
The adventures of Emmanuel. Enchant legacy

DaoistlYoHDu · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 5. First day

Emmanuel, filled with an overwhelming sense of anticipation, awakens at the break of dawn, his heart brimming with excitement and his mind buzzing with the possibilities that lie ahead on his very first day of school. With meticulous care, he gathers his essential belongings, ensuring that he is fully prepared for the journey that awaits him.

As he stands at the threshold of his home, ready to embark on this new chapter of his life, Emmanuel's mother, Gia, lovingly imparts a crucial piece of information. She reveals that Enchant Academy, the esteemed educational institution he is about to enter, not only offers a comprehensive curriculum but also provides on-campus dormitories for its students. These private living quarters, nestled within the academy's sprawling premises, serve as the sole place of residence for the students throughout the entire academic year. The academy, in its commitment to fostering a focused and immersive learning environment, strictly prohibits students from venturing beyond its boundaries.

With a mixture of gratitude and a tinge of sadness, Emmanuel bids farewell to his parents, cherishing the warmth of their love and support. As he steps into the world outside, a world brimming with endless possibilities and untapped potential, he harnesses the power of his wind magic, allowing it to lift him gracefully into the sky. With each soaring flight, he feels a surge of determination coursing through his veins, ready to embark on a grand quest for knowledge, wisdom, and personal growth.

Upon his arrival at the prestigious Enchant Academy, Emmanuel was immediately struck by the sheer multitude of students bustling about the campus. The diverse array of faces and backgrounds painted a vivid tapestry of the student body. It was evident that within this sea of young minds, there existed a stark contrast in socioeconomic status.

As Emmanuel embarked on his quest to locate his designated classroom, he found himself traversing the labyrinthine corridors of the academy. It was during this expedition that he unexpectedly crossed paths with a teacher named Sheena. Sheena, ever the diligent educator, sought to gather Emmanuel's information for administrative purposes. However, time was of the essence for Emmanuel, and he politely informed her of his pressing schedule.

Undeterred by Emmanuel's time constraints, Sheena resorted to an unconventional method to ascertain his identity. She reached into her pocket and retrieved a mystical artifact known as the Mirror of Identification. This enchanted object possessed the extraordinary ability to unveil an individual's true nature and capabilities.

With a flick of her wrist, Sheena activated the Mirror of Identification, and its shimmering surface came to life, revealing a cascade of mesmerizing statistics. Sheena's eyes widened in astonishment as she perused the mirror's revelations. Despite his tender age of twelve, Emmanuel possessed an unparalleled affinity for all twelve elemental forces, a feat that was nothing short of extraordinary. Furthermore, his prowess in martial arts surpassed expectations, a rare accomplishment for someone of his youthful stature. Yet, amidst these remarkable talents, Emmanuel's origins remained humble, hailing from a family with limited resources.

Guided by Sheena, Emmanuel eventually arrived at his assigned classroom, his eyes scanning the room to take in his fellow classmates. It became apparent that, like him, many of his peers hailed from impoverished backgrounds, their faces etched with the hardships they had endured. However, amidst this sea of destitution, there were also students who lacked any magical abilities, rendering them powerless in a world where magic reigned supreme.

Emmanuel found himself assigned to classroom section 1-A, where Sheena, their esteemed class adviser, took center stage. With an air of authority and warmth, she introduced herself and proceeded to provide a comprehensive overview of the student demographics at Enchant Academy.

Within the academy's walls, three distinct categories of students emerged, each with their own unique circumstances and challenges. The first group, known as the low-class students, consisted of individuals who, despite their lack of magical abilities and modest upbringings, had managed to secure a coveted place at the academy through their unwavering determination and commendable character traits. Unfortunately, these resilient souls often found themselves at the mercy of bullying and humiliation, their struggles serving as a constant reminder of their societal standing.

The mid-class students formed the second group, their presence a testament to the academy's commitment to inclusivity and diversity. This cohort encompassed individuals from affluent families, recipients of prestigious scholarships, and prodigies who had garnered recognition for their exceptional talents in various fields. Their backgrounds varied, but their shared pursuit of knowledge and excellence united them in their quest for success.

Lastly, the high-class students comprised the final group, a select few who held a position of privilege within the academy's hierarchy. Whether they were royal figures or held close ties to royalty, these individuals commanded an air of respect and superiority, their lineage and status setting them apart from their peers.

Emmanuel, with a sense of self-awareness, acknowledged that he fell into the low-class student category, his origins rooted in a less privileged background. However, he refused to let his circumstances define him, determined to rise above the challenges that lay ahead.

As Sheena concluded her introductory remarks, she extended her heartfelt wishes for success to all her students. The resonating chime of the school bell marked the commencement of classes, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in their academic journey. With a final nod of farewell, Sheena departed, leaving the students to embark on their educational odyssey with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

As the classroom buzzed with anticipation, a new figure entered the room, introducing herself as Carmen, the esteemed mathematics instructor. With an air of confidence, she declared her intention to assess the students' intelligence using her extraordinary magical abilities. Carmen swiftly jotted down ten mathematical equations on the board, ranging from the simplest to the most challenging, each one designed to test the students' problem-solving skills.

Despite Carmen's request for a volunteer, the classroom remained silent, devoid of any eager participants. However, Emmanuel, ever the enthusiastic learner, boldly raised his hand, catching Carmen's attention. Impressed by his willingness to step forward, she beckoned him to come to the front of the class.

Carmen explained that she possessed a magical artifact, a headband imbued with mystical properties that harmonized with a mirror artifact in her possession. Placing the headband gently on Emmanuel's head, she instructed him to begin solving the equations. She emphasized that he had the freedom to choose which equations to tackle, or if he so desired, he could attempt to solve all ten.

Emmanuel wasted no time and delved into the mathematical challenges before him. With focused determination, he meticulously worked through each equation, his mind racing with calculations and strategies. Remarkably, within a mere five minutes, he had successfully solved all ten equations, leaving his classmates in awe of his mathematical prowess.

Carmen, astounded by Emmanuel's swift and accurate calculations, meticulously verified his answers, confirming their precision. As she gazed into the mirror artifact, she was taken aback by the reflection it revealed. Emmanuel's astonishing IQ of 98.9 shone brightly, comparable to that of a sage, a testament to his exceptional intellect.

With a nod of approval, Carmen instructed Emmanuel to return to his seat, his classmates looking on in admiration and amazement. As the hour-long mathematics class drew to a close, Carmen bid farewell to the students and exited the classroom, leaving behind a lingering sense of wonder and inspiration.

Emmanuel's unmatched intelligence had left an indelible impression on his classmates, igniting a newfound respect and admiration for his remarkable abilities.

As Sheena, their esteemed class advisor, gracefully stepped into the classroom, a hushed silence fell upon the students. Her presence commanded attention, and her words carried an air of authority. With a warm smile, she announced that she would be assuming the role of their instructor for both Physical and Magical Education, a subject that held immense significance within the academy's comprehensive curriculum.

Sheena emphasized the compulsory nature of Physical and Magical Education, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping the students' overall development. It was through this subject that they would not only hone their physical prowess but also unlock their latent magical abilities, should they possess any.

With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, Sheena directed the students to gather their belongings and proceed outdoors for their physical and magical evaluations. These evaluations would serve as a crucial benchmark, determining the extent of their magical capabilities and providing valuable insights into their potential.

As the students made their way to the designated evaluation area, a palpable sense of excitement and nervous energy coursed through their veins. The sprawling outdoor space was transformed into a stage of possibilities, ready to witness the unfolding of their hidden talents.

In the initial trial, Sheena conjured forth an extensive array of weaponry, their gleaming surfaces reflecting the sunlight. With an encouraging smile, she invited each student to step forward and try their hand at wielding these formidable tools. Emmanuel, ever the embodiment of grace and skill, approached the weapons with confidence, effortlessly maneuvering each one with finesse. His movements were a testament to his innate talent, as he effortlessly showcased unique techniques that left his peers in awe.

On the other hand, Edrian, a fellow student, found himself grappling with the challenges of managing the weapons effectively. His attempts were marked by a series of fumbles and occasional loss of balance, highlighting the stark contrast between his struggles and Emmanuel's natural aptitude. Despite the setbacks, Edrian persevered, determined to overcome his limitations and prove his worth.

Sheena, with her discerning gaze, observed each student's performance, taking note of their strengths and areas for improvement. Her guidance and expertise would serve as a guiding light, nurturing their talents and helping them navigate the intricate world of physical and magical education.

As the evaluations continued, the sun cast its warm glow upon the students, illuminating their journey of self-discovery and growth. Each trial and tribulation would shape their character, forging them into formidable individuals capable of harnessing their magical potential. With Sheena's unwavering support and the camaraderie of their peers, Emmanuel, Edrian, and the rest of the students embarked on this transformative path, ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead.

In the second trial, Sheena, the enigmatic teacher, summoned a mystical cube, its ethereal glow captivating the attention of the students. With a flick of her wrist, she commanded them to strike the cube, using it as a measure of their strength and power.

Edrian, a determined young student, stepped forward, his muscles tense with anticipation. He unleashed a powerful punch, pouring every ounce of his energy into the strike. However, to his dismay, the cube remained intact, and he was awarded a mere 5 strength points. The jeers and taunts from his peers pierced through the air, mocking his perceived weakness.

Kevin, another student eager to prove himself, followed suit. With a determined expression etched on his face, he delivered a forceful blow to the cube. Yet, like Edrian, he too fell short, scoring a mere 5 strength points. The laughter and ridicule intensified, casting a shadow over their spirits.

Emmanuel, observing the scene unfold, felt a surge of determination course through his veins. With unwavering confidence, he stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the cube before him. Summoning every ounce of strength within him, he unleashed a devastating strike, causing the cube to shatter into countless fragments. The collective gasp that escaped the lips of his peers echoed through the room, their disbelief palpable.

Undeterred by the astonishment around him, Emmanuel remained composed. Sheena, her eyes gleaming with intrigue, conjured another cube, this time more robust and resilient. She explained that the previous cube was incapable of truly gauging Emmanuel's strength, as he effortlessly demolished it each time. Instead, she proposed a new challenge - lifting the cube.

With a flicker of anticipation in his eyes, Emmanuel approached the new cube. He extended his hands, his fingers wrapping around its edges. With a display of sheer power and control, he effortlessly hoisted the cube, as if it were a mere cardboard box. The room fell into a hushed silence, the weight of Emmanuel's strength hanging in the air.

As the cube settled in his grasp, Sheena activated its enchantments, measuring Emmanuel's strength. The numbers flickered on its surface, revealing a staggering 899 strength points. The room erupted in awe and disbelief, for such a feat seemed impossible for a 12-year-old.

Sheena, her voice filled with admiration, commended Emmanuel on his extraordinary strength and resilience. She acknowledged that his power surpassed the limitations of the cube, leaving her in awe of his untapped potential. With a nod of approval, she concluded the trial, leaving Emmanuel and his peers in a state of wonder and anticipation for the trials yet to come.

During the third and final trial, Sheena gathered all the students and instructed them to place their hands on her crystal sphere to assess their magical abilities. As Kevin and Edrian touched the sphere, it remained dark, indicating a lack of magical prowess. However, when Emmanuel laid his hand on the sphere, it immediately radiated with a brilliant light before shattering into pieces.

Undeterred by the broken crystal sphere, Emmanuel quickly cast a restoration spell, not only repairing it but also enhancing its capabilities to measure even more potent magical energy. With the crystal sphere restored, Emmanuel placed his hand on it once again, and to everyone's amazement, he scored an impressive 800 magic points, a remarkable achievement for a 12-year-old.

After the assessments, Sheena proceeded with her appraisal. She acknowledged Emmanuel's commendable performance, while also exempting Edrian and Kevin from participating in magic-related subjects to prioritize their safety and well-being.

Moving forward, Sheena guided the students on how to access their status window, a tool that would assist them in tracking their physical and magical attributes, titles, and masteries. Intrigued, Emmanuel decided to give it a try. As he accessed his status window, he discovered that the blessings bestowed upon him by the gods were hidden by default, visible only to him.

Emmanuel soon realized that the status window bore a striking resemblance to the profile feature in the video games he used to play in his past life. It was a familiar and exciting discovery for him, as he began to comprehend the potential of this tool in his magical journey.

Just as Emmanuel was engrossed in exploring his status window, the school bell rang, signaling the start of a break. The students eagerly dispersed, their minds buzzing with newfound knowledge and anticipation for the adventures that awaited them in the magical realm of Enchant Academy.

During the brief respite from their studies, Edrian decided to explore the sprawling campus of Enchant Academy. Lost in his thoughts, he inadvertently collided with Stela, a high-class student renowned as the princess of Soleria. Edrian immediately expressed remorse for his actions, apologizing profusely for his unintentional rudeness. However, to his surprise, Stela dismissed his apology with a dismissive wave of her hand, her regal demeanor leaving no room for forgiveness.

With an air of authority, Stela informed Edrian that his disrespectful behavior would not go unpunished. She made it clear that there would be consequences for his actions, ensuring that he would learn a valuable lesson in respect and etiquette.

Summoning her loyal twin aides, Ken and Gwen, Stela entrusted them with the task of disciplining Edrian on her behalf. With a nod of understanding, the twins acknowledged their orders and prepared to carry out their princess's wishes. Stela, satisfied with her command, gracefully departed, leaving Edrian to face the impending consequences of his actions.

As Ken and Gwen prepared to unleash their magical prowess upon Edrian, a sudden turn of events unfolded. Just as the twins conjured a barrage of fiery projectiles aimed at Edrian, a radiant barrier of starlight materialized before him, deflecting the fireballs and shielding him from harm. The bewildered Edrian turned around, only to find Emmanuel standing resolutely behind him, his unwavering presence emanating a sense of protection and strength.

Emmanuel, recognizing the danger that Edrian faced, swiftly took charge of the situation. With a calm yet commanding voice, he instructed Edrian to flee to safety while he confronted the formidable twins. Trusting in Emmanuel's guidance, Edrian wasted no time and hastily retreated, his heart filled with a mixture of gratitude and trepidation.

Meanwhile, Ken, fueled by his determination to uphold Stela's honor, stepped forward to face Emmanuel. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a torrent of elemental forces, ready to engage in a battle of magical prowess. On the other hand, Gwen, driven by her loyalty to Stela, pursued Edrian with unwavering determination, her steps quick and purposeful.

As the stage was set for a clash between Emmanuel and Ken, and Edrian found himself pursued by Gwen, the fate of these individuals became intertwined in a web of danger and uncertainty. The echoes of their footsteps and the crackling of magical energy filled the air, signaling the beginning of a thrilling and perilous encounter that would test their mettle and shape their destinies.

Emmanuel swiftly evaded Ken's lunging attack, his reflexes honed through years of rigorous training. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned forth the fiery essence of his magic, channeling it into a concentrated beam of intense heat. As Ken's sword descended upon him, it met an unexpected fate - the metal yielding and warping under the scorching flames, transforming into a molten mass that dripped harmlessly to the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, Emmanuel capitalized on his adversary's momentary confusion. With a graceful motion, he extended his hand, conjuring a dazzling array of diamond shards that shimmered in the air like ethereal stars. The shards, imbued with his magical energy, shot forth with astonishing speed and precision, converging upon Ken from all directions.

Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, Ken found himself surrounded by a swirling storm of razor-sharp diamonds. Each shard, glinting with an otherworldly brilliance, sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, leaving no room for escape. Ken's attempts to defend himself proved futile as the diamond projectiles pierced through his defenses, leaving him battered and disoriented.

In a display of unparalleled agility, Emmanuel materialized before Ken in an instant, his movements a blur of speed and grace. With a surge of power, he unleashed a devastating punch, channeling the full force of his magical abilities into the blow. The impact reverberated through the air, resonating with a thunderous boom as it collided with Ken's chest.

The sheer magnitude of the strike sent shockwaves rippling through Ken's body, his form crumpling under the overwhelming force. The once formidable warrior now lay defeated, his strength no match for Emmanuel's unwavering determination and mastery of his elemental powers.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the battle faded, Emmanuel stood tall, his chest heaving with exertion. The complex dance of magic and combat had tested his skills to their limits, but he emerged victorious, a testament to his unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit.

After careful consideration, Emmanuel made the resolute decision to actively pursue the whereabouts of Edrian. With a determined mindset, he embarked on a quest to locate his friend, fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, Edrian found himself ensnared in a labyrinthine maze, a seemingly inescapable dead end. To exacerbate matters, Gwen, fueled by an intense determination, relentlessly pursued him, her eyes filled with a menacing glare. Gripping her dagger tightly, she poised herself to strike at any given moment, her intentions clear and ominous.

In a twist of fate, Emmanuel materialized out of thin air, his presence unexpected yet timely. With a swift and calculated motion, he hurled a diamond towards Gwen, striking her on the head with precision. The impact momentarily disoriented her, providing Edrian with a fleeting opportunity to break free from the clutches of his pursuer. However, Gwen's tenacity remained unwavering, as she swiftly recovered and resumed her relentless chase.

In a display of extraordinary power, Gwen teleported behind Edrian, her dagger poised to deliver a fatal blow. Yet, Emmanuel, ever vigilant and protective, intervened once more. With a wave of his hand, he conjured a formidable wall of ice, effectively blocking Gwen's attack and safeguarding Edrian from harm.

Undeterred by the setback, Gwen, fueled by a mix of fury and determination, made the audacious decision to confront Emmanuel directly. Engaging in a fierce combat, she launched her dagger towards him, aiming to strike him down. However, Emmanuel, harnessing the cosmic forces at his disposal, effortlessly crushed the weapon, rendering it useless. In a retaliatory move, he unleashed scalding water upon Gwen, causing her to emit a piercing scream of agony. Unleashing his lightning magic, Emmanuel summoned a bolt of electrifying energy, which he hurled towards Gwen with precision. The impact of the lightning bolt triggered a powerful electro-charge reaction upon contact, resulting in Gwen's ultimate defeat.

As a consequence of the intense battle, both twins, Ken and Gwen, were swiftly transported to the school's medical facility to receive urgent treatment for their injuries. Ken, in particular, required surgery to extract any diamond fragments that had infiltrated his body, while Gwen's skin was in dire need of specialized therapy to counteract the adverse effects of the electro-charge reaction.

News of the incident quickly spread throughout the academy, permeating the halls and classrooms, eventually reaching the ears of Amy, the esteemed head mage. However, despite the gravity of the situation, Amy deemed it unnecessary to impose immediate disciplinary measures, firmly believing that time would naturally resolve the underlying issues at hand.

Emmanuel's courageous actions swiftly became the talk of the academy, captivating the attention and admiration of his fellow students. His bravery and selflessness earned him widespread praise and adulation. Conversely, Stela, who had played a role in the unfolding events, found herself met with disdain and disapproval from her peers.

Emmanuel and Edrian serendipitously cross paths at the bustling school park, where a chance encounter sparks a heartfelt conversation. Edrian, brimming with gratitude, expresses his profound appreciation for Emmanuel's unwavering assistance in times of need. In response, Emmanuel humbly acknowledges Edrian's kind words, stating that his actions were merely a reflection of his unwavering commitment to the greater good.

As fate would have it, their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Kevin, a charismatic and observant individual who joins the duo. Kevin, deeply moved by Emmanuel's admirable actions and remarkable skill, takes a moment to express his genuine admiration and appreciation for his newfound friend.

United by a shared sense of gratitude and admiration, the trio forms an unbreakable bond of friendship, vowing to make the most of their leisure time during the ongoing break. With a collective sense of excitement and anticipation, they eagerly embark on a journey of exploration and adventure, determined to create lasting memories together.

Fast forward two hours, and the day's classes have drawn to a close, signaling the end of another eventful day. Sheena, there class adviser, leads the trio to their designated dormitories. To Emmanuel's astonishment, he discovers that both Edrian and Kevin have been assigned to share his room, creating an unexpected twist of fate.

Upon entering the room, they are greeted by a cozy yet compact space, which necessitates the efficient utilization of every available inch. Undeterred by the limited room, the trio embraces the challenge with enthusiasm, brainstorming creative solutions to maximize the functionality and comfort of their shared living quarters.

In this intricate tapestry of friendship, chance encounters, and shared experiences, Emmanuel, Edrian, and Kevin embark on a journey that promises to shape their lives in ways they never could have imagined.

Meanwhile, following an extensive period of treatment, the twins were finally discharged from the hospital. As they returned to their dormitory, Princess Stela wasted no time in confronting them about their failed mission. With a tinge of disappointment in her voice, she expressed her dissatisfaction, emphasizing that the task had been straightforward and yet they had managed to fall short.

In their defense, Ken stepped forward, offering an explanation for their actions. He revealed that an unforeseen intervention by another student had unexpectedly hindered their progress. Gwen chimed in, adding that she had managed to catch a fleeting glimpse of the student's name tag, which read "Emmanuel." She went on to elaborate that Emmanuel possessed a formidable combination of power and cunning, which had undoubtedly made their mission all the more challenging.

Upon hearing these explanations, Stela's anger was ignited, fueling her fury. In a display of her immense power, she unleashed a potent solar blast, obliterating the table that stood before them. With a stern tone, she warned the twins that they must improve their performance, making it clear that any further disappointment would result in severe consequences. The weight of her threat hung heavily in the air, leaving no room for doubt.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel stepped outside, his gaze fixated upon the twinkling stars above. Lost in thought, he contemplated the events of the first day of school, realizing that it had been a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience.