
1. The Hermit Witch

'Magda, are you awake!?'

A voice called out from behind her shack's wooden door. Magda glanced at it, trying to remember who the voice belonged to. Though she had maintained a somewhat positive relationship with the townspeople of Vatd, they were unlike her - mortal. She often mistook people for their ancestors.

She looked through her ragged curtains to see one of the villagers. A strange young man whose first name she couldn't remember, but she knew his last name was Dalne. He had his grandmother's auburn hair and his grandfather's striking gray eyes.

Coming from a family of scholars, Dalne was certainly better off than the other people in the village. He didn't let that go to his head and Magda certainly saw potential in him, he had his ancestor's intelligence and the good looks to match.

'What is it, Dalne?' she asked. He looked more... disheveled than usual.

'The village has been attacked!' he exclaimed. 'Creatures came out from a portal, it's just like the news from the capital. They've destroyed some of the buildings, please - '

Magda nodded and cut him off by marching past him towards the village.