
The adventures of Bluefire: Story 3: Bluefire and the Purple Rose

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 15: Zorin's recovery/Master and Zorin's Match

Wow. That's a lot to take in. Said Jason. Jason, look at your brother. Said Mizuki. Sorry bro. It's ok. Your right. It is a lot to take in. Hey. Can I say goodnight to Chloe? Jason went out and got Chloe, then brought her in. Jason put her on Zorin's bed. Zo Zo Ok? Sorry to keep worrying you Chloe. Zo Zo just needs to rest a lot now. The only way I can play with you for awhile is in here. Zo Zo! She gave Zorin a hug and hugged her back. I love you too little Chloe. I will see you tomorrow ok? She clapped her hands and everyone was on their way back. Zorin said, Sapph? Can you stay here a min.? Yeah sure. Is everything ok? Yeah. I just want you to stay here till I fall asleep. Yeah, sure. You know I'm coming in tonight don't you? Yeah, but not for awhile. So stay here till I fall asleep please. Sure. She held his hand and almost immediately he went to sleep.

Ok guys. I'm back. Just as Sapph got back, Zania started waking up, and Tenma was by her side the whole time. Zania! Your awake! Thank God. Where is Zorin? Is he ok? Relax Zania. He is fine. He just needs more rest than we thought. That's a relief. Wait. Where is Caster? He will be right back. He had to go somewhere for a second. He was by your side the whole time. I knew he cared for me. Not took me out of pity. It's really good to see your finally awake Zania. How do you feel? Probably better than Zorin right now. That guy was stronger than 5 men. I think Zorin had gotten more hits than the guy he fought, or me and Caster as well. That strong huh, that may explain things. Said Sapph. Well anyway, it's bedtime for me. Said Sapph. Goodnight everyone! See you tomorrow. She went to join Zorin.

She laid next to Zorin, and he sensed her. Sapph? Yes its me, I'm here now. Is Zania ok? She woke up, Tenma is with her. Oh good. That's a relief. Go back to sleep Zorin. I will see you in the morning. I love you. I love you too. They snuggled with each other and fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning, everyone was getting ready for Chloe's birthday party, and the arrival of James and Rose. Zorin still had to take it easy. Zorin was annoyed because he had to have someone constantly observing him. Zorin did what they allowed him to do for help. Oh Mizuki. I forgot. I have to get a gift for Chloe. Don't worry about it. Jason already knew what you wanted to get her, and picked it up. Oh thank God, everything is good then. Once everyone had worked for a while, it was time for breakfast. Everyone lined up except for Zorin, he wasn't much hungry. Too many thoughts in his head. Mizuki finally got closer to the line and got Zorin a plate too.

Hey Zorin, what's up? You look like you're zoning out again. Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry to worry you. I'm ok. Here. Said Mizuki. Oh I'm fine. I'm not hungry, thanks. See, this is why you have to be looked after Zorin. You refuse to do things that are supposed to help you stay healthy. Yeah I guess so. I'm going to go for a run around the track, then maybe I'll eat. You should eat before you could collapse. No! I'm fine! Ok. Suit yourself. He went on the track and did his running to try to calm his thoughts. Mizuki followed him and watched from afar just in case something did happen. After all, it was his shift to watch him.

Ok everyone. Said Master. I know its still early, but it's getting closer to time they will be here. Raven and Roxas could be here any min though. James and Rose are getting closer maybe about 20 min away. Everyone was getting anxious. Waiting for them to get there. Not long after Raven and Roxas showed up. Oh hey Sapph. Said Raven. Where is that idiot? Oh Mizuki is watching him right now, he is running. Did he eat anything? No not yet, he refused. He said he might eat after running. That stupid boy. He knows he needs to eat before. I guess we will wait for him then. Raven and Roxas knew the situation from when Sapph visited Raven's house.

OK Zorin. Said Mizuki. You are looking overly exhausted. You need to come and eat. No, not yet. He just barely passed the bench, when he collapsed. Dammit! Said Mizuki. He put the food on the bench and helped Zorin up. You ok? Said Mizuki. Can you stand? Yes I can stand! Said Zorin pushing Mizuki away. Zorin stood up and tried to walk, but could barely take few steps. OK Zorin, come on. Come to the bench and eat your food. Once you are done eating, Raven and Roxas should be waiting for you by now. Yeah I guess so. He ate his food fast paced. Woah slow down there Zorin. Your gonna get a stomach ache. He finished his food and said, Ahh that hit the spot. I am full. OK let's go. Zorin got up and started heading back. Mizuki said, That guy, what a stubborn one. He followed after Zorin.

Hey guys haven't seen you in awhile. Said Zorin. Yeah sorry. We have been busy. That's fine. Well anyway, I take it you know what's going on with me by now? Yeah you idiot. Said Roxas. You are just too reckless. That's how people get killed you know! Raven said, Calm down Roxas. It's ok. He won't die that easy anyway. Yeah I know. Why do you think he's an idiot. Yeah I guess your right. Said Raven. Ok enough making fun of me now. What should we do while we wait for James and Rose? Said Zorin. Oh I know. Raven. Have you seen what Chloe can do with her power? Yes I have. I visited them when I had time. That's too bad. Well then what should we do? I know. Said Tenma. Why don't we spar? Master cleared his throat. No! He was told to take it easy for a while. Even if we had to strap him down. Raven and Roxas started laughing. Is that true? Said Raven. Well they may have to. I never would have literally done it, there were times when I wanted to though. OK guys enough. I'm gonna go sit down. Oh come on Zorin, just a little fun. Said Jason. Yeah I know. I feel more tired than usual. Mizuki saw Zorin wobbling a bit and took his arm. Roxas said, I didn't mean to make him feel bad. Oh no its not that. Said Master. He has just not been himself since the incident. He will be fine we hope.

Hey. You ok Zorin? Said Mizuki. Yeah I'm fine. I just need a short nap. Mizuki said, Zorin is going to take a little rest. No one but the one watching him, Master, or the healer may enter. Got it? He told everyone. Then left for Zorin's Room. Sorry about this Zuki. He said in a weak tone. Oh don't worry about it. I used to think the same way. Always thought I was trouble for him and Zania. So I guess I am rubbing off of you. As he tried to smile. I see you are trying to smile. Yeah. Sorry it can't be a good one. Mizuki covered Zorin up and said, Try to rest. I have to be somewhere. It's Sapphs turn to watch you. Ok Mizuki. Thanks. Sure. He left to get Sapph, then Sapph came by and entered Zorin's Room. Zorin had his eyes closed but he wasn't asleep.

Hey Sapph. Oh so you're not asleep. You just have your eyes closed. Yeah I'm more tired than usual. Even before the last battle, I have noticed strange things. Yes. Said Sapph. Remember? It was Akura's power. She healed you. No, it was before that. What felt strange before you met them? I really can't say, because I don't know. Something was off, and that feeling came back. I think it might be that guy I fought. When I first heard about a certain group, I can't tell you who, I promised. But that's when the feeling started again. Maybe this is something, maybe you should talk to someone about it, if it helps. You know Zorin, everyone here cares for you. Your acting like life is just a play toy and it's not. Sapph started crying. Sorry Sapph. I don't think I can change that. I know Zorin, I know. That is what worries me. I still love you, no matter what. We have been friends forever, and dating for almost 3 years now. So I pretty much know what will change and what won't. I just hope one of these days you will change at least a little. I'm sorry. Zorin said weakly. He winced in pain a little, then went to sleep. Sapph pulled the covers down to check his mark because she noticed him in pain. It looked redder than usual.

Sapph went out and talked to Master about it. Hey Master, something has been bugging me for awhile. I have noticed Zorin's mark is a lot redder than before. Master followed Sapph to Zorin's room to look at it. You are right. I wonder what's causing it? What could he be thinking in that head of his, that's causing the mark to hurt him? I think I know. Before he met Akura, Ran, and heard about the gang, he started to feel weird. I will have to talk to him when he wakes up. It will be my shift next. I know about the gang he is talking about, that is why I need to talk to him.

It was about time for the Uncle's and Aunt's to arrive. Ok guys. Said Mizuki. They could be here any min. now. Then everyone saw a car come in. Uncle Zenith was driving. What? Jason looked confused. Zenith was driving their car. Everyone got out of the car, and Rose said, Hey Chloe. Mama. She ran to her Mama and Rose picked her up. Hey Chloe. Said James. Dada. Then Zenith finally got out of the car as well as Mystery. Hey Jason. Said Mystery. How are things? Oh as good as they can get I guess. Hey where is Zorin? Is he OK? Said Zenith. Yeah. Said Master as he was coming out of Zorin's room. He is just resting. When he wakes up, he said he had something important to tell Mystery. Me? I wonder what it is? I know. I thought it weird too. Since it's the first time. Said Jason. Well anyways guys, enjoy the party. It's my shift to watch Zorin. Said Master. Ok Said Sapph. She left and joined the others.

Is Zorin really going to be ok? Said Mystery. Yeah. Said Jason. He won't get killed that easily. Zenith chuckled. Got that right. Even if he did, he would come back to life, seeing as how stubborn he is. So Sapph. Said Raven. Are your parents going to make it today? I called and asked them. They said one of them might, but they both have been really busy lately. I see that's too bad. Rose let Chloe down to play. How has Zorin been with Chloe lately? Said Rose. Well. He was doing good, until he was having nightmares. He told me they were memories that made him uneasy. Said Sapph. One night it got so bad, he had to go outside to get fresh air. He was an hour late to bed. I found him asleep on the bench. I brought a blanket out and joined him on the bench. He woke up and smiled. He placed a kiss on my forehead and I woke up. He apologized for it. But while he was having those dreams, every time he held Chloe, he was holding back tears again. After he held her, he had to go for a run. No doubt it's about his mother. Yeah that's what I thought too. Zorin told me when he came to us practically dead, he saw her and John for a while. They told him it wasn't his time, and John wanted to tell him that he loved him. Before they left, he stopped them and wanted to ask about Zania. John knew about her, and told him to look after her. Since then, that is what has been keeping him going. Not only that, Chloe told Zorin to make little Chloe a better person than she was. He said goodbye to them not long after he woke up. So Zania is ok after all. Where might she be now? Said James. Oh hold on. I told her I would get her when you arrived. She ran to the training grounds.

Hey guys. Zenith and James are here. Zania, you said you wanted to meet the guys you knew as a kid. Now is your chance. Caster said, Yes I would like to as well. So they went to join them. Zania saw Zenith and James and knew exactly who they were, because to her they looked the same as she remembered them. She ran over to Zenith and James. She gave Zenith a hug first then James. Eventually a group hug. Woah. A little lovey dovey for you don't you think? Said Zenith. Sorry guys. I just missed you. If I ever got to see you guys again, I wanted to say sorry. Sorry for running away like I did both times. Its ok. Said Zenith. Yeah. Said James. What matters is you survived. We were really worried about you. Also, I knew it was you guys from the start. You look the same as you did last time I saw you. Oh really? Do we really look that young? Said Zenith jokingly. Well, the same in some ways, but I can tell you aren't as young anymore. Oh well. Time can't help that. Sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. Oh you didn't offend us. It's ok. By the way, Said Zenith. You look like you have turned into a beautiful strong young lady. Oh hello. Who might you be? Said James. OH sorry James. I didn't introduce him. This is Caster. After I ran away the last time, I passed out in the middle of nowhere and he took me in. Thank you Caster, for looking after her. Hey, I couldn't let a kid out in the middle of nowhere. I may not be the one responsible for her getting stronger, but I have been keeping her healthy for a few years, physically but not so much mentally. I see. Well she looks ok to me and that's all that matters. Zenith and James. Were you two and John there when my sister died? We don't know who was there. Said Zenith. Tania said she was going to go for a walk. She had been out for a while, so we were getting worried. All three of us went to look for her and knew just by looking at her it was too late. So she might have died alone. Yes. Said Zenith. We are so sorry. Hey it's ok. I felt bad about not saying goodbye too. I ran away, I just couldn't face anyone. Even when Caster found me, the only word I would say was my sisters name. But after a while, I started regretting leaving. I thought about coming back plenty of times. Then I thought this guy took care of me. So I stayed with him till I ended up back here. When I saw Mizuki was ok, I was relieved. Yes Mizuki was the baby I saved from our village fire. You know. John told us about a time when someone saved a woman named Katie from a fire. Is that so? Oh well enough of this depressing stuff. Said Zenith This is a party we should be enjoying it.

Zorin was finally just waking up. Uh my head. Zorin you ok? Said Master. What's wrong with your head? Nothing. Just a light headache. Don't worry, it's probably nothing. Master said, Don't push yourself. Your headache could get worse. Your mark is redder than usual. That's probably why its been hurting. What's causing it to hurt is your emotions. Learn to control them, then you should be fine. Are James and Rose here yet? Yeah they got here a while ago. Good. I need to get up and talk to Mystery. Master helped Zorin sit up. Zorin stood up, walking out half asleep. Zorin sat on the bench.

Hey everyone. Said Zorin. Hey Zorin. You look half asleep. You OK? Said Zenith. Yeah I'm ok. I will wake up soon. When I do, Mystery, you can choose if you want to talk alone or in front of people. It is serious what I am about to tell you. I will talk alone at first, then decide. good idea. Let's wait till I wake up more.

Once Zorin was all the way awake, he and Mystery went into the interrogation room, and told her about Jay still being alive just that he can't tell her where. No. It can't be! We thought he was dead! A Friend of mine, Bluefire, told me about him. He told me that when Jay was ready he would come see you and tell you what happened. Until then to wait. He said for proof it was him, he told us to tell you Idiotic sister. I love you, but you worry too much. It really is him! He's alive! She gave Zorin a hug and told him, Thank you. I apologize for that Zorin. It's ok. It was just a hug. So now, I will let you choose whether to tell anyone or not. OK thank you. Then they went out to join everyone.

It was finally time for lunch. Everyone got their lunch, as usual Mizuki got Zorin's. Zorin was rubbing his side where the mark was. Hey you ok? Said Mizuki. Yeah just the redness from the mark is hurting a little. After we eat I'm going to put some ointment on it. Actually have Sapph do that. She has something to tell you. Ok. After lunch, Zorin went over to Sapph and they went to Zorin's room to put medicine on his side. Zorin. Sapph said while putting ointment on him. I was thinking, in the next few years, when we are in our 20's, I was thinking about starting a family on our own. I was wondering when you were going to ask that. Said Zorin. I just sometimes worry, there will be times I won't be able to be there for them. I mean I already have a little girl and a woman 5 years older than me to look after. I guess by that time, there will be people looking after them. It's ok Zorin. If we do decide, I will be there for them. When they get older, explain why their Dad can't help them at the time. Sapph thank you. One of these days I will be proud to call you my wife, and the mother of our children. Is that what you wanted to talk about Sapph? Yeah. Its just been weighing on my mind. Had to get it off my chest. Zorin? Maybe you should tell someone. As she finishes up the ointment. About your thoughts, or maybe even write them down somewhere, it could help. I'm sure everyone here knows by now. Yes I will most likely will. Think about it. Thanks Sapph. Sapph left the room, Zorin got changed into nicer clothes.

Hey everyone. Said Zorin. So what should we do for this party? Zo Zo. OH hello Chloe. He picked her up, and didn't seem like he fought back tears this time. Looks like everything is back to normal. Said Sapph.

Everyone was having a good time until it was finally time for dinner. Ok everyone! spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Mizuki brought Zorin's. Everyone else got theirs. Hey Mizuki. Said Zorin. Why do you always get my food for me? I am capable of doing it myself. I know you are, I just want to do something nice for a brother. Thanks Mizuki. OH yeah, after dinner, I have to talk to James and Rose alone for a min. Zorin ate his food fast again. Dude slow down. You are going to get a stomachache. I'll be fine. I haven't yet. Ok but don't say I didn't warn you.

Hey James and Rose? Can I talk to you for a moment alone? Why sure. Said Rose. Is everything ok? Yeah it's fine. We will be right back Zenith. Sure go ahead. They went to Zorin's room to talk.

Ok uncle and Rose. I know you have lived in your house since you have been married and are attached to the house. I was thinking, I am not saying to make a decision now, but at least think about living closer to here? We have had a feeling that question was going to come up sometime. Jason had the same thought. We were actually thinking of looking right now, at the types of neighborhoods and houses. That's good news. For some reason, when I am with Chloe, my uncontrolled thoughts calm. Also, I can't help Chloe when I can barely see her. I know we thought of that too. Also James, Caster was also thinking about moving here. He has been staying in a guest room for a while until he can figure things out. Well, maybe we can talk to him and maybe even be neighbors. That would really be awesome thanks uncle. They left Zorin's room.

OK. Said Master. We have some surprise guests that Zorin, Mizuki, Chloe, and I will know. They will be here in about now. As on cue. They had walked there it wasn't long. It was Katie and Kaito with their daughter Akura. I see. Said James. Her name sounds familiar. It should. Said Zorin. That girl, is the girl I saved from her village burning down. So she ended up being ok after all. Yeah her husband is named Kaito and Daughter is Akura. She is the same age as Chloe or was until today. Chloe saw Akura, and ran over to her and gave her hugs. Aww They all said. Both kids ended up playing with toys while the grown ups visited. Hey Master. Said Zorin. We haven't sparred yet. I am fine now, and my mark hasn't acted up. What do you say? Fine. Said Master. ON one condition. Yes what is it? You tell me if your mark is hurting and don't lie to me. Got it, thanks Master. Hey everyone. Said Zorin. I am going to sparr with Master. If anyone wants to see come and watch. All his friends came to watch. OK remember the rules Zorin? Yeah the mark thing, and the first one to surrender, or can't get up loses. Are we using our powers today? No just sparring today, said Master. OK got it. They finally started. It was one of the longest sparring matches he had. Zorin and Master had pinned each other down a few times, but they got up and continued. The sparring match was finally coming to an end. The winner is....Drum Roll Please. Zorin. Zorin was so tired he fell to the ground. He was fine. Just out of breath. Master came running as did the others. You ok Zorin? Yeah. (pant pant pant pant) I...am just..out of breath. (pant pant pant) This..is the longest...sparring match....I have ever...had. Master helped him up and said, Go sit on the bench and relax a bit, till you catch your breath. Yes sir. So he did. Everyone came by to congratulate him. Good job man. Said Zuki. Yeah thanks man. Thanks all of you.

The End

I hope you enjoyed the story. There are 10 stories total. I promise you they get better. I hope you enjoy them and rate my stories. Thank you.

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