
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 27 / A day to remember

Meanwhile at the cottage in the forest Kiyan had ahold of Abaddon by the back of his shirt tossing him into the tree for a third time for his mouth. Abaddon was worse than any sailor Kiyan had dealt with before. Hiroshi is in the house making drinks for them. Kiyan is standing in front of Abaddon with a bokuto in his hand. Abaddon holding his bokuto in his hands lunging at Kiyan. Kiyan side steps smacking him in the back making Abaddon tumble to the ground. Abaddon groans hitting the ground then He gets up quickly growling in frustration "why can I not land a hit on you at all" Abaddon says while he continues to swing his bokuto in different directions trying to get the upper hand on Kiyan. Kiyan swiftly dodges and blocks all his attacks "because you are fighting a dragon of the crossroads boy" Kiyan replies in a matter-of-fact tone dipping down swinging his left leg out knocking Abaddon on his rear end. Abaddon tries to get up quickly as soon as he tries to move only for Kiyan's bokuto to lightly tap on his chin. "And your training is not fully complete to begin with for the mortal world. You may know the world's ways of life; however, you do not understand the world's willingness to survive at all costs" Kiyan lectures Abaddon then removes his bokuto from Abaddon's chin. "Yes, I do I help keep the heavens safe from monsters and people like you!" Abaddon shouts at him in anger. Kiyan's face darkens upon hearing his words. "You only know a fraction of the world Abaddon. You know nothing of others struggle to survive!" Kiyan shouts back reaching down grabbing him by his shirt pulling close to his face growling. A few minutes later Hiroshi comes out with a tray of drinks for them. "Okay you two time for a break from training" Hiroshi states as he steps outside setting the drinks on a table near them. "Very well Abaddon come rest for now" Kiyan commands him over picking up a cup himself to drink. Abaddon huffs stomping his foot at him in defiance. Kiyan glared at him making Abaddon feel small under his gaze. Abaddon makes his way over taking a cup for himself. "Now see was that so hard to do?" Kiyan smarts off to Abaddon. "Whatever I will know if it is poisoned or not you traitors" Abaddon said glaring bitterly at them as he takes a drink. "it is not brother we are not like that" Hiroshi stated glaring at his little brother. "You would have to have a bounty on your head for that boy. You are fortunate that it has not happened yet however, it will if you keep this behavior up" Kiyan warns Abaddon then takes a drink from his cup. "The heavens would never do that to one of their own" Abaddon retorted to Kiyan's statement. "The heavens are not the only ones that do bounties for their hunted. If you would pay attention to your teachings and visits to the mortal world you would know this already" Hiroshi states sighing at his brother's words, then takes a drink from his own cup. Lust appears out of thin air next to Hiroshi "not that bright, is he?" she questioned bluntly about Abaddon. Kiyan gives a neutral expression to Lusts sudden appearance. While Hiroshi and Abaddon jumped startled by her sudden presence. "Holy fruit stars do not do that Lust. You almost gave me a heart attack" Hiroshi complained as his heart beats, thumping loudly in his chest. "Aww I did not know angels could have those. I should do it to you more often than" Lust chuckles at Hiroshi patting him on the shoulder. Abaddon stares at the group dumbfounded. "I knew you were a traitor brother. but I did not think you would stoop that low in aligning with a sin lord" he barks at Hiroshi in anger. "Wow for an angel of god you are very easily irritable" Lust remarks as she stares at Abaddon's angered expression. "that's enough banter for now. Lust what is the status on vesper?" Kiyan questioned Lust in a serious tone. "From what I seen she was surrounded by males flirting with her while her mother watched" Lust responds to Kiyan's question.

"Why mother this is unreal of you to do" Hiroshi complained rubbing his face with his hand in frustration. Kiyan's expression darkens letting out a feral growl making the ground lightly shake. "I knew mother wanted her to stay in the heavens, but I was not expecting that to be honest." Abaddon admits astonished by what he had heard his mother had done. "But wait it gets better after they tried to serenade her. she pushed them away telling them she does not want them she wants her Kiyan" Lust smiles having told Kiyan she was not swayed by them. Hiroshi and Abaddon appear shocked to hear vesper fought back against their mother. "That is good to hear that she is defending her choices more. Did Narina really think she could be one hundred percent successful, swaying vesper like that?" Kiyan asked aloud to the brothers. "She probably thought she could achieve that since she refuses to be with hers" Lust remarks looking at her nails. "If you saw how she acted when our little brother tried to attack Kiyan. She looked like she was about to kill him" Hiroshi states as he jabs his thumb in Abaddon's direction. Kiyan watches everyone as they continue to talk to each other. He feels uneasy like something is off then suddenly his heart thuds heavily in his chest like he's having a heart attack. Lust, Hiroshi, and Abaddon see Kiyan's condition go bad. Kiyan fell face first into the dirt almost like he had died there on the ground in the midst of their conversation. After a few minutes, the pressure and pain slowed down. "What happened Kiyan?" Hiroshi questioned with concern on his face while he rolled Kiyan over. Kiyan takes in deep jagged breaths trying to think a voice growls out in his mind *something bad has happened to our vesper* Kiyan straightens up with his face going dark. "We are heading to the heavens to get vesper back something has happened to her I can feel it" Hiroshi and Lust shared a look nodding becoming serious. "You stay here Abaddon we will talk more when I return with vesper" Kiyan commands as a hand comes out of the ground grabbing Abaddon taking him inside the house. Kiyan stretches out his draconic wings taking flight with Lust and Hiroshi in tow behind him. The group makes their way to the gates of heaven Kiyan standing in front of the gates. Kiyan raising his fist about to strike using his punch as he is about to hit the gate. He instead round house kicks the gates using his punch as extra momentum increasing his striking power. The gates fly off their hinges and clatter on the ground twenty-five or more feet away from the entrance. Kiyan does not hold back his rage as they move through the heavens looking for any signs of vesper. "The secret side of me, I never let you see. I keep it caged but I can't control it. So, stay away from me, the rage is ugly. I feel the rage and I just can't hold it" Kiyan sang as he begins to fight off some of the angels coming for him with Hiroshi and Lust fight along with him by his side. "It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls. It comes awake and I can't control it. Hiding under my skin, in my body, in my head. Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end? I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I hate what I've become, the nightmares just begun. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I feel like a monster. I, I feel like a monster" Kiyan roars in rage at the angels scaring some away while he looked like a pissed off demonic dragon. Hiroshi and Lust take flight looking in different directions to find any trace of vesper's whereabouts.

"My secret side I keep hid under lock and key. I keep it caged but I can't control it. Cause if I let him out, he will tear me up, break me down. Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end? I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I hate what I've become, the nightmares just begun. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I, I feel like a monster. I, I feel like a monster" A large group of angels ganged up on him fighting to try to keep him down. Kiyan pulls in his energy and releases it creating a strong energy force sending the angels flying colliding into walls, pillars, buildings, and statues. Hiroshi and Lust continue searching for vesper fighting off anyone that gets in their way. "It's hiding in the dark, its teeth are razor sharp. There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, it wants my heart. No one can hear me scream, maybe it's just a dream. Maybe it's inside of me, stop this monster. I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster" Lust returns to Kiyan having no luck finding her. She fights alongside Kiyan defeating every angel in her path hoping Hiroshi has better luck than she did. "I hate what I've become, the nightmares just begun. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I've going to lose control, here's something radical. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I feel like a monster. I feel like a monster. I feel like a monster. I, I feel like a monster" Kiyan's voice goes darkly deep singing. Him and Lust stop moving as angels leave the area like they're more scared of what is in this area than them. Hiroshi meets up with them stating "no luck so far but we should not have to worry about any more angels from here on out. This area is highly restricted for anyone but the council of elders" Kiyan nods lightly to Hiroshi's report. "Hiroshi use your sibling sight and find her" Kiyan commands him with authority in his tone. Hiroshi closes his eyes focused on vesper soul after a few minutes he opens his eyes takes off in vespers direction leading Kiyan and Lust behind him.

Vesper wakes up in a room she's never seen before feeling like she was ripped apart on a spiritual level. Everything in her and soul hurt, she felt as if her wings were ripped off and her chest ached so bad. She groans sitting up from the table she was laying on looking around the cold dark room. She hugs herself, feeling violated and torn apart remembering what happened before she passed out. She begins to sing weakly to the cold empty air. "Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed. Late at night, I toss, and I turn. And I dream of what I need" she takes a deep breath then thinks of Kiyan. She gets off the table a little wobbly but stands her ground feeling encouraged by the thought of Kiyan. "I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's got to be strong; he's got to be fast, and he's got to be fresh from the fight. I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's got to be sure, and it's got to be soon, and he's got to be larger than life. Larger than life" she finds strength within her as she begins to move and dance around imagining Kiyan is with her dancing by her side in charming suite. "Somewhere after midnight. In my wildest fantasy. Somewhere, just beyond my reach. There's someone reaching back for me. Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat. It's going to take Superman to sweep me off my feet, yes. I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's got to be strong; he's got to be fast, and he's got to be fresh from the fight. I need a hero" she reaches out for Kiyan's hand. He takes her hand pulling her closer to him. Then continued dancing hearing rumbling sounding like thunder rumbling in the distance.

"I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's got to be sure; it's got to be soon, and he's got to be larger than life. I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. Up where the mountains meet the heavens above. Out where the lightning splits the sea. I could swear that Kiyan is somewhere watching me. Through the wind, the chill, the rain, the storm, and the flood. I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood" she hugs Kiyan feeling like she is warm and safe in its presence. Vesper and Kiyan begin to ballroom dance around in the dimly lit room. Meanwhile Kiyan, Hiroshi, and Lust are closing in on her location as they can barely feel her presence. "I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's got to be strong; he's got to be fast, and he's got to be fresh from the fight. I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's got to be sure; it's got to be soon, and he's got to be larger than life. I need a hero" The illusion spins her around disappearing leaving vesper fully alone. She stops spinning to where her back is facing the door. "I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's got to be strong; he's got to be fast, and he's got to be fresh from the fight. I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's got to be sure; it's got to be soon, and he's got to be larger than life. I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night" vesper finished singing with tears rolling down her face. The doors burst open hitting shelves near the doors vesper slowly turns seeing a silhouette with Ryuji's oversized jacket flaring out like wind was blowing through it, long red hair flowing around his body to where it looked like fire is dancing around him. She tries to take a step closer, but she suddenly loses consciousness mid step falling towards the floor. The silhouette bolts forward relieving it is Kiyan. He catches vesper in his arms holding her like a fragile porcelain doll. Hiroshi moves closer to vesper checking her vitals announcing "she has a pulse also she needs a lot of rest. Let us return home and go from their brother" Kiyan only nods fully focused on being careful with carrying vesper in her weakened state. Kiyan burst through the gates once more Hiroshi and lust quickly behind leaving smoke trails to prevent the others from tracking them back to the cottage.

Once back in the safety of the cottage living room with Abaddon missing. Hiroshi and Lust stayed in the living room as Kiyan carried vesper to their bedroom. He gently lays her in the queen-sized bed pulling the quilted blankets up to her waist to keep her warm as she sleeps. Kiyan gently holds onto vespers' hand, softly rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. After an hour Hiroshi comes into the room with bowls of soup in a tray, setting it on the nightstand by Kiyan and vesper. "Kiyan, I brought food for you and her. You should eat while she's sleeping so you can recover from all the energy you used up" Hiroshi gently talks to Kiyan trying to encourage him to eat.

Vesper walks through the empty space in her mind. The sky looks dark with tiny lights while the ground ripples like water as she moves through her mind. "Hello?" she asked aloud looking around for anything to help her understand as she wonders through her mind. A deep howl could be heard nearby making Vesper turn to see a large black and white wolf staring back at her. Vesper looks scared and begins to back away then the wolf speaks to her in a calm voice. "Do not be afraid young one I do not wish to harm you" vesper stops moving away from the wolf questioning them "how can I trust you when other people who I trusted have betrayed me?" Vesper replies sounding broken. The wolf looks at her thinking then replies "let me show you young one" the wolf howls loudly vesper flinches at first but relaxes feeling the howl resonates with her soul. After a few minutes, the wolf stops howling Vesper looks to the wolf feeling different like a new spark had been lit within her. "Run with me" the wolf turns around and takes off away from vesper. "Hey, wait!" Vesper hollers as she starts to run after the wolf. As she ran after the wolf, she felt weak at first. However, as time goes on, she can feel herself getting stronger. She begins to smile, feeling better as she is catching up with the wolf. They ran side by side, the empty space changed into a lush forest. She stops running feeling the grass beneath her feet. She takes in a deep breath of the forest air feeling calm and at peace with herself. The wolf walks next to her sitting beside her speaking "remember young one this is your safe space from the wicked outside world." Vesper looks down at the wolf with a content smile. "That is comforting to hear. I like this; however, I miss Kiyan. Can I see him?" Vesper questioned the wolf hoping she could see him. "Yes, all you must do is wake up. Your body is in a safe place. Your loved ones are nearby" the wolf replies as they fade away from vespers sight. Vesper sits down leaning against a tree trunk thinking closing her eyes making her world fade to black emptiness.

Vesper takes in a deep breath as she slowly opens her eyes. Then she sits up slowly looking around the room noticing she is in her father's cottage now. "Well at least I'm not in heaven anymore" she shutters a sigh of relief. Vesper pulls a pillow to her chest feeling hollow from her angel and daemon side being ripped out of her body by force. She hugs the pillow tighter as tears begin to flow down her face. The door gently opens to revealing Kiyan and Andras walking in. Andras stands at the foot of the bed waiting for Kiyan while he looks at Vesper with concern etched into his features. Kiyan softly closes the door behind him then stands beside Andras. "What has happened my daughter she looks unwell?" Andras questioned Kiyan looking between the two. "I do not know the full extent of what happened. I know something happened over our bond that affected me heavily" Kiyan replies with uncertainty. "They tried to remove my daemon side of me. Resulting in them taking away both types" vesper speaks just above a whisper looking down at the bed sheets with tears cascading down her face once more. A few minutes later after the men finish processing what vesper said happened. "They did what! How dare those holy flying monsters do such a thing to her!" Andras roars out in anger pacing around the room. Kiyan watches Vesper as she does not even flinch at Andras's outburst. Kiyan begins to feel Andras's anger fueling his own rage. Andras continues ranting and pacing vesper looks up speaking softly "father", but it did not reach his ears. As time continues Kiyan feels the rage reaching him from the village nearby, he can faintly hear them all angry about various things that upset them. Vesper speaks a little louder "father" still to no avail to her father, on the other hand Kiyan heard Vesper speak.

Kiyan begins to feel overwhelmed by all the rage he was feeling shouting at Andras "Andras vesper is trying to speak to you!" Andras stops his ranting, turning around realizing what he was doing. "Oh, right my apologies I got overly pissed off with what they have done to my daughter they had no right" Andras says apologetically but still upset. Kiyan holds up his hand stopping Andras "I am very aware of that and the villages anger nearby I can feel their anger too" Kiyan states bluntly trying to recover from feeling overwhelmed by it. Andras nods to Kiyan taking a deep breath to calm down some. He turns his attention to vesper "what do you need sweetheart?" Andras asked with a soft tone. Vesper looks up at her father asking, "father can you help us escape the holy land for everyone's safety?" Andras ponders thinking then replies "yes, I can. There is a ship that I have hidden in the cliff side. That you can use since I have no use for it currently" vesper faintly smiles with Kiyan sighing with relief. "We all will need to pack light. So, the track is not too hard on vesper while she is recovering" Kiyan states concerned for her wellbeing. Andras walks to vespers' side hugging her tightly with her hugging him back. A few minutes later they let go of each other and Andras says "I will inform the others of the plan and get them ready" Andras walks to the door leaving the room. Kiyan moves next to vesper side softly not to scare her. he gently places his hand on her cheek, his thumb lightly brushing against her skin. "Do you feel okay to see if you can walk vesper?" Kiyan asked her with concern in his voice looking over her features. She leans into his touch missing the contact "I can try to Kiyan; can you help me try?" she replies to him honestly.

"I shall catch you if you feel uneasy with standing" Kiyan states as he steps back to give her room to walk with his hand extended out towards her for her to hold onto. Vesper looks at his hand reaching out her hand placing hers in his. She turns her body to where her feet are touching the floor. She takes a deep breath pulling on Kiyan's hand to help her up. Kiyan holds onto her firmly but, gentle like he's holding a small dove in his hand. She stands up fully giving a small smile feeling a little happy she can stand. Kiyan lightly smiles with her demeanor being happier. He watches her closely noticing her legs are leaning on each other at the knees for support. "Let me know when you are ready to take your first step?" He spoke with a calm gentle tone to give her encouragement to try. Vesper nods letting him know she is ready to move around. As she takes a few wobbly steps forward Kiyan helps keep her steady while she walks about the room. After some time passes by Kiyan and Vesper get some bags ready for the trip. Kiyan helps her pack her bag then attaches it to one of his bags. Vesper looks up at him with a pout resembling a sad kitten. Kiyan sees her pouting at him thinking *do not give in to her pout stay strong* he takes in a breath "I will carry it for now until I know you can carry it okay? I do not want you to overwork yourself considering what happened to you" he reasons with care to help her understand that neither of them knows her current limits are. She looks at him defeated replying "you have a good point, Kiyan. If this is all we need for now let's go to the others and head out" Kiyan nods opening the door for her. she walks through the doorway with Kiyan behind her carrying the bags on his shoulders. Hiroshi, Andras, and Lust turn to face them with them carrying their own bags on their backs. "Are you two ready to travel to Andras's ship?" Lust questioned Kiyan and Vesper waited patiently for their reply. "I think we are ready to go the sooner we leave the better we all are safe" vesper states calmly to everyone. Everyone nods agreeing they all head out the front door one by one stepping off the porch to where vesper remains on the porch. Everyone turns to watch her, waiting for her to take her first step, taking control of her own life. She takes in a breath stepping off the porch feeling the fresh morning grass under her feet. A familiar energy from her dream returns feeling revived from a state of slumber. She runs up to the group with newfound energy in her aura. The group smiles as she reaches them seeing she is in better spirits than before. Andras leads the group in the direction of the ship.