
chapter 11

Just InCommunityForumMoreThe All Devouring Slayer's Flame by nobodi in particular Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: M, English, Drama & Fantasy, Natsu D., Words: 112k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Sep 18, 2016 Updated: Apr 26, 2018618Chapter 11

Hello everybody and welcome back to Slayer's Flame!

Yes, yes, I know that this was out late but unfortunately I have pre-public exams going on at the minute and between revision and homework, its kind of hard to find time to write so I'm sorry that this is out late. But hey, its here! And the next chapter should be out this Sunday as well, getting back on schedule and all that so yay!

Now that I have briefly explained my absence, I will talk about harem votes. As of right now, the 9 I chose last time are it as of this moment but as I was reading through the reviews I saw a MASSIVE jump for Wendy, I think she got an extra 11+ votes which would put her total at around 29 so... I have no lcue what to do at this point. Just know that if I do put Wendy in, THAT IS IT! I cannot do more then 10, trust me, my writing will just get shitty and sloppy. If you want good large harem stories, read something like Little Dragon From the Future by NatsuHaremFan cause they do it masterfully and it is great while I need to write smaller groups to get that good amount of impact so 10 is the best that I can do... Sorry to disappoint. I'll leave it up in the air for this chapter but if she does get a lot of support then Wendy will be the final girl (and by support i just mean people going 'Yea sure put Wendy in').

Now onto reviews!

Hunter XZ: Thank you and yea, you did bring up a lot of good points but I'll try and justify my reasoning a lil' bit here.

1) As you will learn more in this chapter, that power up from Dragon-God Force sort of did... something that awoke... something that then has an instinctual hatred of said man so he would automatically pin the blame on Zeref for everything due to the nature that he feels towards that person. I went back and made that bit bold like the other bit where this happened in the chapter cause it didn't do it when I went through originally but yea, that was my fault for not making it clear. Sorry.

2) Fairy Tail is just his drive pretty much, what he thinks about to justify him being out here. He believes that EVERYTHING is a threat to Fairy Tail after Acnologia and especially after Hyperion who just slaughtered a town for his attention so he would be worried for Fairy Tail's safety especially if Hyperion is linked to Tartaros, a dark Guild that was part of the alliance that Fairy Tail helped break apart so yea, it was mainly just over protectiveness that drove him to think about Fairy Tail during his fight with Tartaros but once again I may not have made that very clear so I apologise.

3) By power, he isn't talking about strength which he classifies as a separate thing and that is the thing that he counts as magic power and spell attack power and all that while power if just the life blood of his battle and how his ambition and his need to protect is what makes him powerful enough to become strong. Kind of weird word wise but I hope that this is explained a little bit better cause, once again, I ain't very good at explaining shit.

4) Eh, he's Natsu; he cares about everyone to some extent. Case in point, he doesn't kill that often and if actively angry at those that kill their own Guild-mates such as Zancrow so the race of the person committing those crimes wouldn't care to him just the fact that it is going on. Also, he doesn't really know about the proper use of the term Etherious yet so they are just Demons to him and he has seen a 'family' of Demons before so it would also stem from that. As for him just straight up killing Tempester... eh. If I was trying to be smart, I'd say that it was like when he killed those people when he first activated his God Slaying magic, that he was just so full of adrenaline thathe didn't notice his actions but as previously stated, the new form did something to his brain that made him more brutal and more in line with a certain other thing in Natsu's mind that he has had locked away from him.

So yea hope that clears it up a bit. Thanks for the questions though.

Wingd Knight: Ehh... maybe lemons, contemplating it.

Maxe03: As previously stated, Natsu sees strength and power as two different things so power comes from the ambition and strive that he has where as strength is just his literal strength and attack force where as the reaction thing was just something stupid I put it. And yes, Natsu has called himself selfish so he does understand that he is a very selfish human being.

Fenrir44: I just can't write big harems: tried it for like 1 chapter with one of my other stoires for a test chapter and I hated it. I just need character development and set up with characters like that and 10+ is really pushing it.

Now onto Chapter 11!

He just lay there, stationary, lifeless, alone.

A mop of pink surrounded by green liquid that obscured and matted his frame in undesired colours and wetness, bobbing slowly up and down as wires and cables attached to several parts of his body in mismatched and cruel ways. The tube was quite large so keeping the boy inside it wasn't hard… but looking at him, a boy that was known for his smile and happy attitude, to see him looking dead and to see him becoming one of his captors was torturous.

Or, at least it would have. If that was what was happening.

"So you're telling Mard Geer that nothing is happening." The leader of Tartaros stood before a fellow Etherious with a scowl and a frown on his angular face, with Sayla and Silver stood by his side; the two were the only other Demons left standing after what happened between this Natsu figure and the rest of the Guild. Heh, to say it was a massacre wouldn't do it justice.

"Yep! Usually, the particles inside the chamber would burn at the user magic supplies until there is nothing and then the Demonic particles would begin to fill them with Curse power but… something is blocking the solution from getting past his magic." The high pitched squeak came from the short Etherious that stood before Mard. She possessed a short height with a lithe frame and figure alongside short black hair and… black bunny ears? Her outfit consisted of a simple white lab coat with several large pink pom-poms adorning the sides of coat, which itself sat atop a black shirt outlined in purple and a short shirt in a similar style. Completing her look were a pair of long white tights that led to purple boots and a purple tie reading '1/16' sat around her neck.

"Do you have any idea what it is?" Sayla asked, her eyes hungrily eating up the Slayer's naked form. His upper body was glistening from the green liquid and his hair was messy and matted but to Sayla, it made him all the more irresistible. However, now she was getting to see his body up close, she noticed how many cuts and scars were adorning his body; whether they be small or large, they absolutely shredded his form but not to the point where they obscured his tan skin and there were significant areas of untouched flesh in-between each scar. As an Etherious who got healed up in a very similar tank that Natsu was in now, Sayla didn't have any scars or scratches; Demon's typically see it as some kind of sign of weakness so they try to avoid getting them by healing after every fight… well most do anyway. But this boy, despite knowing some kind of advanced healing magic to do with his Slayer magic architype, let himself gain these scratches and these scars, let them stain his skin for all eternity. Humans certainly were strange creatures.

Another thing to point out was his curled up position, hiding his unmentionables away from their eye sight much to Sayla's annoyance, which seemed quite relaxed and in no pain at all. Usually, if the subject was human then the Demonic particle would hurt and break down their molecular structure to get at their magic and it would just burn and hurt and cause them so much pain that their usual position in the chamber was to spasm and twist about. Lamy was saying that she was trying to create a more stable solution that would mean that the subject wouldn't be under that much pain as the procedure took place, as a damaged test subject usually lead to worse results, but in Sayla's mind she just thought that the young Etherious enjoyed watching her creations twist and writhe in pain.

"No, not yet. You told me that he had significant amounts of power in both his locked and unlocked forms in the battle against the rest of the Gates so perhaps it has to do with his amount of Magical power inside his body…" Lamy started, turning back to look at the hanging boy draped in wires and steel. "But to be honest, I'd rather not find out; lets me see this hunk for a little bit longer." The bunny-haired girl grew a lecherous grin as she too, looked Natsu up and down like a piece of meat. And for the first time in her life, Sayla felt a tinge of jealously.

"Ahem." Silver finally spoke up, the Ex-Exorcist mage deciding to stay quiet since the end of the fight. "How are the other members doing? You know… after Scales over here fucked 'em up?" Stopping her subconscious scowling, Sayla found herself wondering the same thing. After the battle had subsided, Lamy had told them about how she was planning to try and give the damaged Demon's new bodies that would be stronger than before but she hadn't really divulged that much information to the two before she scampered off, leaving them to carry the Slayer boy to this isolated chamber.

Speaking of which, the female Demon felt her eyes wander around the room that they currently resided in. It was a sectioned off part of the Hell's Core, but it was significantly further away than any other part of the Core and away from the other Demons. Almost like damaged control. The room itself was pretty basic; the same dark and drab interior with concrete ceilings and floors but this room had a bit more in the way of internal padding, with some desks and tables of steel lying about with papers and books laid haphazardly before them. From a glance, their pages seemed to be going over some procedures and theories on Demonic particles… Probably just some of Lamy's research.

"Oh them? They are all fine, just resting up in the Core. Oo! I almost forgot! Do you wanna see the hot new bodies that I gave them?!" Lamy started off her sentence quiet uninterested but as she got onto the art that was involved in her creations, her interest and tone piqued with her eyes growing wider and a faint blush dusting her cheeks. All 3 Tartaros Members present let out a sigh of distain at the girl.

"Fine, humour Mard Geer." The black haired Guild Master spoke with his usual uninterested tone, sounding like he was just going with her to get her to stop talking.

"Yes, I would not mind seeing our team-mates again. Will you be following us Silver?" Sayla followed in her Master's shoes, deciding to follow her fellow Demons but before leaving she just wanted to clarify somethings with the Devil Slayer. He had been kind of off since the fight between the encased Slayer and the Demon Gates had begun and he had begun to grow progressively stranger as the day continued onwards.

"No… I'm going to stay here and look over the subject for a bit longer, see if anything happens with the particles and what not. After all, I ain't seen a Demon creation from a human yet so I wanna stick around for it." Silver answered nonchalantly, turning his whole attention back to the floating human while the others just shrugged and began to make their way towards the main area of Hell's Core, Lamy's little voice bouncing off of the halls the whole way there.

"Oh! Oh! I gave Tempester this really nice, really hot- "

"Really? Oh, I am ecstatic to see it, truly.

"Hey take this seriously dammit!"

Chuckling slightly at the interactions between the female Demons, the Devil Slayer soon found himself caught in a staring contest with eyes that were shut and locked tight, not allowing their user to get a grasp on the world around him. Suddenly, the air grew cold and frost began to eat away at the concrete floor as Silver started to slowly walk forward.

"Natsu, huh? Sounds foreign." He started, eyeing the boy's pink hair and tan skin.

"And a Mage of Fairy Tail by the looks of that Guild Mark on your arm." Silver also muttered, now focusing in on the red mark that was sown into the boy's shoulder.

"But then why are you here if you are with Fairy Tail? Were you perhaps on a job? Or were you exiled for what you were…" Finally reaching the glass, Silver grew a sadistic smirk as he placed his hands on the glass and watched in glee and the icy extremities that left his hand crept up the entire pane, shielding it from the outside.

"Demon." Soon, the senior Fullbuster found himself laughing as Natsu's body let out a mild spasm as heat and fire flooded the chamber which burnt away the ice easily. Placing his hands on his hips and staring the convulsing boy in his closed eyes, the Exorcist's voice grew low.

"Oh well; either way you are just another Demon for me to kill when this is all over." Huffing, Silver turned on his heel and began skulking outside and back to the Core, his boots smashing his pre-made ice as he walked.

"Enjoy the rest of Hell, Natsu. Well as much of it as you can see out of that tube."

The world was on fire.

It was all encompassing and angry, nipping and biting at everything in his field of vision as the flames soaked into the very sky and the earth to crunch down even further onto the landscape. These flames were radiant and bright, orange and red pooling off of them like mini-fireworks that seemed to entrance and capture every single moment of anyone's attention. It was just so… complete.



Shaking his head at the destruction that he had awoken to, Natsu tried to figure out where he was. Last thing that he could remember was fighting those Demons at Tartaros but this place was certainly not Tartaros; Hell, he didn't even know if this place was in Fiore… in Earthland! There were buildings of wood, based on the way that the fire was just completely consuming them, and there was a heavy smell of death and burning flesh in the air that made his stomach flip and turn with disgust. Trying some fickle attempt to find someone or something, Natsu tried to run through the fire and towards the sounds of screaming that had begun to pierce the skies.

However, he didn't make it very far through the flames.

Just like with Hyperion, he felt his body shoot up with heat and flames as a gargled growl came from his throat. Pushing himself backwards and away from the fire, Natsu bit his tongue in an attempt to ease some of the burning. Looking down, he noticed that while his skin felt hot and scarred, nothing was there. Just… nothing; the skin was clean. In fact, he didn't even have his scars that he had accumulated over the last 2 years. What the-


Shooting his head up like a rifle bullet, Natsu tried to pin-point the origin of the noise but for some reason his senses weren't as sharp as they usually were. After performing a whole 360 spin of the arena Natsu finally located noise… or more accurately, the noise located him. After finishing his round, he watched in awe as the flames before him seemed to split and rip apart before his very eyes into fragile figments that left the ground and a large patch of earth free. And standing there before the Salamander, were two figures.

The first was a man with short pink hair that was very similar to Natsu's own hair colour along with some sharp, angular red eyes, outlined by onyx. His frame seemed to be quite muscular and his skin was actually sort of pale while for his appearance he wore a white toga-like-sheet along with some sandals.

Meanwhile, the man also had another figure cradled into his arms and it was a crying woman. She had long black hair that was tied up at the back into a bun with two tails falling down the front of her face with some large onyx eyes and a tan complexion. As for her own appearance, she was quite buxom and donned a similar toga-like-sheet to the man while also having some sort of red and gold neck-guard tied around her neck while she also had sandals on her feet. And while Natsu was certain that he had never seen these people in his life, his heart leapt out of his chest and his brow became full of sweat before he felt a few words just sort of fumble out of his mouth.

"Mother… Father…" It was subconscious and while Natsu himself had no idea while he said it, it appeared that the two figures saw him and heard him.

"Natsu! What are you still doing here?! Where is your brother?!" First it was the man who asked, his eyes wide and his tone conflicting between harsh and caring with Natsu just standing there frozen with confusion.

"Brother…. What are you talking a-"

"Natsu! Listen to me, baby." Now it was the woman's turn to speak and she had removed herself from the man's chest to look Natsu dead in the eyes, onyx looking back at onyx and only now did Natsu realise how similar in colour they were. "Go find your brother, go find Zeref and tell him to get you two out of here now!"

That name… again.

"Zeref? What do you mean?" Natsu asked once more, his tone shaky and his eyes wide.

"Go and get out of this village now Natsu! Just know that we love you both very much and that we couldn't be happier at how you and Zeref both turned out. We lo- "The woman was leaning forward with tears constantly flowing freely from her large eyes like waterfalls but as she was speaking with her voice getting slowly softer and softer, a large shadow began to engulf the area around the two. And with a sickening crash and the crunch of bone and blood, a Dragon now stood where the two figures once stood.

Where… his parents once stood.

"Mom! Dad!" Despite not even knowing what was going on, Natsu just knew one thing at the minute; those two people WERE his parents, they just were! He didn't know how to explain it but before he could even think, tears had burst forth from his eyes as he saw the pale hand of his 'father' poking out from the Dragon's leg. Now he was freely crying, the inferno continuing to rage on before him as his water filled eyes followed the Dragon's every movement as it looked his body up and down before it seemed to scoff and began to suck air into its lungs.

A breath attack.

But Natsu just felt too defeated to even move so he watched as thick orange fire began to spew from the beast's maw and towards him and the very last thing her heard before flames consumed his vision was a single shout.



Hearing that voice again after what seemed like an eternity in a white plain, Natsu slowly let one of his eyelids fold upwards as he tried to get used to his new surroundings. Then he realised… there was no crackling of fire, no smell of burning flesh or even smell at all and his vision was being obscured slightly by darkness. He wasn't where he was a second ago… He wasn't with his parents anymore.

Letting his eyes shoot open with fierce intensity, he quickly began to dart his head around where he was only to see that he was trapped and boxed into some sort of tiny sphere with a pink water-like goop surrounding his whole body which was halting his movement. Panic and shock filled his face as he looked around only to see darkness and the void projected back from the pain of glass that sat before him and he could feel numerous amounts of wires and strings of steel and copper poking and digging into his body; his spine, his arms, his neck, his hands and his face were all subject to this with a tube having been placed over his mouth.

Now all he felt… was confusion and pain as he replayed that last scene over and over again. For the first time in over 20 years, he had seen some semblance of his biological family outside of Igneel and in that same instant, they had been killed right before him. It didn't feel real! It felt like a nightmare, a dream…

A memory.

Suddenly, a large chink with what sounded like steel and metal sounded above him and he could only watch as the darkness before him was pulled away to reveal a dull light with a figure standing before it. And Natsu couldn't believe who he saw standing there.


He looked younger, more full of life and joy but it was still the depressing, critical and harsh Dark-mage that he met back on Tenroue. Thinking back to some of his previous claims on the wizard, a sudden thought ran through his head. Why the Hell did he blame him for Tenroue's destruction? Why did he blame him for hurting his friends? Why did he blame him like that? But it didn't feel like it was himself doing it… it felt as if it was just natural.

A reflex.


Unable to comment on the mage, he watched as he approached Natsu with some sort of golden locket in his hands. Sighing, Zeref took in a deep breath before looking down at the pink haired boy.

"Can… can you hear me Natsu?"

Feeling himself move, he let his head nod up and down and deep down, he couldn't help but smile at the beaming grin that spread across Zeref's face. Wait… didn't his mother call Zeref his brother before she died. And if that was what he thought a memory was… then what was this? Was this also a memory? And was Zeref his actual brother?! What the fuck was going on!?

"That is good brother, very good." Well that answers one question. He knew that he should be reacting more, but his body and mind felt sluggish and exerted of energy so he just let the mage continue to speak. "Natsu… I screwed up."

"Since that day, all those years ago when Mom and Dad and… and you died, I have been so alone, so lost without your guidance that it was killing me inside not to see any of you." He paused. "Do you know where you are Natsu?"

He shook his head.

"Good, let me tell you. In those years that I was alone, I went down a very dark road and started to learn some more… evil forms of magic. I started experimenting with life and death." Sighing once more, Zeref stood up and walked over to the dome to the point where now Natsu could see a book in his hand, a book with 3 large letters on the front.




E.N.D? What the Hell does that mean?

"Oh, I see that you have seen the book. Well Natsu… this is you now. I have gone deep enough into the dark arts to recreate you into a new body from one of these books. You are known as an Etherious due to your body being made up of Etherano and that is why you are in this tank. You can live again brother, you can live! And you will be stronger than any other being in this world, I can assure you that!" Zeref made a chuckle as a few tears leaked out of his eyes before he suddenly went sombre.

"However, there is something else that I have written into your 'code', as it will. Natsu, in that time where I was learning about these arts, I met a lot of different people; some were very nice people but others… others hated me. One of these people I angered was the God, Ankhseram, for playing around with life and death and… and he cursed me for it." Reaching up, Zeref showed his brother his blackened palm with swirling midnight energy in the centre.

"I was cursed to kill anything that came into contact with me. So Natsu, I have tasked you with one thing in this book alongside living your life… I want you to kill me."

Silence filled Natsu's mind. This was just so much to take in at one time and as his brain was overflowing with information without the proper emans to react to it, he just felt lost in his own body. Zeref was his brother… who made him a… a Demon… and programmed him to kill him. This was all just… just.

"Don't worry Natsu, I still have to do some tests first before I can have you kill me. And I do want you to live your life while I do so… but for your own safety I think that it is best that you forget me for now." With a deep sigh, Zeref stood up from his crouched position and moved over to a part at the back of the machine as Natsu could feel his head being moved around by the cable attached to it.

"Trust me, it will be much easier for me to teach you to kill me and teach you about your new powers as my most powerful Etherious when you can't remember me; that way you have no emotions or drawbacks to killing me." Natsu could hear the tears and sadness in his voice. "So for now… this is goodbye Natsu. Know that I will always remember you, even if you do not rmebeer me and know that I love you very much so… Be safe-"

He hit the switch and Natsu's head shot full of memories and images of his Mother and Father and Zeref and his town and the sky and the earth and the fires and the water and the trees and life and-



The cold rooms of the Hell's Core felt quiet and empty and dead. Suddenly, heat exploded all around the facility like a nuke that engulfed the whole area as a figure uncoiled himself from his curled up position inside one of the many tubes and containers inside the building.

He spread out, placing his feet and down and standing up to his full height, silence filling the air. Then, with a sudden burst of power, his eyes shot open and balls of crimson fury emerged from within as a dark rumbling sound came forth from his body.

END had awoken…

"Guess whose back?"

And there we go! Next chapter we WILL see what my interpretation of END looks like and what triggered his memories as the Etherious transformation requires emotional stress or something along those lines to trigger it so we will see what that is next chapter. So... uh... yeah... See ya? Bye.


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