
The Aeternus Universe

The year of humanity is 2415, and DDVR and VRMMORPG's are commonplace now. It's extremely hard for a new game to come out and be successful. The greats of these genres have ruled for a few centuries now. A new game is releasing soon, and it has promise to be one of those. The Aeternus Universe. A Virtual Reality game has what you would expect from a game in this genre. However, some things make it special. One of those being the exploration and adventure through galaxies and The Aeternus Universe. Other games in this genre take it to fantasy and medieval times. This is set in a universe where there are super advanced technologies, spaceships, and Mecha suits—lost Alien tech ready to be found and claimed. Some of these all come together. The story starts 2 days before the release of the game, and with our protagonist—a 20-year-old male by the name of Scott Autumn. He is one of the few jumping from the current major game to this one. Seeing its potential for greatness and chance to be one of the biggest games on the market.

easyread · Spiele
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142 Chs


{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The following Chapters were voted for by my p-a-t-r-o-n-s. If you wish to also be included in the voting, head to my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. A couple of the following chapters will have R-18.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 100+ chapters.}

I feel a weight on my chest and a very pleasant sensation on my skin. I lift my head and open my eyes. I notice I'm sleeping on the couch naked. I see Jess in the same state sleeping on my chest. What we did comes back to memory. I raise my hand and pinch the bridge of my nose. This is a situation that I don't know how to handle. She is... Going to be... I can't even say it. It's little solace knowing that the baby will be perfectly fine when born. I'm not the type of man to abandon either. I doubt she'll get rid of it either.

I wouldn't want to use that option either. But once pregnant, the females of the Arn Zael get fiercely protective. There is no way out of this. She will surely be the same way. I lean un with her still on me. I hold her, so she doesn't fall. I turn and lay her on the couch. I use her clothes to cover her, and I pick up mine to get dressed. I stand up and stretch. I make my way into the kitchen and grab a glass. I fill it with water and chug it. I don't want to leave her without talking about what's happened, but I have something important to handle in The Aeternus Universe.

In fact, I bet I'm late right now. I set the glass in the sink and make my way to my bedroom. I hop into my gaming pod, and I load in. I'm in the apartment, and I immediately head into the workshop. I see a short alien with droopy ears. I walk up to him and see he is the Flight tester. "I take it you must be Scott. You have built a wonderful ship. Sadly, we'll have to reschedule for another day. How do two cycles from now sound?" Talk about a disappointment, but sometimes these things happen.

A cycle is another word for a day in The Aeternus Universe. Tomorrow I'm meeting with the representative from Aegis, so it works out if it's the day after tomorrow. "That works fine for me. Sorry that I wasn't here. I was... Preoccupied with something." The short droopy-eared alien nods his head and proceeds to leave. I look at Autumn's Fall and sigh. I was really looking forward to taking it for its first flight. I put my hand on it. "Only a little bit longer." I'm the only one to blame for this. I should have been here on time.

I bet Jess has woken already, and it might be good to give each other space. I make my way out of the workshop, and I head for the shooting range. I want to channel some of this frustration in a healthy way. Once there, I get a lane, and I start shooting the target. I hardly have to do anything due to the automatic aiming. "You look stressed." I hear the familiar voice of the blue-haired and tall female alien bounty hunter. She must spend tons of time at the range if she is here when I rarely come. She walks up and silently watches me shoot.

I holster my blaster and turn towards her. "I've just got some new developments in my life that I don't really know how to handle." I'm going to leave it at that too. She nods her head in understanding. She stands next to me and draws her blaster, and shoots my target. She looks at me in a challenging manner. I smile and draw my blaster too. We take turns, seeing who gets the better hits. Due to my auto-aim, it's easy for me to rack up a lot of points. She is quickly getting annoyed. She cusses and holsters her blaster as it finally runs out of ammo. I don't have to worry about that.

She crosses her arms and leans against the wall that separates the ranges. "You have some great talent kid. If you ever need any help locating someone, let me know. For a price of course." I chuckle. She must have a lot of customers with that business approach. She walks away and I actually feel better. Now that leads to thoughts back to reality, I got my sister pregnant.