
The adventures of Bluefire: Story 3: Bluefire and the Purple Rose

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Meeting with Caster

Zorin pulled Zania over and said, Sorry for pulling you over. I wanted to tell you something. Last night I talked to Caster. He won't give us the information we need for him to get out until he was ready. He told me he had nothing to gain with hurting people. Sometimes when he is mad he looses control of his power, and controls random people. He told me he was in full control when he took control of Purple Rose and Bluefire. So he did know what he was doing. That idiot. I may think of him as a father, but he acts more like an idiotic brother. Zorin chuckled. He also told me about finding you in the middle of nowhere. For awhile the only thing you told him was Tania. He said from this day he still doesn't know how you ended up there. When he found you, he was on a mission to kill someone, a girl, and when he turned you over to see your face, you fit the description perfectly, but he couldn't kill you, he couldn't kill a child. So he brought you in and raised you. So that's what he was hiding. Said Zania. I noticed as I was getting older he was acting weirder. He was sparing my feelings. I don't care, he raised me and I am still alive. Zania, do you remember why you were there? Yes I have always known. I can' t tell you yet, but I should tell Caster. After all these years he deserves to know. Ok. Master should be on guard there. Let him know you want to see him, he will probably give you as much time as you need. Ok thanks Zorin. Zorin said, Have a nice talk. Then went to join Sapph Jason and Chloe.

OK I'm back guys! Sorry took awhile. You two look close. Said Sapph. Jealously? Oh is someone jealous? Said Zorin. Never thought you were the type? He said Jokingly. OK, I will have to tell both of you then. He told them about his dream he had before he had woken up that day. That makes me feel more relived. What? You thought I would cheat on you? No way, I have had a crush on you since kindergarten. Oh really? Said Sapph. When I found out your name, I had a crush on you. I have always had a thing for white haired people with different color eyes. Very sexy and unique. Ok. Said Jason. Get a room. Sorry Jason. Said Zorin. So they stopped flirting with each other and started talking some more.

Zania was talking with Caster. I heard from my friend Zorin. What information do they want from you to get out of here? Oh Zania, I know how much you want us to be a family. I'm sorry it will have to wait. If you still want to live as a family, I would be happy too. I can't even tell you, I'm sorry. What did you want to come here to talk about? Well I was talking with Zorin. Since I have to tell somebody. I thought you were the only person I can tell right now. You have to promise not to tell anyone ok? Yeah, who am I going to tell from here? Yeah your right. I promise I won't tell anyone. OK. So I came here to tell you why you found me where you did. Before that, Zorin told me about the mission you were on when you found me. That I was your target. Yes that is true. I don't think I was your target. It might have been my sister Tania. That was all you said when I found you, you wouldn't say anything for awhile. Yes, because when you found me I was running away from the people that raised me. My sister had just died from an illness. I had run away before, but when I found out my sister was sick, I came running over. When she got worse we decided it would be best I would run away. So I made it look like she had the mark. I was almost back closer to the time of her death, but I overheard it was too late. So I ran away again. I couldn't' t face anyone, I wasn't ready, so I ran pretty far away where no one would know where I was. Until I exhausted myself and collapsed from exhaustion. The last thing I knew I was waking up at your place. I am sorry to hear about your sister. I am glad you were able to return back to your home. I am sorry. When I get out of here, you will have to return back to me for awhile as Purple Rose. No. I refuse. I am Sorry. I will not do it again. I will fight the spell off, if I can fight with the mark, I can fight the spell. So just try taking me back with the spell. Oh Zania. (He said in a tired tone.) You will come back to me when the time is right. OK I am done talking to you. I just thought you should know. You did take care of me after all. Good bye. She left without looking back.

Zania knocked on the door and said, I'm done. Master opened the door and out she went. Master I want to thank you for letting me talk to him. It was very important. She bowed to him. I understand. Said Master. So she went out and joined the others. She sat down exhausted. Hey Zania. You ok? Said Sapph. Yeah I'm fine. Just had a long talk with someone that's all. Oh hey Zorin. Said Zania. Did you ever show Sapph what Chloe could do? No but she is having her noon nap right now. After we can show you Sapph ok? Yeah sure no rush.

Hey Sapph? Said Jason. I want to see you and Zorin Spar. Haven't seen that in awhile. Yeah actually. I was thinking about that too Zorin. What about it? Yeah I guess so. Let me stretch a second. I was sitting for awhile. Zania come with me too. She followed after him and they did their stretches. Ok Zania. Your order is too watch us. Jason you should too. What's this ordering thing? Said Sapph. Oh that's right you don't know. I am training Zania on her mark. Please don't tell me your making her call you Master. NO. When I did, I was kidding. She knew that. So she calls me my name. Oh good. OK Zania sit on the bench and watch. So they started Sparring.

They were going at it awhile before Sapph pinned Zorin down and Zorin was quick to get up and pin her down. It was about time to finish anyway. Zorin helped Sapph up and they were both out of breath. Hey Zorin you're getting better. Before I was always the one beating you. Ha Ha, Said Zania. Getting beat by a girl. That's funny. Hey don't laugh at your Master. Then they all laughed. Ok Zania. Now it's time for your training. Have you meditated recently? Yes I did. She said. Ok remember. I will know by the way you fight back from the mark. She nodded. OK so you remember what to do. I won't be coaching you. I'm only here to observe. She nodded in agreement. So she thought of the same thought she always had which was not being there to say goodbye to her sister. She was so angry this time she almost immediately lost control. Woah, this was faster than before. Said Zorin. I just hope she can control herself. It had been awhile. Zorin was about to step in, when she brought herself back. She fell to the ground looking weak. Zorin rushed to her side. Zania! Zania! You ok?! Said Zorin. Yeah. I think so. She said weakly. She was looking a little pale. Zorin picked her up and laid her down in the guest room which was closer. Hey Zania. Said Zorin. Stay here until your well ok? I will be back to check on you in a bit. Wait Zorin. What is it? Your not going to ask what happened? NO I was thinking when the time was right, you would tell me. Thank you Zorin. You are too thoughtful. Get some rest, because when you are fully rested, I have special training for you. OK Zorin. Thank you. Then almost immediately she fell sleep.

Zorin said, OK guys. I have to be somewhere. I have work to do on other matters. Enjoy yourselves brother and Sapph. Sapph went over and joined some girls that were there. Jason found Mizuki and joined him. Hey Master. Said Zorin. I have a favor to ask Caster. Be quick Zorin. We are about to transfer him. Oh I Need to talk to you and Mizuki before you transfer him ok? Yeah sure. Master opened the door and Zorin went in. Hey Caster. I came to ask a favor of you. No. You won't be getting out for the favor, but it will help Zania in the future. Anything to help her. Said Caster. Ok here is the deal. Right now she is resting. After the last training, I was about to step in. She was acting differently than last time, and more violent. She came back before I was able to help, then she collapsed and she looked a little pale. I was thinking, maybe it was a thought she had in her head that pushed her. But that is not what I came here to talk about. When Zania is well rested and better, I need you to use your mind power on her. I am going to have her fight it off. Will you do that? I am sorry. I cannot do that yet. I am waiting for the right time to get her back again. I have certain things I need to finish before she is free. I thought you wanted to help her. I do want to help her, but if she refuses, I will have to use my power on her. I will not have her fighting it off. I thought you might say that. So we have another person with the same ability. I just thought you might want to do it since you were like her father and wanted to help. I guess I was wrong. Goodbye. Dammit Zorin! If you do this, you will regret it! I am just trying to protect her! He shouted in a worried tone. Just as he was about to knock, he turned around. Protect her from what? I guess I can't hide it anymore. We are both in danger. There are people after us called the Red Falcons. Caster if you help her, I promise she will help you. I have a plan. If she does control it in time, and able fight it off, I can talk her into maybe having her pretend to be under your control. Even if she doesn't want to. Does she know people are after you both? No she doesn't. I would like to talk to you both, if this is going to happen. Zorin said, It's a deal. Ok let me know when she is well. I will help. OK. Said Zorin. I don't want you to go easy on her. She has to eventually fight you off. I know I will. Zorin did his signal knocks. Master opened the door. Closed it when Zorin was out. Master I need to speak with you and Mizuki now! Ok let me call another guard. He used his walkie talkie to call another guard, the guard came and took Master's place.

Master went to get Mizuki, then they went into an interrogation room and talked. Ok first set of business. Where are you transferring him, and why? Mizuki said, It's my doing. Don't get mad at Master. He is only going to my big gun barraks. OK but why? What's the reason? He looks so depressed in here all the time. He will have more freedom. He will still not be able to use his powers. You are one spoiled 13 year old Zuki. Said Zorin. Yeah well I can't help that. Before that I need a favor. I need him, when Zania is well rested. She collapsed in training and looked pale. She is in guest room number 9. After we are done talking here, I was going to go check on her. Yeah I guess I could wait. How long? I don't know how long exactly it will take to fight off mind control. Good idea said Master. Especially since he is like a father to her. Yeah that's why I thought of it too. Ok well I will just have to tell my men to go back home and wait for my call then. Said Mizuki. Thank you Mizuki. I have a feeling it only may take a few days. Oh really? That quick? Said Master. Yeah I do. I have noticed Zania acting weirder than before. I don't really know if it's good or bad. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Yeah hopefully for the better. Said Master. Yeah me too. Also before he is transferred and she is able to control things, me, Caster, and Zania need to talk with him. Then you can take him. OK sounds good. Said Mizuki. Zorin, You have gotten stronger and smarter. What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Oh nothing much, just the same stuff different day. Ok. Said Mizuki. See you out in a bit. So everyone was off doing there own stuff.