
Short Info

Kingdom: Wisteria


Power Levels for mages

Beginner level

Intermediate Level

Terror level

Calamity level

Forbidden level

Sacred level

NB:has 3 tiers per level

Power Levels for Beasts

Intermediate level






NB:Has 3 grades per level

Noble House and their Base Cities

Anderson House- Blue City

Lee House. -Emerald City

Allen House. -Whioor City

Green House. -Greter city

Ross House. -Westown city

Simmons. -Aerilon

Andres -Aquador

Crimson. -Rivendell

Snow. -Snowspell

Windward -Mystic City

Davis. -Alvarion

Chapter one: The Announcement

In a class of final year students in Mystic college, Mystic City a boy sitting at the back lazily feeling sleepy

Alex Blade,will you mind telling us the two most weakest Elements? inquired Mr Osborne homeroom teacher for the final year students

A dashing young guy stood up and said lazily wood and metal elements

Mr Osborne was angry.He disliked this boy cause he's the only one that shows nonchalant attitude towards the upcoming academy entrance exams moreover he had a strange element in which most people knew nothing about

He wanted to humiliate him in front of the class so he asked him another question which elements can never surpass the calamity level?

Alex replied"wood element" but in shock and disbelief that he got it,Me osborne asked again

Alex reply was the same thing."Can I sit now?"

Just one more question for you state the four classes of elements.Mr osbourne sneered he was certain that Alex was done for but the next thing shocked everyone

It's Normal,Anomaly, celestial and Fiends

He got it,he actually got it.Everyone in the class was puzzled including his best friend Sam Luther.You can sit now Mr Osborne said in defeat.Alex sat down and yawned just then the bell rang for the end of the period but before anyone could even stand up, Everyone I have an announcement to make your academy entrance examination is just around the corner so we are going to check your soul realm type and practice some hand to hand combat and team combats in the next two days.You have two days to get yourself a team and max members of a team is 4. Good day said mr osbourne.

Alex went straight home.His life wasn't roses like the fortunate ones.He and his sister were adopted at an orphanage and his adoptive parents were just average middle class citizens in mystic city.He awakened a fiend classified element which is disliked by all so he didn't have any friends except Sam who had a celestial element of space and time and was fortunate to be born into a wealthy family

Sam wasn't a royal nor a noble but his family is an upper class family.His father works at the magical guild in mystic city in the scientific research department.Yeah,I know. Pretty cool, right? He has a bright future ahead of him.Did I mention that we are age mates? I'm Alex Blade 17 years a shadow elemental mage.I have been cultivating in secret cause I plan to give my family a comfortable future although I'm just in beginner level tier 3 mage but that's not bad for someone my age but nobody cares as that is still considered weak not even close to average so the biggest moment of my life is here.The moment I have been waiting for is just in the next two weeks.Time to let loose.A wicked grin appeared on his face