
The Alicorn Crystal and The Dark Dragon Crystal : Asha's Story : Book1

TAGS: HEROES, WORLD SAVING, DRAGONS, ALICORNS (Alicorns are Unicorns that have wings), LATIN WORDS, JAPANESE WORDS, SUPERNATURAL BEASTS, MYTHICAL ANIMALS, GOOD vs. EVIL, ROMANCE, ACTION, ADVENTURE, LOVE, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Asha has made it her goal to protect her snow white kitten Snowy from harm by doing this Asha becomes a Guardian with extraordinary powers such as mind control over evil or wicked minds, can use telepathy, able to read minds, give strength to others as well as receive strength from others, and is able to change her being to any supernatural beings* or mythical animals** from a 4 winged Angel to a Wood Nymph, but she soon learns that she was made a Guardian for a reason to protect the world from the Evil Dark Dragon Kurai Mono, who will soon awaken and will bring destruction to the world. Asha must stop the coming apocalypse to so she must follow a mysterious voice of Akarui Miral to find the other 7 Guardians across the world and the 10 Alicorn Crystal shards hidden all over the world as well. Follow Asha and her friends in this Fantastic world where the limits of the imaginations are stretched farther then any other as these 8 friends follow a mysterious voice to save the world. * https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Creatures ** https://www.mythical-creatures-and-beasts.com/mythical-creatures.html Hello there everyone I'm the author of "The Alicorn Crystal and The Dark Dragon Crystal: Asha's Story; Book 1" if you want to get to know me better or you have a question ask me on my Discord Server or leave a comment on my least chapter. Here's my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/JY6mMAEaonl = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

MoonFairy425 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 5

When I awakened I saw that I was in the back of an ambulance,

with the back doors open, I saw police cars and about six cops,

I saw Gilray talking to two of them the rest were looking into what happened.

I got up and got out of the ambulance,

and I started towards Gilray and the two cops.

When Gilray saw me I felt my face heat up,

" Excuse me, for a moment. " he said to the cops,

he walked away from the them and he walked over to me,

" Are you okay, Asha? " Gilray asked,

putting a hand on my shoulder, as soon as his hand touched me,

I felt a cooling heat sensation running through my entire body

as if my body was telling me I was safe with him,

" Yeah I'm fine. " I said with a small smile,

" You sure? Because the two people who were in the ambulance,

said the reason you passed out was because you were completely dehydrated. " Gilray said,

" I'm fine, but I am hungry. " I said,

he let go of my shoulder and suddenly I felt so scared

that I grabbed his arm holding on to him tightly,

" Please don't leave me. " I whispered to him,

" Asha do you want to go with me, so you can tell us what happened? " he asked softly,

I nodded my head and walked with him to the cops,

" Officers this is Asha. The survivor I was telling you about she's willing to tell what happened to her and her parents. " Gilray said.

I looked at the police officers and took a deep breath,

and told them everything in great detail with Akarui's help to fill in the gaps of my story while walking towards the canyon,

the two police officers and Gilray followed me as I talked when I finished my story we were already at the canyon,

" If you don't believe my story, then how about some proof. " I said,

I pointed down to where the Alpha wolf was at the bottom of the canyon,

and they were shocked at the sight of the dead wolf at the bottom of the canyon.

They immediately call for someone to retrieve the dead wolf's body and to have it tested for any diseases and for rabies.

- Akarui can you make the wolf have a fractured in its head that looked like a stong tree branch had whack it before he fell into the canyon. - I asked

- Sure, but may I ask why? - Akarui asked,

- Because when they inspect the body they will wonder why the wolf didn't make it to the other side of the canyon where as I did. - I answered,

- Oh I get it. - Akarui said.

After a few moments the wolf's body was finally hooked on to a pulley and was being pulled up from the canyon,

when the wolf's body was out of the canyon Ranger Randy and some wildlife officials started to exam the body,

when they finished one of the wildlife officials came over to me,

" Are you Asha? " She asked,

" Yes, and you are? " I said,

" I'm Evelyn, I was wondering if you could answer a few questions from me? " Evelyn asked,

" Sure. " I answered,

" Thank you for your cooperation, my first question is why the wolf attack you,

my second question is, was it alone or was it with it's pack,

and my last question is, if it was with a pack where are the rest of it's pack? " Evelyn asked,

" To answer your first question maybe they smelled my Dad's cooking

or maybe they were trying to protect their territory by scaring us to leave,

the second question you asked is, no it wasn't alone it was with it's pack leading them,

and it seemed like that wolf may have been the Alpha of that pack,

and to answer your last question, is I don't know for sure,

but after I killed their Alpha they ran away after that I blacked out. " I said,

looking at Evelyn as she wrote my answers in a note book,

" Thank you again for your cooperation your answers will indeed be helpful in finding the rest of this Alpha's pack. " Evelyn said,

" I'm glad I could be of help. " I said with a smile,

Evelyn got up and was about to leave but she suddenly turned around,

" I nearly forgot here's my number and e-mail in case you remember anything else. " Evelyn said, handing me her business card.

" I'll keep it mind. " I said, taking the card and putting it in my pocket,

" Asha can you come over here the police officers want you to answer some questions for them before they leave. " Gilray said,

" Here I come. " I said, and I started to make my way over to him.

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Hello everyone it's me the author Moonwatcher425🇺🇲 or Moon for short.

I'll be making a new Chapters when ever I get a chance to.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or requests for my book,

plz leave a comment on the chapter or join me on my Discord Server


I'm looking forward to seeing your questions, suggestions, and/or requests.

I'm in need of a assistant author to help me with any misspelled words

and any incorrect punctuation, I'm not good at writing,

but hey at least I'm trying to do my best with what I got.

~ Moon