
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 28 / the road ahead

The group continues through the forest with Vesper walking in the middle of them to keep her safe, with Andras leading the group. As they walk birds can be heard chirping their songs, squirls running around on the tree branches and butterflies flying around. After a mile or two of walking they come across a medium-sized river with an abundance of fish. "We shall rest here for a while to regain our strength" Andras states to the group. Kiyan, Hiroshi, and Lust get a small spot set up with a campfire to cook any fish they catch. Vesper sits down by the fire to rest with Andras sitting next to her. "How are you feeling sweetheart?" Andras questions vesper. "I'm doing okay father. How are you fairing?" Vesper replies as she rests her head on his shoulder. "I am faring well. I just cannot fully understand why they would do that to you. Yes, you were part daemon but the kindest by far" he wraps his arm around her holding her close to him. "Whatever their reason it was not valid enough for them to do that to me" she replies as they watch Kiyan, Hiroshi, and Lust fish. They see Lust push the boys into the water. The boys make a big splash in the water as Lust laughs holding onto her stomach. "you guys will get along well together on the journey ahead" Andras says as he laughs at the scene before him. Lust suddenly squeals as Kiyan and Hiroshi both splash her with water getting her soaked. "We all definitely will" vesper comments as she begins to laugh. The others join at the campfire Kiyan next to vesper, Hiroshi on the other side of Andras with Lust between Kiyan and Hiroshi. "That was worth it we all needed a good laugh" Lust states as she rings out her hair to dry quicker. "You are right about that Lust" Hiroshi agrees with lust. "Andras how did you get the ship you do not seem like one to travel by sea?" Kiyan asked Andras, curious to know more about the ship as he put some of the fish over the fire to cook.

"Well, I got it by making a deal with an individual that wanted to trade in exchange for a better life than what he had. I looked within his soul seeing that was all he had aside from his soul" Andras states while vesper listening as she watches the fish cook. Kiyan nodded "I see that is pretty merciful I'd say considering I'd have expected you to claim his soul." Kiyan said as he helped pass out their meals for the afternoon. "I can be when it's needed" Pride replies as he takes a fish. Vesper smiles as she holds her fish softly blowing on it. Lust and Hiroshi hold their fish thanking Kiyan. The atmosphere feels calm and relaxed for the group with clear sunny sky. Vesper looks up hearing birds singing and flying among the trees. "How does the world truly work?" Vesper questioned a loud lost in her thoughts. "We all may never know. but I'm sure we all can give it our best to help you" pride replies hoping to ease her mind. "Hmmmm, I don't know some mysterious are rather beautiful " Hiroshi stated Kiyan nodding as he rose from finishing his meal. "I agree and honestly I'm goanna wash up now it's reaching nightfall now. " The sun slowly drops down past the trees. "It is indeed" pride responds noticing the changing of light. Vesper stands up petting Kiyan's shoulder "be safe while freshening up okay" then she goes to help lust clean up around the campfire and made sure the tents are all sturdy with her father. After some time passes Vesper stands next to Hiroshi, she lightly covers her mouth letting out a yawn. "Do you need any help brother?" Vesper looks up to her brother. Hiroshi looked down at his sister seeing her tired expression he shook his head no. "Why don't you go check on Kiyan. He should be back by now it's dark out I'll get some firewood to keep the fire lit awhile longer before bed. " Hiroshi suggests to her with a small smile. "Okay I will" she turns around facing the direction Kiyan went. she takes a stroll over to where Kiyan would be. While she strolls, she sees fireflies fly through the air. Kiyan could be seen waist deep in the river with his back to the shore. He was looking out across the water watching fireflies dance above his white hair glistening in the reflections of the moon. Vesper pauses seeing Kiyan in the river for a moment life felt still.

she takes in the view before her * beautiful* vesper thinks to herself as her checks go to a Rosey color. She goes to open her mouth to speak but no words leave her throat. He shifted in the water wading deeper up to his neck now he was quiet not noticing her presence. From where Vesper stood, she could see Kiyan's attire drying on a limb from lust pushing him into the water earlier. Vesper smirks remembering that event. she moves closer to his clothes a small rock rolls from next her foot into the water. vesper freezes in place hearing it hit the water. she peeks over her shoulder to see if he noticed. Kiyan herd the gentle splash and assumed an animal had simply passed by as he looked over the water in the dim light, he dunked his head for a moment before slinging the water back leaving a spiked trail in his hair as he did, he sighed deeply as it echoed softly over the water. Vesper watches Kiyan as she gets a mischievous idea forming in her mind feeling free from the rules of heaven. She swiftly moves closer to the water as her idea begins to grow more. She pulls up her dress, tying it around her waist to make it into a short dress to help her move better in the water. She slowly slides into the river making little to no sound. She gracefully swims through the water getting closer to Kiyan with him facing away from her. She inhales a deep breath through her nose, then dives down to Kiyan's feet ready to hatch her plan. She grabs ahold of his feet pulling him down under water. Kiyan was drug under he spun around quickly under the water grasping vesper by her dress and pulling her tight against himself under the water covering her mouth and nose allowing his vision to adjust so he could see who or what it was he was in a defensive position. Vesper lets out a small squeak right before Kiyan's hand covers her mouth. She looks at Kiyan with a stunned expression as her heart rate picks up quickly.

Her hair looking loosely braided behind her like it is slowly coming undone. the mischievous gleam she had in her eyes is gone. She puts her hands on his hand that was holding her by her dress out of instinct. Kiyan stood pulling them both out of the water suddenly as he gasped for air releasing her from his grasp his hair wet and stuck in odd angles "Vesper" he said softly and quietly as his eyes adjusted again looking at her with the water at his shoulders. Vesper lets out a stuttered breath "Kiyan" she softly replies as her hands rest on Kiyan's chest. Loose strands of her hair cling to her face. She gives Kiyan a mischievous smile. His eyes seemed to shimmer as he looked at her white gown, now soaked. " Oh, dear your dress is drenched now." he said softly as he looked down at her. Vesper notices the shimmer, she tilts her head curiously, then looks down at her dress, thinking the dim moonlight caused a reflection of her dress in his eyes "It appears so. I probably should have taken it off beforehand. I guess I'll need to take it off when we go ashore" she states honestly as she looks back up to Kiyan's eyes. Kiyan's face was cherry red. " You realize that means you will have nothing to wear." As he looks down at her seemingly redder as it dawns on him, he isn't wearing anything either he was washing up. He was suddenly grateful it was dark. Vesper turns red realizing it "you have a good point" she thinks for a moment " I guess I could ring out my dress behind a large bush or tree then wear it back to camp then change in the tent" she suggests as a solution. "No. No. You'll catch a cold. Just take my shirt, put it on in its place and my coat, you will need it. " He said stepping back slightly. "Okay if you are sure" she sinks then bounces up kissing Kiyan's cheek then makes her way to the shoreline. She picks up Kiyan's shirt walking behind a bush that covers her only showing her shoulders and up. She changes out of her dress into his shirt. He sighed relief washing over him now that she wasn't so close to his exposed body. He was meant to love her but still he just couldn't break her pure spirit, not yet at least. "Vesper heads back into camp. I'll be there in a few minutes " he called to her as he waded up closer to the shoreline waist deep in the water now. "Okay Kiyan, see you in a few," Vesper says as she walks over to his jacket, putting it on with her back facing him. Her dress draped over her arm. She turns to head back to camp with her letting out a small yawn.

He climbed out from the water to shore drying rather fast in the chilly night air. He pulls his pants on and stretches. His mind began to wonder now they would be sharing a tent tonight and he had a mild problem that wouldn't go away. He jumped around and took a few deep breaths in the dark air he sighed his vision was much better then hers now she was mortal so he risked the darkness being his friend until the time came to rest hopefully by then this issue would solve itself. Hiking back toward the camp, his eyes adjusting as he sees the campfire's warm glow. Vesper goes over to the campfire laying her dress on a log by the fire to help dry it off faster. she sits Infront of the fire as she wraps Kiyan's coat tighter around her body. She inhales Kiyan's scent humming in content. Kiyan walked up with his hair wet in the firelight in just his pants as he sat beside vesper on a log. Watching as the fire began to dim. "Are you warm enough?" Kiyan asked her as Hiroshi brought over some logs tossing them on the fire. Hiroshi noticed vespers-soaked gown then glared daggers at Kiyan. "What happened to your dress?" Hiroshi asked mildly angrily as lust peeked out of her tent to see what the commotion was about. "I am Kiyan" she looked from Kiyan to Hiroshi she cleared her throat "I went to check on Kiyan and while he was in the water, I decided to sneak up on him while he was in the water" Vesper tells him hiding her red face more into the coat. "I didn't think to take the dress off" she says through the coat sounding embarrassed about that she didn't take the dress off. Hiroshi sighed almost sounding relieved that it was just that. Hiroshi looked at Kiyan asking. "Is that true?" Kiyan nodded. "Unlucky you would say. " Kiyan joked knowing vesper would not understand the joke. Vesper looks between the two. "Unlucky for what?" She questioned forgetting about being embarrassed a moment ago. While she watches the boys her eyes get a little droopy. "I'm unlucky that it's time for bed will you be resting with me, lust or your brother?" He softly asked with warmth in his gaze.

Vesper sees his warm gaze making her yawn " I'm not sure. Kiyan would need the rest of his clothes back if my dress is dry. I'm unsure how lust would feel on that. And big brother probably would be less paranoid about something. Do mortals always feel this tired?" she questioned sleepily trying to think fully through her choices. Kiyan nodded scooping her up in his arms. "Sleep is my only concern for you as of right now especially since you're still recovering. You're coming to bed with me Hiroshi can bunk with lust you are far too exhausted, and it smells like rain so it will be getting cold tonight." He said as he stepped into the small two-person tent and laid her on a soft pallet covering her up with fur blankets. Vesper hums in response to Kiyan picking her up. When Kiyan lays her down, she curls up in the fur blankets with a content expression. Her eyes drifting shut she reaches Her hand out towards where Kiyan would be. Like she needs to feel he's there for reassurance. Vesper tries to say goodnight, but it comes out gibberish. He slid into the warm bedding behind her holding her protectively so she wouldn't need to reach for him as he pulled his own soft feathered sown blanket over himself and her fur blanket ensuring her warmth as he held her listening as the rain began to fall with the fire dying out as it began to get colder outside, he began to doze off. Vesper awoke to the loud crack of thunder, a strange fear setting in her as she shivered something about thunder had spooked her. she was only in Kiyan's shirt and the breeze came into the tent cold as ever another loud crack was heard. She squeaked startled by its suddenness she grasped kiyan quickly around his waist he woke with a jolt as he felt fear grip him suddenly. Then he gasped slightly at her grasp clenching him he took a shaky breath as he pulled her hands away from his pants and placed them against his chest taking this as her invitation, he lifted her chin away from his chest and began to kiss her gently. "Don't rush this lets take as long as you need vesper.'' As the night continues on the rain poured down outside the tents. Vesper was startled by this Kiyan's breathing was thick and heavy and warm he was different in this moment was he just sleepy? His lips met hers and his touch felt almost needy, and she didn't understand when he said not to rush. He seemed off his deep breaths seemed to calm her mind they distracted her thoughts now. "Kiyan are you okay?'' she whispered and in response received a single nod as he seen her begin to shiver, he growled, and a warm glow could be seen like he was holding back a fire in his chest and he suddenly grasped her pulling her close his movements a little rough but she was mortal and he was so powerful it was difficult for her to imagine how hard it was for him to be so much gentler with her. Now that she was against him, he only prayed the warmth he made in his chest would be enough to keep her distracted and calm. No doubt lust could feel his aura and he would keep it that way just lust nothing more she was too fragile. He groaned tiredly against her neck to differ his thoughts and soon enough as he started to doze off the sun began to rise, and the rain had slowed to a stop. Morning birds sing their songs to greet the new day. Kiyan was snoring against vespers back sleeping fairly heavily now. Vesper takes in a big deep breath yawning. Stretching out her body then curled back up against Kiyan. She flutters her eyes open seeing that it's morning but doesn't get out of the blankets yet. Kiyan took in a heavier breath moving holding vesper by her waist his head resting gently on her chest he was sleeping soundly. Vesper smiles softly. She lightly pets his head combing her hand through his hair. "You look cute when you sleep " she says to herself. Kiyan was still sound asleep as Hiroshi peeked his head in. "I Thought I heard your voice. No worries about Kiyan he sleeps like the dead if you want to get up you can I was just packing things up and preparing some breakfast with sir pride. Or uh, your dad. " Hiroshi smiled as he looked at Vesper. Vesper softly smiled at Hiroshi "okay I shall join you" she gracefully moves out of Kiyan's grasp. As she gets out of the tent, she blinks a few times trying to get her eyes to adjust to the light then asked Hiroshi. "Did you sleep well brother?"

"Yes, once lust finally fell asleep, I slept well. " He said with a bit of hesitation in his tone as he relit the fire then hung Vesper's dress near it to dry properly once more. "Andras intends for us to leave shortly after breakfast so we can make it to the port in the town by dinner and have a proper meal." Vesper raises a curious eyebrow at his tone "are you alright brother? that sounds about right on fathers plans to get us there as soon as we can." she states as she looks at her dress drying. She slowly unbraids her hair running her fingers through it like a comb trying to straighten it out. "I'm fine. Now get packing while I cook vesper, or we will be late" Hiroshi chides her as he cracks some wild bird eggs over a hot pan then lays down some dried meat that begins to sizzle. Vesper chuckles grabbing her now dry dress heading back to the tent to change back into her dress and pack. she quietly enters the tent, so she does not disturb Kiyan. She closes the tent door then begins to change back into her dress. once she's done changing, she folds Kiyan's shirt and coat laying them next to him then goes to pack her bags. Kiyan would remain asleep through the whole time. Meanwhile, lust was packing her tent and blankets close to vespers bags. Vesper hears lust packing up and steps out of her tent walking over to lust. "Morning lust did you sleep well?" Vesper questioned curiously while fiddling with her hair. "Oh, I slept great dear did you enjoy your night?" She said smiling as she folds over her thin case bag. "It was different sleeping next to Kiyan and I'm glad you slept well" she smiles back to lust.

"Different? Oh, how so? " Lust asked as if hanging onto every word as if it were special. "And sweetie you can call me Lilly no need for too many formalities we don't seem to call Kiyan wrath all the time. " She smiled to vesper. "I usually sleep alone unless I was scared, I would run to Hiroshi for safety as a child. but it felt different but I'm unsure how to describe it. you do have a point Lilly and that name is fitting for you" vesper states honestly as she ponders thinking on it. Lilly smiled once more as she helped Vesper pack and held out her hand to her. " You know vesper sleeping with a man can be more than just sleep. But for now, we should wake him." She replied waiting for Vesper to take her hand. vesper looks confused but takes Lilly's hand. "If you say so Lilly. I guess it will be something I will learn in the future" Vesper states sounding curious. "let's go wake Kiyan, I'm sure waking him will be interesting" Lilly states with mischievous tone. "Of course, waking up the angriest and likely the grouchiest man on this earth will be the finest thing you have ever done. " Lilly said kicking the tent stake sending the whole tent collapsing onto Kiyan then running away with vesper in tow laughing. Vesper tries her best to keep up with her "that's not what I had in mind on waking him" Vesper says panting between breaths as they run. She looks over her shoulder where the tent was concerned. Lilly finally stops and pulls them both behind a large tree laughing like a child. "Now that's comedy." Lilly laughed out as she looked over to vesper. Vesper thinks about it and starts to laugh the more she thought of it. "Wow I didn't know you had a sense of humor," Vesper replies calming down some.

"I'm glad you're unwinding, finally you needed to de-stress you have been so tense lately. " Lilly said with a soft smile as she sat under the tree for a moment with Vesper sitting next to her. "True my world got flipped upside-down. But I have you guys, I am forever grateful for that even though I'm weak in a way." Vesper says letting out a relaxed sigh feeling like she did in her dream with the wolf. "Well don't feel weak you're the strongest person I know. No one else could have gone through that and keep going on with what you went through. even Kiyan has his weak points I can tell. " Lilly said as she got up stretching. "We better head back now breakfast is likely done and there likely done packing" Lilly states to Vesper as she stands up to. "Thank you, Lilly that means a lot to me. You are right we should head back they're probably wondering where we took off to especially Hiroshi and Kiyan." Vesper replies stretching her body out. Vesper thinks for a moment about what Lilly said. "What kind of weak points do you mean? does it have to do with his daemon side?" Vesper questioned curiously with her eyes full of curiosity. "it's a gut feeling but, I think it is something of soft nature" Lilly states as she turns heading back to camp with vesper next to her. As they get closer to camp, they can hear yelling. They both look at each other confused since it does not sound like Kiyan. They continue to walk seeing the boys arguing then getting scolded by Andras. "How are you both not fully ready to leave and the girls are. I expected the girls not to be ready since they don't travel often like you both do." Andras lets out a frustrated sigh pinching the bridge of his nose. He then turns to see the girls have returned from the woods. "And where have you two been all this time?" Andras questioned vesper and Lilly sounding upset. The boys turn around seeing them Kiyan giving an angry glare staring at Lilly. "Lust what gave you the idea of collapsing the tent that I was sleeping in" Kiyan says in a bitter tone making Andras raise an eyebrow at the girls. "Is this true Lilly?" their ways a short pause before anyone spoke "I did I thought it would be fun and to get vesper to relax some." Lilly gave her reasoning for her behavior. Kiyan didn't snap but softened a little at the thought. Vesper notices Kiyan's expression change making a mental note. "Very well let us all eat quickly and get going the sooner we get to a city then to the ship the better it is for us. It won't have a lot of resources for travel if we go straight to it though" Andras states as he grabs a few bowls passing them out to everyone to eat. Everyone eats their breakfast after some time goes by, they are on the road again. "Lilly, you did not teach my little sister anything dirty in the woods, did you?" Hiroshi questioned Lilly not really trusting her at all. "If she wanted to know something I would tell her. wouldn't you want it to be me or one of us explaining it? Instead of a stranger that could do worse to her in the end." Lilly replies honestly as she walks ahead behind Andras. Hiroshi raised his finger up to argue but did not say a word as he thought about it more.

He silently agreed with her statement with them continuing through the woods. After several hours they make it to the outskirts of the city of Argo. As they get closer to the gates the sky gets cloudy, and the wind blows in frigid air. The group noticed the change in temperature they huddled closer together with vesper tucked under Kiyan's jacket to keep her warm. Vesper looked up at kiyan for a brief moment still thinking about Lilly's words on how he had a weak spot but he was so strong and it showed seeing he didn't bother to put anything on other than his large red coat with his pants and he had a natural kind of warmth maybe that was his draconic side putting off heat. Vesper wasn't aware though that among humans kiyan hiroshi lust and pride all had an aura they gave off and they were all very attractive by mortal standards unaware vesper was very beautiful as well among standard mortals as well this was unique to the supernatural but vesper had never needed or been informed on why. "I have a feeling the weather will get worse. Let's go to a few shops for clothes and supplies" Hiroshi suggests as they enter Argo through the city's gates. The group looks around to find a variety of indoor stores. They walk in feeling the warmth from the store's fireplace. "I'll take vesper with me to get lady clothes and such. While you three get your things you may need" Lilly states as her and vesper head off to woman's clothing stores. The boys look around for extra clothes and winter gear for the trip in the stores nearby. Lilly leads vesper around finding several pairs for them to wear. While Lilly pays for their clothes, Vesper takes a set of clothes to the changing room to change her clothes. After a few minutes later she returns to Lilly wearing thick cotton made pants, shirt with a fur coat and hat. Lilly turned around to see Vesper with a smile. "don't you look adorable. Come along, we need to meet up with the boys. While we are at it let's get some snacks on the way too" Lilly states with vesper beside her with their bags on their backs. They look through various food venders purchasing food and snacks. The boys meet up with the girls at the last food vender selling candy. "Ready to go Lilly, vesper?" Andras questioned as they were wearing warmer clothes for the weather. "almost" Lilly replies as she buys a bag of candy. "Okay now I'm done were to next?" Lilly replies as she pops a piece of candy in her mouth. "We need to head to the cliffs by the docks it is their hidden in a cave." Andras states as he leads them through the town to the docks. The ships at the docks range in many sizes from big too small. Some of them are fisherman ships while others were importing goods for the city. "There are so many ships here" vesper comments in awe as she sees how many different ones there are. As they get closer to the dock's Vesper starts to feel unwell. She slows down her walking to a full stop.

The others stopped walking then turned around to see that Vesper stopped moving. "Vesper are you all, right?" Andras asked concerned for his daughter. The group gets closer as Kiyan gets a closer look at vesper. He could hear her breath low and heavy. He placed his hand on her forehead, feeling that it was hotter than normal for mortal to have. "Andras let's find an inn to stay at vesper is unwell and She has a high fever" Kiyan informs Andras of vesper's condition. "Agreed there is the seven seas inn down the road." Andras offers knowing the layout of the city well. "Then let us get going so she does not get worse." Hiroshi replies as Kiyan scoops vesper up bridal style in his arms. Vesper grunts from the movement "I'm fine. I can walk." Vesper tries to protest. Lilly chimes in "oh no you are not well at all" the group makes their way to the seven seas inn. Andras holds the door open ushering everyone inside. "Welcome to seven seas inn. What can I do for you today?" the receptionist question as the group walks up to them. "Yes, we would like to book a family sized room please." Andras asked politely to the receptionist. "Yes, we have one left open. It has three rooms and a main room. Will that one work?" They questioned Andras. "Yes, that will work perfectly fine" Andras replies as he pulls out coins to pay with. He hands them the payment for the room. "Thank you, sir please enjoy your stay, in the seven seas inn" they said cheerfully handing him the key. Andras nods leading the group to the room. He opens the door leading them into the main room.

Kiyan dashed to the couch in the main room so everyone could keep an eye on vesper. Kiyan gracefully lays her down on the couch being careful not to make her feel sicker. Hiroshi grabbed a basin filled with icy water with a small towel setting them on the coffee table next to Kiyan. "Hiroshi help me remove her coat She will overheat at this rate" Kiyan says to Hiroshi slowly lifting Vesper's torso up. Hiroshi nods then helps Kiyan remove his sister's coat laying her back down when they were done. Andras walked over, grabbing the towel dipping it into the cold basin. He squeezes out the extra water from the towel. He softly places it on vespers forehead. She lets out a relieved sigh from the cold feeling towel. "That feels nice" vesper mumbled feeling some relief from her fever. Everyone feels relieved that it's helping her some. "We will need to stay here until Vesper gets well again" Lilly states while she stands behind the couch. "True, but we will be at risk of being found out. There's no telling if they have watchers already hiding in the city." Hiroshi replies low with concern in his tone trying not to worry vesper. "We will take the risk. None of us want to put Vesper in a worse condition than she is already in" Kiyan comments as everyone silently agrees with him. "let's all turn in vesper will be okay here for now that way who ever wakes up first can check on her" Andras states as he gently pets vespers head who is now fast asleep. "you guys can head to bed. I wish to watch over her for a little while longer" Kiyan states softly not looking up from vespers sleeping face. Everyone nods understanding Kiyan's wish. "Do not stay up too late we all need to be well rested for the road ahead of us" Andras softly chides while everyone heads to the bedrooms to sleep. Kiyan nods as he dips the warm towel into the cold basin. He squeezes out the excess water then puts it on her forehead. After several minutes he lightly kissed Vesper on her nose then softly states "rest well Vesper please be all right" he quietly strides to the room that Hiroshi went into sleep.