
Prologue: The Beginning of The Evil Age

Some where in the world in the dark forest, A group of men standing in a circular formation circling a pedestal, when comes a man with a new born child in one hand and a knife in another hand, he kept the child on the pedestal and raising the knife high up in the air and whispered some words and suddenly the child woke up and started making sound trying to find its mom but before it could cry aloud not seeing its mom the man stabbed the child with his knife in the middle of the chest the child, the child cried even louder that its cries echoed through the deep dark forest, the man did not stopped there but he sliced the chest and tore it apart, non of the people stopped it while standing there heartless and soulless like statue, then the man reached for the barely alive child's heart and ripped it out killing the child, holding the child's heart over his head he squeezed it tightly spilling the child's blood all over it, then holding it towards the white moon he shouted "LOOORD WITH THIS 666th YOUNG HEART WE OPENED THE DOOR TO OUR WORLD, FREE US FROM THIS WORLD MAKE US A PART OF YOUR DARKNESS, DESTROY EVERYONE KILL EVERYONE THOSE WHO KIL YOUR FOLLOWERS FREE US LORD, FREE US" the rest also shouted "FREE US LORD FREE US MAKE US PART OF YOUR DARKNESS" their words echoed throughout the deep dark forest.

From that day the moon slowly turned black as the day passed the moon became darker and darker, and as it kept becoming black weird things started to happen on earth, suddenly earth got hit by a very powerful solar flare the space agency didn't even predicted it which caused a big lights out worldwide making the dark, then giant tsunami started to happen near the coast, floods started happening randomly, volcano erupted from nowhere, earth quack happened everywhere, still the scientist and researcher were not able to predict all of then but all of them suddenly stopped and for few days everything went normal, but after few days mysterious phenomenon happened again, this time candles all over the world just blew out, birds started to kill themselves by crashing to buildings, rocks and trees, all the religious places fell down, all religious leaders started to die mysteriously with no cause, then the last religious leader on his death bed warned the world that " The world has fallen in the dark side, This is The Beginning of The Age of Evil"

After those people opened the gate of earth for the evil lord all the spirit of the dead religious leader gathered their power and cursed them, the man who started all of this scene he had a dream from all those leaders, who cursed him that as he started all of this he will be stuck in this age and will be the one who will experience all the worst atrocities and be alive and even if he dies he will reborn in different body and will not gain freedom in this life until he suffers all of the atrocities in this evil age, and then the man suddenly woke up from the dream, he started to sweat and he went to the bathroom washed his face and looked in the mirror and, he was surprised he saw an arrow on top of his forehead he was scared and thought that he might really have been cursed but he still thought that lord will protect him but unlucky for him that was not the case for him which he will face later.

Few days after the dream while he was travelling through the forest he spotted a woman traveling alone with a bike, he started having thoughts of kidnapping her and rape her and later kill her and sell her body parts, so he started hitting her bike and made her fall then he quickly came out and hits her with his baseball bat on her head making her unconscious and draged her in his car and also took her bike ao he can sell it later, and after he reached home he took the woman in his bedroom and tied her hands and feet and covered her mouth and made her awake then he proceeds to rip her clothes but as he ripped her top he got scared and stepped backwards few steps, then the girl started laughing and turned into a wendigos scaring him, he then took out his weapon and shot at it but nothing happened to it then the still laughing wendigo raised its hand and raised the guys in the air and tore apart his hands and legs still keeping it alive,

The man shouted loudly in pain but he couldn't do anything ,Then the wendigo caught his legs and started eating it and cleared it in few minutes then he also ate his hands, the man was disgusted and started vomiting seeing his body part gets eaten then the wendigo ripped his head from his body giving the man more pain makeing him cry, the wendigo still hungry feasted on his body and in the end it ate the man still alive head killing him, after the man died he thought he will be free but as he was cursed he understood there was no freedom for him because of the thing he has done he was suffering the everlasting bad Karma he has done.

I hope you reader's are liking my first chapter of the novel if you like it then please don't forget to comment your honest review about the chapter and how do you feel about this chapter.

Have a good day

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Alone_0ccreators' thoughts