
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · Anime und Comics
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69 Chs


"I have no problem with it being today" Nodding with expectation, Rei turned her gaze towards Fenrir and asked with concern "But if we do it, we'll be 9 months inactive... we can't leave Fenrir alone"

"I'll stay with him" Before any ideas or more questions could be raised, Yuriko commented with a small smile "Even if I change my race with you, I need to have devotees to achieve to have a greater strength, that's something that takes time and I still don't have any plan"

"So I'll be planning something while I take care of Fenrir" Turning her gaze towards the small wolf, Yuriko continued "You guys can go ahead and once you're ready, I'll follow."

"I'll stay too" With a serious face, Saeko spoke.

"If so, so will I-"

"No" Cutting off Yuuki's words, Yuriko looked at the girls one by one and continued "The new strength of all of you is needed, plus yours Saeko, you're a unique one who knows how to fight in a lethal way without using firearms."

"Besides, we don't need so many people to keep everything here. I understand your concerns, but I trust my own abilities and at the same time I trust Fenrir's abilities, with me it's enough and it wouldn't be a good idea to slow you all down"


Looking at each other's faces, the girls finally nodded silently, while Saeko lowered her head knowing full well that Yuriko's words are correct.

Looking at her mother silently for a few seconds, Saya finally sighed and commented "So we do it today?"

"The sooner the better" Taking Rei's hand, Kiriko turned to her and commented with a smile "We'll see each other in 9 months, don't miss me so much"

"I can't leave without saying goodbye first" Getting up from her place, Yuuki crawls towards Fenrir and gently moves him while whispering "Transform please~"

Opening his eyes, Fenrir turns his gaze towards the excited women and nods, then jumps off Shizuka's lap and transforms into his humanoid form.

Not caring about the man's nakedness, Yuuki jumps on top of him and wraps her arms around his neck, giving him a juicy kiss on the lips, as if she wants to make sure he won't forget her during the time she's gone.

Watching the small scene with pursed lips, Saeko finally can't take it anymore after a few minutes of waiting and pulls Yuuki away from Fenrir, then embraces him herself and gives him an even more passionate kiss than Yuuki's.

"*Sigh* Today's youth is so misguided" Shaking her head exaggeratedly, Kiriko commented, then turning to Yuriko and sneaking towards her with a mischievous smile.

Getting close to Yuriko's ear, Kiriko whispered "I'm sure Saya would be happy to find herself with a little brother after this 9 months~"

"Stupid bitch" Laughing softly, Yuriko turns her face away from Kiriko and watches her silently, then hugging her and murmuring "I'll miss you my friend."

"My goodness, yes you are such a sweetheart~" Smiling softly, Kiriko returned the hug and replied.

Separating from Fenrir with a flushed face, Saeko licked her lips and whispered "Make sure to take care of yourself and eat daily, yes?"


"Don't forget to brush your teeth and take a shower at least once every other day" Gently stroking Fenrir's face, Saeko continued "Yuriko will take care of cooking you delicious food while we're gone, help her as much as you can, yes?"


"..." Biting her lips, Saeko kissed Fenrir's lips again and whispered "I would like to stay with you... but once I come back I will never leave you... I will be your sword until my last breath."

Staring into the woman's reddened eyes, Fenrir wrapped his arms around Saeko's waist and whispered "Fenrir... will wait."

"Thank you" Smiling brightly, Saeko broke away from Fenrir and looked towards the other girls, easily noticing the stares on her back, causing her to sigh and move to the side.

With a bit of hesitation, Rei finally bit her lips and quickly approached Fenrir, then gave him a chaste kiss on the lips and hugged him gently "Saeko already told you everything important, but since I know you're careless, I must remind you not to do crazy things and don't try to fight the sea again, yes?"


"Good..." Hugging for a minute, Rei sighed and pulled away from Fenrir, then gave him another quick kiss on the lips and ran to Kiriko with a flushed face.

"So theatrical" Rolling her eyes as she approaches Fenrir, Saya stood in front of him and watched him silently for a few seconds, then smiled and hugged him gently "Take care of my mom"


Raising her head, Saya quickly kissed Fenrir's lips and ran to Yuriko, then approached her ear and spoke seriously "See the pipe together with the box on the floor? You have to make sure Fenrir smokes that at least once a day or disaster may befall this whole world, much worse, all of existence"

"Understood" Looking at the pipe seriously, Yuriko gently hugged her daughter and whispered

"Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you to see my new strong daughter in 9 months."

Smiling softly while leaning against Yuriko's chest, Saya nodded.

"Fenrir!" Jumping on Fenrir's back, Shizuka exclaimed happily, then kissing his cheek and looking up at him with a smile "You have to make sure you're a good wolf, yes?"


"Don't eat the little birds on the island again, yes?"


"Don't chase them to play either or you'll give them a scare that would kill them."


"Okay, good wolf" Kissing Fenrir's cheek again, Shizuka turns and stands in front of him, then grabbing him by the cheeks and giving him a warm kiss on the lips "See you later little wolf~"

"See you later..."

"Are we ready?" separating from her mother, Saya looked towards the girls and asked.

"All set."

"I already said goodbye."

"We already started?"

Nodding, Saya looked at Fenrir and her mother for a few seconds, then smiled and closed her eyes, causing her to disappear from the scene a second later.

With Saya making an example, one by one the girls left, but when all the girls were out, Rika suddenly approached Fenrir and aggressively grabbed his head, planted a rough kiss on his lips and the next second disappeared.

"Heh, I knew that bitch was worse than me" Chuckling, Kiriko looked at Yuriko for a few seconds and commented "Take care of yourself".

"You don't need to remember."

Turning her gaze to Fenrir, Kiriko pursed her lips for a few seconds and shrugged, then moved closer to him and kissed his lips with tongue included.

Licking her lips as they parted, Kiriko smiled towards Yuriko and commented "If they all do it, why not me?"

With her last words, Kiriko also disappeared from the place, leaving only a silence in the always noisy house.

"*Sigh*" With a tired sigh, Yuriko turned to Fenrir and smiled slightly, then looked down at her nakedness and walked towards him.

Taking his hand, Yuriko pulled him towards the room and commented "Let's get you dressed you might catch a cold, then I'll cook something for you to eat."

"Mn" Looking around the empty room as he walked, Fenrir nodded with his ears drooped, knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to see his pack for quite some time.

Certainly Fenrir's intelligence took a small leap from what it was before. Being able to understand at least 70% of the language, caused his interactions with the girls to become much more fluid and pleasant.

He even no longer needs to use his trick of just nodding when he doesn't understand something, causing his secret weapon to become rusty.

For now...


[Two months later]

After the girls left, Fenrir and Yuriko's life was calm and quiet.

Even though many didn't like the silence and might even feel lonely.

Fenrir and Yuriko learned to enjoy the silence many years ago, causing the two to complement each other easily.

Because for them just by having each other's presence, words are enough and actions abound.

Sleeping in each other's arms every night became a habit from the first day, being already seen naked and anyway possible, Yuriko never felt any kind of modesty with Fenrir, even if they are alone in this place.

Although the fact that Fenrir did not show an uncomfortable and disgusting lust towards her, certainly served her well enough.

Eating together, working together, showering together and spending time together.

To say that the relationship between the two of them did not grow closer because of this would be a complete lie.

While their relationship was good before, today it can be said without a doubt that their relationship is in a special and often ambiguous place.

With his head lying on Yurika's lap and feeling her soft caress on his hair, Fenrir smiled slightly and watched the sunset next to the noisy sea in front of him.

This at some point became a routine.

Not having technology as a means of distraction, human beings instinctively expand their minds to seek other means, and for Yuriko and Fenrir, nothing is better than enjoying this beautiful scenery under a comfortable silence.



"Why would humans do something uncomfortable like living in cities?"

While Saya and Rei were not here to continue teaching her to read and learn some culture, Yuriko never neglected that task. Causing Fenrir to understand at least 90% of the language and to have a minimum knowledge about humans.

But if there is something he never understood, it is why humans choose to live in cities.

It just doesn't make sense to him.

Having to share food for hundreds of thousands of people, having to allow others to invade your territory and much worse, not being able to attack the alphas of other packs even if they look at you wrong.

Honestly for him it is completely irrational and illogical.

Not being able to defend yourself if you are attacked to avoid going to jail?

Allowing something called the government to enter your territory whenever they want?

The fact that an alpha gets too close or shows him an aggressive attitude is not a reason to attack him and tear him apart?

To him it's all so irrational and confusing, he hasn't been able to shake his thoughts on that reality all day.

"Well... it has its advantages" Smiling softly, Yuriko continued "Humans instinctively like to interact with other humans... also creating a society helps you have more food and helps you find a Beta to form your pack... it also helps you have your own home to spend the winter... among many other things."

Something that Yuriko managed to understand during this time, is that the best way to teach Fenrir something, is to give him examples based on his own reality.

For example, when talking about wives or girlfriends, Fenrir will understand almost nothing. But if she talks about Betas and mating partners, his understanding will be almost instantaneous, something that has helped her a lot in teaching him.

"Besides... you didn't find your pack by going to the city?" staring into Fenrir's eyes, Yuriko continued "The city helped you a lot in that, didn't it?"

"Mmmm..." Thinking for a few seconds, Fenrir nodded "But I was also attacked a lot... the city is not good... it smells bad and they always invade my territory..."


Edited By:

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