn't too bad. Let's use another one.
[Activate Deus Ex Machina, are you sure?]
Yes, I am.
[Activation in progress, good luck.]
This time, I wait a few seconds, and once again, I hear footsteps approaching my office, but this time, the steps are barely audible. It can't be Noir, since he's out in the wild hunting bandits, so it must be the White Wolf. "Come in, Geralt." The door opens to reveal Geralt with a face just as grave as Alfred's. "What's going on?"
He takes a deep breath in and out before speaking in a grave voice. "During our hunt for the bandits, I came across an abandoned house inhabited by a mother and her children." My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I motion for him to continue. "We brought them back discreetly and placed them in a room in the palace. You should go see them yourself to decide what to do next. The woman had this letter on her." He pulls a letter out of his pocket and hands it to me.
Opening another letter today, my eyebrows furrow even more in confusion as I recognize my father's handwriting.
If you're reading this, it means I've joined your mother, and you now have the heavy burden of ruling Skagos. I know this task may seem impossible, but I have faith in you, son.
However, if you've found this letter, it also means you've discovered the people I've been hiding in Skagos for years, and you're probably wondering why I did this.
The reason is very simple. Long ago, the father of the children of this woman saved my life, as well as your mother's. And being from the North, honor is very important to me, so when the woman came knocking on my door one day, I had the duty to take care of them.
I know I'm asking you to do something that could put our family in danger, but please, son, protect them. I'm asking you, from father to son.
Protect them.'
Once again, tossing the letter into the fireplace, I stand up and look at Geralt. "Take me to these surprise guests." Geralt nods and leaves the office, quickly followed by me. My mind races, trying to figure out who these people could be. "Who else knows about this?" I ask as we walk at a quick but very quiet pace.
"Besides the two of us, five people: four soldiers and a servant," he says as we arrive at the door to one of the castle's chambers. I give Geralt a meaningful look, which he understands without difficulty. "I'll make sure they keep their mouths shut." I nod as he leaves, and I turn the door handle to enter and see the people my father wanted me to protect, people who could destroy my family.
My body freezes in place as I see the woman sitting on the edge of the bed, her children in her arms. The three of them look at me with fear as I collect myself. I take a chair and drag it in front of them, sitting down and leaning forward slightly, resting my elbows on my knees and clasping my hands together as I look into the eyes of the woman whose mere presence here could lead to the execution of my entire family.
"First, you don't need to worry. My father made you a promise, and I intend to keep it for him. You and your children will be safe here, I promise you."
I speak in a serious tone as I see the relief in her eyes. "However." I straighten up in the chair, still holding her gaze. "I hope you know, and more importantly, that you understand that your presence here and the promise I just made will force me to make certain decisions, serious decisions, that may lead to deaths, sometimes even innocent ones?"
"Yes, I know, and I will forever be indebted to you, Lord Harlow." I look into her eyes for a few seconds before nodding and sighing.
"Good. I will inform the servants to take care of you. Don't worry, all the servants in the castle are trained and loyal to Skagos. No one in Westeros or Essos will know you're here. My spy network won't allow it." I stand up from the chair, still looking at them, but this time with a softened gaze. "They will bring you clothes suitable for someone of your stature while you take a bath. Then, my siblings and I will be waiting for you at dinner." She nods as I leave the room and head toward my office, ordering a servant to fetch Alfred and have him meet me in my office.
Adjustments need to be made.
Elia Martell and her children are in my home, and I have just promised both her and my late father that I will protect them.
Deus Ex Machina, for better or worse.