
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 16 / council meeting

Time goes into the late midnight hours everyone is sleeping but Vesper. She is still outside exercising to clear her mind and to get stronger. Kiyan walked outside yawning stretching then sees Vesper doing a single-handed handstand on a tree stump with her back facing his direction as the camp is fully clean and ready for the day. Kiyan walked up grabbing her by her waist gently holding her stable as he yawned again. "It's late." He said to her in a sleepy tone. "I don't feel tired dear. I have endured worse" while her body slightly shakes from being in that position too long. In a clean sweeping motion, he flipped her over and in a sudden moment he kissed her deeply on the lips. She was stunned for a moment, but she melts into the kiss and kisses back while her heart flutters. He breaks away his breath hot and heavy. She looks at Kiyan with a tender smile caressing his cheek. "I'm sorry for yelling at you I'm just overwhelmed is all." He admits softly to her with sincerity in his voice. "it's all right Kiyan. I deserved it for not telling you sooner" Vesper replies as she rests her head on his chest. "It was still no excuse to snap like I did my temper is just poor lately." He says upset with himself. "It is a lot to take in. I was the same way when I became a sin lady" she says able to relate to his feelings. "I have been working on my temper since I was seven, I have not snapped this bad since then. so, it's a big deal for me and I shouldn't have especially to you." He stated to her while softly combing his finger through her hair. "We will find a way to help with it. Okay, I promise" Vesper says determined as she kisses his cheek. "The council of Angel's left a letter for us while I was asleep." he says holding up a glimmering golden envelope. "Oh? what does it say" as she stares at the pretty envelope. "I'll wake Hiroshi then we will read it together." he says tossing a rock at the side of the cart where Hirschi's head lay making a loud thunk then Kiyan creeps over and shouts. "Hiroshi were under attack!" They hear Hiroshi bolts out of the wagon with his sword drawn and panicked look on his features.

"Where are the enemies" Hiroshi asked confused. Kiyan rolls on the ground laughing and tosses him the letter. Hiroshi gives an unamused look "wow Kiyan. what a wakeup call" he states as he catches the letter opening it to read. "Well, I have to make sure your still on your toes." Kiyan laughed while on the ground still. "Fair enough. just do not give me a heart attack in the process" Hiroshi sighs while Vesper giggles. "Well, Hiroshi go on read it." Kiyan urges Hiroshi to read it. "We have been summoned to the council, in heaven" he says surprised by the letter. "Summoned I wonder why they couldn't come see us?" Vesper asks confused. "Isn't it obvious it's a test to see if we will actually show up." Kiyan says standing up. "Like a daemon can easily get there. but if so, I can deal with it" she says sarcastically but hopeful about it. "Well let's get ready to go there" Hiroshi pipes up with enthusiasm. "Well, we need to hide the cart for now at least until we return" Kiyan stated thinking. "I can make it into a small item or make an illusion only we can see and find it" Vesper replies with a suggestion. "Really?" Kiyan asked intrigued by her idea. "Yep, get what you guys need out of the wagon first" she says as she picks up an empty bottle. Kiyan gets his satchel from the wagon. Hiroshi grabs his gear, a small bag of the angel's feathers, he backs up from the wagon. Vesper takes a deep breath as Kiyan stands back watching her. They both watch her cut her hand with a small dagger and start to chant making the wagon appear into the bottle then she lets out tired breath but shakes it off the tiredness. Kiyan watches mortified then looked down at his own hand that has a bright pink line on it from the cut feeling the slice as if it had happened to his own hand. She turns to the boys noticing Kiyan staring at his own hand "sorry not all spells' daemons use is easy some require more than words to use" His attention snaps back to reality as he runs his palm on his leather pants. "Right let's go now" Hiroshi pulls out a feather using it to transport the three of them to the heavenly domain.

Kiyan suddenly rips his wings free one draconic and one angelic in case the land in a no grounded zone his draconic wing far larger than his angelic one. Hiroshi grunts as his angel wings appear and Vesper's daemon wings appear as she sees the area surprised. Kiyan glides a little higher up from them to get his bearings better. She looks up watching Kiyan as Hiroshi looks ahead of him waiting for another angel to appear. Kiyan's wings flap once giving decent wind gusts as he rolls catching himself midflight unsure of how to fly without balance. Vesper grabs Kiyan is hands and helps him balance out. He takes a deep breath looking at her letting her hands go as his wings vanish sending him plummeting through the clouds below. She flies down grabbing Kiyan's hand keeping him from falling as her wings spread out more as Hiroshi flies after them. Kiyan sighed, speaking to Vesper. "I can't fly like this." Vesper and Hiroshi both nod agreeing with Kiyan. "I will be your wings for now okay" she pulls him closer to her with her arm under his and her tail wrapped around his waist.

"That is strange thing to happen Kiyan" they all fly back up waiting. Kiyan just sighed as he was held like a child. Vesper kisses his forehead in comfort "sorry dear. I have never seen this before" she tells him trying to soothe him. "No one has." He sighed then he suddenly shouted. "ORPHIUS I'm HOME!" an angel flies down to meet them. "Hey, Kiyan, good to see you again" Orphius turns his gaze from Kiyan to Vesper. "Hi Orphius, this is Vesper sin lady of Wrath also my girlfriend. " Kiyan states giving a cheesy grin. "Wow that's impressive considering from what I heard. how did you manage to tame a sin lady?" he asked curiously while he observed her. "Um... well about that I did not really tame her... it's this life mate thing dragons have and so it just so happened she was my life mate." Kiyan tried to explain to Orphius. "Wow that is pure luck then that you found her not everyone still has theirs or never met them yet in this lifetime. " Orphius smiles as Vesper does a small wave being shy now. Kiyan faulters in her grip as she waved then he fell from her grasp. She catches him again "sorry" as she turns red from embarrassment. He moaned. "Just set me down." she gently sets him down. as Hiroshi stifled a laugh at Vespers reaction. "I take it she's not used to this kind of exposure" Orphius says with a small smirk. "Not really." Kiyan takes a few steps back and his wings rip free once more blood dripping down his back as his wings blended draconic angelic like on the battlefield and he sighed relived. Vesper shivers as Hiroshi laughs at her more. she sticks out her forked tongue childishly at Hiroshi. "How are you doing Kiyan" Orphius asked as he sees the other two acted like siblings. "I've been better." he said as he ripped off his torn shirt his chest littered with scales like it was a disease.

"it's a good thing you could make it. the council has many things to talk about" Orphius says in a serious tone. "I'm aware." as he glances up at Vesper and Hiroshi. "She is safe as long as she is with you or him. some of the others will not be as nice as I am no matter what the council says" as Hiroshi and Vesper chase each other like siblings. "I understand." his voice becomes dark. Orphius sighs "try to be calm ok friend no one wants things to go sour. Based on what I'm seeing she doesn't seem to really fit as a sin maybe a family member of hers was before her. any ways let me take you to the council court" Kiyan nodded and in one powerful flap he was airborne and took off from memory to the council. Orphius flies next to Kiyan as Vesper and Hiroshi follow them to the council court. As they get closer, they see the angels gathering for the meeting. Kiyan landed his wings half folded as he did, he spread them out entirely and shook the condensation from the clouds off and folded them in. Orphius, Hiroshi and Vesper land behind Kiyan. Vesper moves close to Kiyan being cautious. The angel of hope approaches them saying "glad to see you made it here" while the other angels including Orphius get seated. Kiyan's stays silent. All the Angels look toward the angel at the stands about to speak. " We are here today to discuss many things as well as help from an unlikely source " an older angel speaks starting the meeting. one of the angels that looks like scientist suggests "why don't we run tests on Kiyan and the daemon" some of the angel's nod agreeing. as Vesper starts to look annoyed growl and thinks *father was right* "what would that prove?" Hiroshi asks them confused. "It is against a dragons honor to do such things." Kiyan stands up his hands curling into fists. "You have no choice, it's either you give it willingly or by force" a heavily built angel speaks.

Vesper says," over my daemonic dead body!" As she stands in front of Kiyan hissing while bared out. "Why would any of you want to do that to them" Hiroshi pleads trying to understand. As some Angel's close in on Vesper and Kiyan ready to jump them. Kiyan turns to punch an angel as his wrist is grabbed, he goes to pull the angel off himself as another angel grabs his other arm and he is pinned. as the other angel straightened his arm prepping a needle. Vesper turns to the angels taking her sin lady form scaring some away from Kiyan. "You all have met your demise for threatening my mate" she roars out creating a black portal open the heavens to hell while fighting the angels off Kiyan. Kiyan partially shifts, beginning to slash away at angels. Through the portal emerges Pride and his army fighting the heaven Angel's taking them out one by one. In the midst of battle Pride meets his angel wife Narina again and the war comes to a standstill for them. As the deep council is held with Vesper, Hiroshi, Abaddon, Kiyan, Pride, and their mom, the spell that was laid by the daemon is broken. Then in a blinding crack of light it goes all the way back to when the younger brother Abaddon was about to make the deal with the daemon. It is interrupted by Hiroshi who did not lose his grace. This time only Kiyan did leave him to walk the dark road making Vesper an angel once again.