
The adventures of Bluefire: Story 3: Bluefire and the Purple Rose

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: Prom/Strange voice

Zorin was at Ravens with little Chloe. He was keeping little Chloe calm so her powers didn't go bezerk. For some reason she is too attached to him. School was getting close to ending, and prom was coming up. Zorin didn't have a clue what he was going to do with Chloe, until he had an idea.

Hey Raven. Said Zorin. You know prom is coming up right? Yes I do. Said Raven. That's all you have been talking about. Yeah sorry about that. He said scratching his head. I was going to call Mizuki to see if he and Master can watch Chloe while I went to prom. Sure give him a call, I'm sure it will be fine. Thanks Raven. So he called Mizuki.

Hey Mizuki its Zorin. I have a big favor to ask. Sure buddy what is it? Prom is coming up, wondering if you and Master can watch Chloe. I'm sure it will be fine. When is Prom? Its in 4 days. Sorry it's late notice. Yeah let me ask Master. I'm sure its fine. Ok thanks, call me back. Actually hold on Zorin, he's right here. Mizuki gave the Master the phone. Hey Zorin what's up? I was wondering if you and Mizuki can watch Chloe while I go to Prom with Sapph in 4 days. Yeah sure I don't see a problem. We will just have to have her in a special room, if she looses control of her powers. Yeah thanks. I'll see you in a few days bye. So they hung up. Thank God. Said Zorin. Hey Raven. They are going to watch Chloe for me. Oh good I'm glad. Ok now I better get some work done, so I can send it back to school. Said Zorin.

4 days later it was prom. Zorin did his normal routine for morning . While Zorin was working on his homework he was thinking about Tenma, and why he decided to go with her, what he is doing now. It had only been 3 months since he went back with her. Zorin was having trouble focusing, so he decided to take a break. Zorin decided to rest on his bed to think. Not long after, Chloe came in to bug him. Zo Zo ok? Yeah Chloe. Zo Zo is fine. He took Chloe to the living room and said, Hey Chloe? Want to play a game? He sat her on the couch and he said, Turn around. She turned around and he Said Peek a boo. He hid behind the couch and popped his head back out. She laughed and clapped.

Ahh. Zorin had a little headache, so he thought nothing of it, so he said, Hey Chloe let's go outside and play. So he took Chloe outside with him and played with her. Then it started to get more intense. He decided to go back inside. OK Chloe we are going inside. Zo Zo feeling bad? Roxas saw Zorin and said, Hey.You ok Zorin? No I'm not. I have a splitting headache. Wait hold on a second. He ended up having a vision. The vision was about Purple Rose and Blue Phantom rejoining forces. But that's all he saw before he passed out from the pain. Zo Zo! Zo Zo! Chloe cried. Raven picked Chloe up, and handed her to Roxas. Raven laid Zorin on the couch. .

Jason was getting ready for his Prom soon to, he was going with his girlfriend Mystery. Jason decided to try to call Zorin to see if he had gotten ready or not. He dialed the number and called. Raven answered the phone. Hello? Said Raven. Hi. Said Jason. Is Zorin there? Yes he is. He is resting right now. Should I say, she said in a whisper he passed out from a splitting headache. I think it might have been a vision. Damn! Said Jason. Ok when he wakes up, have him give me a call. Yeah sure thing. Bye. Then they hung up. James said, What's up? Everything ok at Raven's? No. Not really. Zorin had a splitting headache and passed out. Raven thinks he might have had a vision. Well I'm sure he will be fine. Yeah. Said Jason.

Zorin finally woke up hours later. It was 1 hour before Mizuki was coming to pick up Chloe. Oh crap! Is that really what time it is?! Damn! I was asleep a long time. Hey Raven! Where's Chloe?! Oh um, I think she is in your room. Be right back. Raven went to Zorin's Room, got Chloe and brought her over to Zorin. Hey Chloe. Why were you in my room? She showed the picture she drew of Zorin and herself, for Zorin. She pointed to the picture and said, Zo Zo. Aww thanks Chloe. Is this me? Chloe shook her head yes and he accepted the picture and put it on the fridge. Thank you. I will put it here, so every morning I can see it. Chloe clapped her hands.

Oh. Said Raven. Your brother called, you might want to call him back. Ok thanks Raven. Zorin got out his cell phone and called Jason. Ok Chloe. I'm calling Cousin Jason. I talk? Said Chloe. I guess. Said Zorin. Let me talk first then you OK? Ok. Hello Jason. I heard you called, is everything ok over there? Yeah everything is fine. How are you feeling? Raven told you? I'm fine now. When Mizuki picks up Chloe, I need to tell you something important OK? Yeah sure. Oh how are you on getting things ready? Oh crap I forgot my tux. Said Zorin. Don't worry. Said Raven. I picked it up for you. It's hanging up in your closet. Oh good thanks Raven. It's taken care of. I'm wearing a tux with a tie the same color as Sapph's dress. Really that's a cool idea, wonder why I didn't do that. Oh well. By the way what color is Sapph's dress? Oh it's Sapphire Blue. Oh cool. Said Jason. Well anyway. Oh Jason wait before you hang up, somebody wants to say hi. Ok. Chloe said, Hi Hi. Oh Hi Chloe how are you? Ok. Zo Zo sick. He ok now. You ok? Yes cousin Jason is ok. I'm gonna go now ok Chloe? Chloe said, Bye bye. Gave the phone to Zorin. OK Jason talk later bye.

It was a few min later, there was a knock at the door. Zorin answered it. It was Mizuki. He invited Mizuki in and Chloe clapped her hands. That was her way of acknowledge him. Hey Chloe. Said Mizuki. Are we gonna have fun tonight? She clapped her hands. Hey Zorin, let's see that tux of yours. Said Mizuki. Yeah sure hold on a sec. He went to his room and grabbed the tux and showed Mizuki. Hey very nice Tux. I am more of a bowtie person. I know I don't look it, but I am. Hey Zorin want me to help you get ready? NO I got it thanks. Ok well. I'll see you later. Don't worry about picking up Chloe, we will keep her for the night. You and Sapph have fun. OK? Thanks Mizuki. Hey Raven, I want some pictures of them before they head out Ok? Yes Mizuki I will. OK let's go Chloe. Mizuki picked Chloe up, and Zorin came over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and a little hug. Be good for uncle Zuki OK? Stay calm. No powers ok? Ok. Bye Bye. Zorin waved and told her goodbye then went to get his shower.

While he was in the shower, he had a small headache again Ahh. He shook it off. In the end of his shower, he took a contrast shower. (Hot as he can make it for a min, and cold as he can for 2 which gave him an adrenaline rush for a min, it made his side hurt with his mark mild pain). He finished up his shower, wrapped himself in as towel and went to his room to dress.

After Zorin got his tux on, he went to the bathroom to do his hair. He thought maybe he should ask Roxas how he should do his hair. Roxas, hey where are you?! I need your help. Roxas came to the bathroom and said, Hey what's up? Everything ok? Yeah its fine. I just don't know how I should do my hair for Prom. If I should spike it up, or smooth it down. OK well let's see with your color and hair type, I think you should do this. Roxas got a tad bit of gel, and spiked it a tad bit. There, done. Said Roxas. Wow thanks. How do I look? Said Zorin. Roxas chuckled. Let's see that tie of yours. Zorins tie was tied a little weird so Roxas fixed it. Thanks man. It would be weird going to Prom with my tie looking weird. Any way. Said Roxas. You got a few min. before that limo gets here. I'm gonna go to my room to my computer. Let me know when Sapph gets here, I want to see how pretty she looks. Ok I will. He left to get Sapph.

He went to Sapph's door and knocked on it. Emma answered the door. Well don't you look dashing. Ok Mom Raven is supposed to be taking pictures before we head out, so we have to hurry. Love you Mom Dad bye. She rushed off with Zorin to Ravens. By the way Sapph, you look very beautiful. Thanks Zorin you look handsome yourself. Thanks. Ok so we are at Ravens, let's hurry and get our pictures before the limo gets here. Yeah good idea. Raven we need to get pictures now. Raven got the camera and had them stand by the door. She got a few before the white limbo came up. Roxas came out and saw Sapph. Hey Sapph you look beautiful. Thanks Roxas. OK You two, have fun. Said Roxas. We will. Said Zorin. See you later Bye. They went out to the limbo and headed for prom.

They finally got to Prom, the theme was Starry Night. Sapph's dress was a spaghetti strap Sapphire blue dress, with a slit in the side up to her knee. The dress also had a detailed design in silver sparkles which went well with the theme. Zorin got out Sapph's Corsage, which was a dark blue Rose with baby's breath on the side of it. He put it on her wrist. Sapph put Zorin's dark blue Rose on him. Ok Zorin, shall we dance? He took her hand and they started dancing. For food they had some fruit, crackers, punch and water. Pretty much party snacks.

Jason got to his prom ok, There theme was Hawaiian. Mystery wore a Gypsy Hawaiian luau dress with light pink flowers. She also had a pink flower in her hair. Her corsage was a pink Lily. Jason wore a blue Hawaiian shirt and red Hawaiian shorts. Instead of a normal pin for guys, they had a Lei. They had Hawaiian food. Mostly fruit, veggies, and desserts. They had punch for a drink and water too.

Both parties were dancing for awhile, then decided to rest. Zorin said, Sapph I'm gonna talk to my buddies a few min ok? Do you want anything to eat or drink? Yeah some water please. Thanks Zorin. Yeah sure be right back. He went over to get her water, and brought it back to her. Thanks Zorin. Have fun with your buddies. I'll go hang with my friends. So she went to her friends as well.

Prom went on for awhile then the announcer said, Ok time to announce the king and queen. The king for prom is drum roll please... the guys did there drumroll thing. Zorin Daniels. Wow I can't believe it. I'll be up waiting for you Sapph. Yeah if I got it. Zorin walked up to get his crown. The Queen is...Sapph. She assumed she would be, if Zorin was king. She walked up and got her crown and flowers. OK, its time for the king and queens first dance. Zorin held out his hand to Sapph, she took it and they slow danced. After awhile everyone Joined in.

Jason's Prom, instead of regular crowns, they got Flower Crowns. OK, time to announce the King and Queen. Everyone went quiet for awhile. The king is drumroll please... The guys did their thing. Tony. Its ok Jason your a king to me. Said Mystery. I'm not upset about it. I know you are, you just don't want to say it. The queen is... Olivia Granger. Wow Olivia good job. You get to dance with your crush. Lucky you. Shut up. Olivia said jokingly. The king and queen did their first dance and later everyone else joined in.

Jason said, Hey Mystery want to go outside to get some fresh air? Yeah good idea. Can I get a water? Sure I'll go get one, be right back. Jason came back with her water then they walked outside.

Zorin said, Hey Sapph want to go outside for fresh air? Yeah good idea. So they went outside. It was already 9:00pm Zorin said, Hey Sapph, would you mind if I call Mizuki? See how things are over there. No go ahead. I know your worried about little Chloe. Thanks. He sat there next to Sapph and called Mizuki. Hey Mizuki it's Zorin. How are things over there? Everything is fine. Were just keeping her busy, no incidents here. As long as she's busy. That's good. She's probably asleep by now right? Yeah we got her to bed pretty good without a fuss. Oh good I'm glad. What time will you be over tomorrow to drop her off Mizuki? Oh I don't know. If your not busy, in the morning probably around 10:00am. Sounds good. See you then, bye Mizuki. Oh hey Zorin? How is Prom going? It's going good. I got crowned King and Sapph Queen. Well good going. I'll let you go back to your party. See you tomorrow bye. So he hung up. Oh well that's a relief. Should we go back inside Sapph? Actually I like it out here, it's not too crowded. Ok sounds good. They sat for awhile and talked for the last hour.

Jason was outside with Mystery and asked her if she wanted to go inside she said Why dont we talk out here for our last hour. So they did. Then everyone loaded into the black limo. Headed for home.

Zorin said, OK I guess it's time to get to the Limo. Zorin got up stretched, held out his hand to Sapph, she took it got up and headed to the limo.

They finally got to Zorins house, Zorin and Sapph both got out and Zorin thanked the driver by waving and saying Thank you. The driver waved to say Your welcome. Zorin said, Well Sapph let me walk you home. So he walked Sapph a block down the street. They finally get to the door and they wait for a min to see if they wanted to kiss. Zorin did something surprising. He pulled Sapph over and gave her a kiss, which surprised her at first. Then she gave him a second kiss. Wow you surprised me this time. Yeah well I guess I can be surprising sometimes. Zorin chuckled. Well I better go in. I love you. They gave each other 2 more kisses, then she went in and said, Goodnight Zorin. Goodnight Sapph. Then she closed the door. He waited there for a few seconds then went on his way home.

On Zorin's way home, he thought he heard someone call his name. Zorin. Zorin. He turned around and didn't see anyone. Then he heard it again. Ok whose there? What do you want from me? The voice stopped, Zorin ran to Ravens house.