
Chapter four

I think about us as I walk up to our room. I put his cup of blood next to him and eat my food on the window sill. After he finishes his blood he walks over and kisses my cheek. I smile at him and ruffle his hair because he's already bent over so I can reach his head.

"stop messin up my hair," Edward says standing but up straight.

"why it's my job to make you mad," I say trying to reach his head again.

"stop it!" Edward says moving back. I get up and jump only able to reach his neck. I grunt and grab a chair. I stand on it and jump and mess up his hair. He laughs.

"You're so small. it's just sad."

"hmph!" I just onto his chest grabbing around his neck. He chuckles and holds me so I'm not hanging. I smile and lay my head on him. He puts his nose on mine makin me look into his eyes. I smile and kiss his lips softly. I pull away and look at his pink cheeks. I giggle and hop out his arms.

I sit lay on the bed and close my eyes. he sits by me and picks me up holding me like a baby.

"Hey I'm not a baby."

"Yeah, you are your my baby." He says quickly I feel my cheeks get hot.

"haha, I made you blush!" I hit him softly but enough to make his shut up. He frowns for a bit then smirks.

"why are you smirking! whatever your thinking stop thinking it!" I yell I try to get out of his arms but before I can he starts tickling me. I burst out laughing and try to get away he holds me and tickles me.

I laugh my head off trying to stop him. I splash water in his face. he stops and stares at me for a second.

"That was stupid...yet effective." He says dumbfounded I laugh and hug him. I close my eyes for a moment then a bright light shines outside our window. I open my eyes and we run outside with weapons. I stop suddenly my eyes wide.
