
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 19 / angelic visitors

In the temple of crossroads, a monk gently knocks on Ryuji's door. "Enter." Ryuji said solemnly sitting on his throne. The monk gracefully enters the room approaching Ryuji. "a letter appeared in the temple with your name on it" the monk states bowing his head holding up the letter that has feathers attached to it. Ryuji stood up from his throne. "Read it to me monk." Ryuji commands as he begins to walk over to Kiyan's body. the monk opens the letter reading it aloud to him "dear Ryuji I wanted to send you this letter in person informing you that I would not be able to bring Kiyan back. from what the others have told me that he was marked as banished from the heavens. I am sorry I could not do more to help. sincerely Vesper" He sliced a piece of Kiyan's long white hair off attaching it to a new letter writing. "His soul walks among us." he whispers it to himself. "How soon do you want it sent? the weather has not fully calmed down yet and is not safe for travel" the monk asked him as noticeably light rumbling from the storm can be heard. "Hand me that feather." Ryuji speaks to them. the monk kindly hands him the feather it looked to have blotches of red on it. He tied them together then swiped his finger over the feather. "To Vesper." Ryuji commands it to vanish in a plume of smoke. Ryuji sees the red on his finger with a hint of blood smell to it. He lifted his hand frowning as he looked at his son. "You are in danger if your soul dies, I cannot help you, my son." He walks back to his throne and sits in thought leaving the blood on his hand as a helpful reminder.

The sunrises over the cottage as the clouds slowly disappear. while Pride sits on the porch in his elven form smoking from his pipe. Kiyan walked up from behind his appearance bed ragged. Like a guest of wind, he was back to looking as nice as he did the previous day, even his pants where fresh black leather though he was shirtless this morning. "Good morning Andras." Kiyan says but with a different voice speaking through him. " Morning rest well Zuko" he looks at Kiyan as he lets out a puff of smoke noticing it is Kiyan's grandfather. "Yeah" Zuko yawned stretching. "That's good tell me what your plans are now that you're back? I know yours and Kiyan's goals will be different" Andras questioned with himself looking tense. "Hmmmm well firstly I'd like to know why we are at war with the Angel's again. I thought I settled the last dispute. " Zuko said in a matter-of-fact tone as stretches casually. "Yes, you did on the last one. I have a new dispute with Narnia" Andras states bluntly. "Your wife?" Zuko asked confused by his statement. "Yes, she's been keeping me from seeing my daughter and saying my daughter is a human hybrid. a lot has changed after you died" Andras replies with his jaw tightening resisting to growl. "You have a daughter?" Zuko questioned mind blown about this information. "Yes, the angel you saw in the house is my daughter. she got caught in last night's storm and is gravely injured" Andras smirks at Zuko's reaction. He sticks his head through the doorway. "I can heal her for you." Zuko offered to help.

"As much as I would like you to, I will have to decline. her mother and siblings will be looking for her and I wish to keep up this ruse that me and Kiyan have for now" Andras tells Zuko with a sadden gaze. "Then it will be Kiyan's power I use to heal her. What is he coming up with elves? What a clever boy I met the elves once fun trivial things to taunt." Zuko chuckled as he approached where Vesper slept, his aura darkening. "Yes, he is, be gentle with her I must warn you about something else as well" Andras states calm tone. while Vesper looks peacefully asleep with her bad wing lays on top of her. "Tell me then." Zuko said holding his hands over her injured wing as they lit into white hot flames of Kiyan's power. "She is Kiyan's your grandsons' mate" Andras states taking a puff from his pipe. He stopped dead in his tracks "My grandson has a mate. He is so young still I met him once before my soul was torn. now he is powerful. " The flames intensified at the words mate. "From what I gathered their marks appeared when he died in her arms" Andras winces at the thought of that kind of pain sending a chill down his spine. Zuko's eyes widened in disbelief. "Kiyan's soul is tainted because he is clinging to mine for guidance that is why his soul is not marked." Zuko said, placing his hand on her wing mending it. "True but he knows she is his mate. when we saved her. Kiyan is conflicted on what to do" Andras informed him of Kiyan's feelings. "He needs to find his body and his soul must reenter otherwise he may be extinguished from existence entirely like I was." Zuko said darkly. "He said his body is under the crossroads tree in the temple" Andras stated to him as he breathed out smoke from his pipe. "He did sure pick a complicated place to die" Zuko shook his head in disbelief. "I do not think his death was something natural" Andras states walking inside seeing she is all healed as she moves in her sleep with the tare in her shirt showing the tattoo mark.

"You could ask her." Zuko suggested while he finished healing her then cracking his knuckles. "That is true I can when she wakes. if her mother doesn't appear any time soon" Andras says suddenly they heard movement from outside. "We need to leave now." Zuko whispers under his breath with Vesper yawning, sitting up rubbing her eyes "I will be back keeping an eye on her please" Andras tells Zuko as he walks outside onto his porch. Zuko nodded and slid into a defensive stance, his hands lit with black flames. Andras looks around trying to locate the source of the sound "please reveal yourself and state your business here" Andras commands the unknown to reveal themselves. "My names Hiroshi I am looking for my sister have you seen her sir?" Hiroshi replies to him with a bow to the older man out of politeness. "What is her name Hiroshi" Andras asked in a calm tone nodding back being polite then walks up to him. "Vesper." Hiroshi said with his eyes lighting up with hope. "Yes, I have her currently being healed by my nephew. she was found severely injured from last night's storm" Andras states to him taking in a deep breath. "She is hurt. I must see her right away." Hiroshi states pleadingly about to move his way to the house. "Please wait till her healing is done. we do not like to always show the healing process young Hiroshi" Andras puts up his hands in front of him to stop him from moving past him. "Oh, your elves I am sorry your grace." Hiroshi says in surprise as he bowed again this time much lower. "it's all right you didn't know. can you tell me why she was out in the storm last night" Andras inquired him to see what he knew. "She was sending a letter out when mother told her no, but her heartbreak is driving her to do wild things because of it" Hiroshi looked at the ground ashamed of himself for letting her slip by.

"I see it must have been especially important for her to go that far" Andras replies wanting to know more. "Yes, it was to inform Kiyan's father that her mate was not permitted into heaven due to the fact he was banished." Hiroshi said tearing up. "She will be all right now, but she will need to stay here for a few days just to make sure everything is stable. we can heal wounds but not emotional that takes time" Andras puts a hand on Hiroshi shoulder trying to comfort him. "It's my fault Kiyan died he took the blame, but I was there too I should have been banished with him this would have never happened." Hiroshi began to break down in the elves' arms. "Shh as much as we all want to change the past it happens for a reason" Andras says patting Hiroshi's back in comfort. "I apologize sir I should go tell my mom I found my sister and that she is recovering under your care." Hiroshi said pulling away gently feeling a little better. "it's alright please let her know what I have informed you ok?" Andras tells him in a collected tone. He nodded, taking flight into the clouds above. Zuko walked out and stretched doing morning stretches his hands no longer a flame. "Well, he was guilty. Vesper is awake by the way." Zuko stated overhearing the conversation "I don't blame him either. That is a lot of pressure put on his shoulders" Andras replies as he walks up going into the cottage to check up on Vesper while Zuko stayed outside. Andras approaches Vesper quietly as she inspects her wings. "He did amazing work mending you up young lady. You could have lost your wing if he wasn't as careful as he was." Andras smiled at her.

"That is true thank you so much is there any way I could repay you both for your kindness" as she looks up at him with her wings wrapping around her. "Come with me to the mountain Temple as a guest to pay respects to the dragons is most honorable thing to do." He suggests to her an idea. "I can do that Iro" she smiles at him with warmth. "Umm do you have any clothes I c-could wear Iro" she looks down embarrassed to ask. "My nephew might have something more your size come with me." They then raided Kiyan's bag of clothes. She follows Iro to look for clothes. "If I may do all elves live separated or in groups?" she asks curiously. "In groups me and my nephew were simply banished." Iro replied as he found a long shirt that would work as a dress on her frame. "Why banish you both are kind elves to me" she looks at the shirt nodding then takes it. "Sometimes doing what you feel is right is seen as wrong by others." He simply states with a sad tone. she nods, heading to an empty room to change after a few minutes. she comes out in the new clothes on and her hair in a long French braid that almost reaches the floor. "When should we leave?" Vesper asked Iro, looking toward his direction. "Let's get Zuko and then we can head out now." He says, giving her a satisfactory answer. "Okay," she replies as she walks outside to where Zuko was. "Zuko, Iro says we all are going to head to the mountain temple today" she says aloud to Zuko. Zuko was on the ground gracefully collapsed. "Are you alright Zuko?" she questioned as she got closer leaning down lightly touching his shoulder. "Hmm? Yes, only tired." Zuko said to her slightly tired. Then he felt the grass and leaped up, suddenly freaking out. "Sorry to have startled you that wasn't my intention" she states startled then she looks down feeling bad for spooking him. "Iro says we will be departing soon for mountain temple" she repeated to Zuko. "Oh, okay I will get my.... you're wearing my shirt." Zuko said, noticing she was wearing his shirt. "Sorry Iro said it was the only thing close to my size. since my old ones were shredded" she looked down blushing. " No, it just…it looks great on you. " Zuko said quickly in a flattering way. "Thank you Zuko" as she fiddles with the end of her hair shyly.

"Let's go." He jogged inside, grabbing his things with Iro meeting Vesper outside. Vesper giggles at Zuko's new energy then she looks up at the sky holding out her hand as an envelope appears in her hand. Zuko saw it and his eyes widened upon seeing it. "I wonder what's in it" she opens it to see what is inside of it. He looked at Iro then back to Vesper. "What does it say?" Zuko asked curiously. "His soul walks among us with a lock of Kiyan's white hair" Vesper replies while she holds the envelope open showing Kiyan's white hair. "Whoa." He looked at Vesper then Iro then he said. "Uncle can we talk." as he walked back inside. "Yes, excuse us Vesper" Iro says to Vesper as he follows him inside as she stands outside waiting for them. "What is wrong Kiyan?" Andras asks as soon they are out of ear shot. "How does my father know I'm alive? And on earth?" he said conflicted. "Your body must be showing signs since you said it was at the tree. we must get you there" Andras suggested to him as an idea about it. "Do you think it may be keeping my body alive?" Kiyan asked stunned thinking about it. "It's possible Kiyan and if it is true that means you can be reunited with Vesper" Andras states in a happy tone. Kiyan's eyes gleamed with hope at this revelation. "Let's go." Kiyan went back outside so excited he ran right into Vespers wings gripping them to balance himself again. Andras follows as the pressure on Vespers' wings causes her breath to hitch and stutters out a slight moan causing her to turn red. Kiyan's eyes became huge shocked by what just happened. "I Am So Sorry." he apologized, backing up with his hands up in surrender.

"Please be careful Zuko her wings seem to be very sensitive" Andras says sounding a little upset. "Are we ready to go guys" Vesper red as a cherry not for sure what just happened. "Ye...yeah..." Kiyan said red as a tomato as he started walking ahead. She follows the guys, being quiet most of the trip. They get to the river that only a few weeks ago he had saved Vesper's life crossing he stopped staring at it. "Will you both be safe crossing?" As she gets ready to swim across. He nodded still in his flashback. She touches Zuko's shoulder before walking into the river with Andras doing so himself. Kiyan breathed in deeply, he stepped onto the water walking atop of it he looked to Pride worried then to Vesper with a smile. Vesper stares at Kiyan for a moment before her and Pride swim across the river. When they all get across Vesper and Pride stare at Kiyan in surprise. "Just an old trick we should keep moving." Kiyan states giving a simple answer. "okay" she says as they continue to walk, she shakes her wings dry. He keeps walking dry as a whistling while they begin their hike up the mountain. They walk side by side as she fiddles with her hair trying to ease her anxiety slowly building up. "Something wrong Vesper?" Kiyan asked as they climbed with Kiyan helping Andras with the steeper parts of the mountain. "Just a bad memory coming back to me" while she tries to look tuff she lets go of her hair. "Like oh I don't know falling off the mountain?" Kiyan guesses in a smart-ass tone. "No when I reached the top waiting for his father, I lost him" she said trying to bottle up her feeling holding back tears "Come on Vesper lives are never truly lost forever we are reborn with new ones." Kiyan says to give her his hand to help her up.

"Not if it's somewhere I'm not allowed to tread" she replies as she takes his hand holding it. "The roads are all connecting it's just dusting it off that needs the most work." Kiyan said as he grabbed Andras shoulder to help him as they began to scale up the steeper part of the cliffside. "I guess so" she mumbles while she holds on tight as they get close to the top. Kiyan pulled himself up with Andras onto a ledge with a small cave and set Vesper down on a rock near the entrance of the cave. "Uncle we should camp here tonight we have come a long way today." Kiyan comments to Andras. " Very well Zuko" Andras says as he walks further into the cave. Vesper moves forward a little and stops. "Something wrong Vesper?" Kiyan asked her as he gathered rocks building a circle then pulled extra wood from his pack. "I'm not sure anymore Zuko" she states with a sigh looking lost in thought. "It's going to be okay Vesper; we won't let you down I swear." Kiyan stated to her determined with a smile. She smiles back at him. "I know but my mom is going to want answers to why I disobeyed her words and may get stuck in the heavens for a while" she says in a sad tone as she sits a good distance from the cave. He sat down with her. "Sometimes you have to open up your parents' eyes, so they realize you're not a child but a lady or a gentleman like my uncle. " Kiyan chuckled trying to lighten up the mood. "I know I'm just simply scared too. I do not know if she herself is ready to hear it" Vesper replied while she lightly chuckles leaning on Kiyan. "Then I'll tell her for you." he said smiling puffing his chest out looking super strong. she takes a deep breath "thank you, Zuko your very kind" Vesper says in thanks as it sounds like she is getting tired. "Let us go get some rest. I am sure uncle wants us to shut up right uncle?" Kiyan asked Andras who was already laying down ready to sleep. " preferably" Andras admits as he looks like he is about to go to sleep himself.

Kiyan offered Vesper his hand. "Let's go." he stated softly. she gently takes his hand as He walked her inside laying down two bed rolls side by side for them. He let the fire burn down as he looked at Vesper gently yawning at himself "Good night angel." she lays down on her roll bed "good night my friend' she tiredly says as she falls asleep. The night was quiet and peaceful into the early morning. Kiyan woke up early before everyone he stepped out doing his morning stretch routine. sometime later a light yawn can be heard then the sound of movement. Kiyan had just finished his routine as he looked down at the mountain side. She walks up near him speaking to him in a soft tone. "Good morning Zuko" "Good morning angelic Vesper " Kiyan said stretching and yawning as he arched his back stretching. "Did you sleep well?" Vesper asked him as she stretched her wings out. "Like a rock." He said with a cheesy smile. she giggles at him "I bet you did. thank you for saving me when I was injured" She thanked him with a smile. "You're welcome, you got to come here with us in the end." He replied in a happy tone. "True it's the least I could do for you both as payment for your kindness" She admits happy to be able to repay them. "This trip is for enlightenment." He states a little bluntly to her. "True hopefully the enlightenment equals to something good for us both" she states with a sigh standing next to him "I agree." He smiled softly at her. "Uncle Iro time to get up" he shouted into the cave. Andras jolts getting up stretching with a yawn "I'm up" Andras states grumpy as he walks up to them. "Alright let's get moving." Kiyan says as he walks ahead of them. Vesper and Andras share a nod as they start walking up the path. Kiyan suddenly slipped at a narrow point of the cliff and fell. Vesper flies down catching Zuko "gotcha Zuko" she states grinning as she brings him back up to where Andras is. He dangled under her then he swung from her hand to the cliffside. "I'm such a klutz I'm glad uncle asked you to join us." Kiyan smiled up at Vesper who was in the air still. "True I would be sad to see such a good person pass too soon" she hovers along the edge to make sure no one else falls again. Andras feels relieved that Kiyan is ok remembering his promise to his grandfather.

They reach the top they decided to take a break for water and to sit down outside of the temple. "Isn't it amazing Vesper. this temple is huge built on some real sacred stuff" Kiyan says with enthusiasm in his voice. she gently lands on the ground next to them "yes, it is one of the few places I have visited. it is utterly amazing" Vesper tells them while looking at the doors. "Well Uncle let us head on inside." Kiyan states with them walking up a monk stops them at the door. "State your name and your business here." "I, Zuko, and Vesper are here to pay our respects and are in search of enlightenment" Andras bows with Vesper bowing as well in respect. Kiyan's gaze narrowed at the monk as he bowed but it came out more like a head tilt. "Vesper our lord awaits you. elves" the monk replies to her kindly then spat at Kiyan. Thinking he is an ill-mannered elvish "You may enter and pay your humble respects to lord Ryuji you are in his daughter's presence so be respectful." The monk turned tail leaving as Kiyan stuck his tongue out at the monk childishly. "Thank you we will" Andras says as he pulls on Kiyan's ear for his childish behavior as they enter the room. "Ow" Kiyan said as he looked at Andras with a glare. As they walked down the hall following Vesper to the throne room. Andras lets go as he follows behind Vesper. Kiyan's pace slowed as the other two went ahead of him he opened a smaller door leading into a dark room and walked in vanishing from their view. Vesper walks ahead not noticing his disappearance. they reach to the end of the room Andras and Vesper bow their heads in respect to Ryuji before entering. They stood at the vast door, but it was closed. Meanwhile Kiyan stood in his old bedroom as he walked to his bed, he sat down holding his head. Vesper lightly knocks on the vast door waiting for a response. Ryuji opened the door and looked down "hello dear. Who is this did you bring a friend?" Ryuji asked gently smiling down at her. "Yes, his name is Iro he's one of the elves that saved me in the storm" she looks behind her now noticing Zuko is nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Zuko?" Vesper questioned Andras now looking behind him putting his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "Zuko?" Ryuji questioned recalling his father's name as a sly grin rippled over his face. "I bet I know." He replied to her question. Vesper tilts her head confused but curious and asked him. "Where could he be Ryuji?" Andras keeps a calm demeanor. "Right this way dear." He states as he walked back down the hall to a door that was cracked open a bit with ancient writing written beside it. She follows right behind Ryuji. Andras follows with a good distance giving respect. "Look here child can you read this inscription?" she looks at the inscriptions "it is Kiyan's room? I believe it says" then looks up to Ryuji to confirm if she read it right. Ryuji chuckled then states "Close it's actually his full name. Kiyan Zuko crossroads his middle name was given after his grandfather Zuko." She looks at the inscriptions in surprise. "Wow I understand why it is familiar for you Ryuji" she replies seeing the connection she begins to think "is Kiyan somehow alive?" she asked him as she looked at Ryuji with hope in her eyes but also a twinge of pain. Ryuji chuckled seeing how hopeful she was. "I think you brought his soul back with you." He said as he creaked open the door revealing the ghostly black apparition of Kiyan his physical body faded from existence. "Kiyan?" she asked, looking shocked as she slowly approaches Kiyan. Kiyan smiled with his shadowy self-wavering. "I said I wouldn't let you down. Now didn't I." Kiyan said reminding her of his promise to her she cries happy tears "Ryuji what do we need to do to bring him fully back" Vesper asked not looking away from Kiyan. Kiyan whipped her tears with his shadowy thumbs. "Well, I'm not sure he is walking the crossroads his body has changed spiritually. but physically it has not, the soul must return to the place it was left. but his body must be restored from the curse. you will need to seek out the teeth of a sea witch in order to restore his body so his spirit may reenter safely. " Ryuji relays the information to her. Kiyan looked at his father then vanished out of Vespers' arms. She nods knowing what she must do. "I will do whatever it takes for him to come home. where is the best place to find a sea witch?" she told him determined while she wiped the last bit of her tears away. "Well, the best place to start is at the sea. Andras, are you going with her?" Ryuji said seeing right through Andras's ruse. Andras tensed then spoke "was I that obvious? and I will go with her she does not know a lot about the outside world."

"You're clever but I am sure I have seen every disguise you may have used. Besides hiding from your own daughter is incredibly sad Andras. but Kiyan hid from her too so I am assuming it is for her safety but how can strangers keep her safer than loved ones." Ryuji raised a brow questioning his motives. Andras sighs in defeat. "She doesn't know who I am her mother kept that knowledge away from her all these years. She said no one should know of her true father but went with a human. I have tried in the past but failed. I do not want to lose ever see her again" Andras states to them with him growling angerly. while Vesper looks visibly confused at the conversation. "Simple solution your life mates remember you have your mark." Ryuji shrugged stating an obvious answer to his problem. "As simple as that sounds she was determined to not tell her I'm not sure why. I am proud she is my daughter and my only child. anyways we should get going soon so they can be reunited. They both have suffered enough." Vesper looks up at Andras "how are you my true father mother said daemons and angels do not mix. can you prove it?" Vespers ask sounding timid and shocked by the information. "They don't. That is why your mother left your father and took you with her. She hated the fact she loved him" Ryuji stating with shrug but agrees with Andras about their children's suffering. she nods taking in a deep breath "it makes sense now when I had my vision. When should we head out Ryuji?" Vesper replied, looking at them with understanding. Andras looks at Vesper with worry in his eyes. "Kiyan's waiting at the base of the mountain he cannot retain physical form here meet with him and head out as soon as possible. " Ryuji said gently to her. "His body will remain here, but it will only remain in a state of life for 2 more weeks you have until then to return." Ryuji warns her of the amount of time they have until it's too late. "Yes sir" as she walks out and heads down to meet Kiyan with Andras in tow behind her. "Goodbye dear stay safe." Ryuji said as he waved like a proud father "I will" she hollers back full of energy and Andras chuckling while they head down to the base of the mountain.