
Yuuki Brat

This story takes place in a world called Zandrat, which has 7 races: Humans, Demons, Ogres, Dragonkin, Dwarves, and Half-Beasts.

In this world, there are 9 continents, but this story takes place on one continent called Pendra, which has been at war between Humans and Demons for over 700 years.

Humans are allied with Elves, Dwarves, and Half-Beasts.

Demons are allied with Ogres and Dragonkin.

The Demons' objective is to dominate Pendra, but the Humans won't allow it.

The power system in this world works as follows: There are 3 types of energy: Vital, Atmospheric, and Elemental.

- Vital: It exists in all living beings and can be manipulated with training.

- Atmospheric: It's in the air and natural materials, and living beings cannot control this energy. This compressed energy is an excellent conductor for elemental energy.

- Elemental: It's an energy found in crystals like fire, wind, water, etc. Without a conduit, this energy, when it comes into contact with vital energy, just scatters.

Since living beings can't control atmospheric energy, they created Energy Weapons that work like this:

These weapons have a base that sucks in atmospheric energy, compresses it into a desired shape by the user, and then spreads elemental energy through it, increasing the element's intensity with vital energy.

The inhabitants of this world have different types of Vital energy, each with an affinity for different elemental energies. For example, if a person is born with an affinity for the water element, they can use other elements, but they will be weaker compared to using a water crystal. To create an elemental crystal, a person must take an empty crystal and concentrate their energy on it, causing the crystal to become attuned to the person's affinity.

In the midst of the war, the Pendra Alliance, composed of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Half-Beasts, created a guild to combat the Demons.

It's a mixed guild of the four alliance races, divided into 7 ranks: Copper, Bronze, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Ruby, and Platinum. The ranks are determined by the examiners, who are the Platinas. After a fight with an examiner, the examinee is given their rank and placement. Exams occur every 6 months, and the minimum age to enter the guild is 16 years.

This story is about two characters, but for now, we'll focus on one - Yuuki Brat, who is 19 years old, 1.74 meters tall, with black hair and dark eyes, fair skin, a white shirt, black pants, black boots, a belt with a black pouch, a cylinder on the left side, a pistol on the same side, a white mask with a blue stripe over the right eye, and a red coat. He wears a black glove on his left hand and carries a brown backpack with two pockets. He is a member of the G.A.P (Guild of Adventurers in Pendra) and holds the Iron rank, 10th position. At the moment, he is on a mission in a forest filled with goblins, with the objective to kill all the goblins and their leader.

Bestiary Moment

Goblins: These are bloodthirsty creatures, green with red eyes. Most goblins are small, ranging from 1 to 1.30 meters in height, but the leaders are taller, standing between 1.70 and 1.80 meters. Goblin leaders are named based on the number of beings they've consumed.

Author's Note: They are despicable creatures deserving of death.

Yuuki approaches the goblins and waits on a tree for the right moment to attack.

Goblins: "Pathetic humans, we will kill them all. Let's go, everyone!"

Yuuki: "Okay, there aren't too many goblins. I think I can kill them all in 5 minutes."

Yuuki draws his sword, leaps from the tree, and cuts one goblin in half.

Goblin: "Aaaaaaa!!! You killed him! Who are you?"

Yuuki: "My name is Yuuki Brat, an adventurer responsible for killing you."

Goblin: "Kill him!"

Yuuki advances toward the goblins, cutting three of them in half and stabbing another in the neck. Then, all the goblins shout, "Boss!"

A fat goblin, 1.82 meters tall, wielding a 2-meter-long axe and an ice crystal, appears with a scar on his left eye. He's not blind and says:

Goblin Chief: "How dare you kill my subordinates, you wretch?"

The chief swings his large, thick sword at the ground, freezing the area slightly, but Yuuki ignites his sword and melts the ice. The chief, furious, raises his sword and tries to attack Yuuki, who dodges and runs up the sword. He then stabs the chief in the belly and says:

Yuuki: "Don't sweat it!"

The chief's body starts to catch fire, and he screams:

Goblin Chief: "Aaaaaaah, cursed!"

The other goblins start to flee, but Yuuki extinguishes the flames on his sword and transforms the blade into water. He then slashes through the fleeing goblins, saying:

Yuuki: "There, now I'll return to G.A.P."

Time: 14:36

Yuuki walks through a forest and comes across tall 8-meter-high walls with a large 6-meter-high gate. He enters and sees people walking, children playing, and men and women selling fruits. After a few minutes of walking, Yuuki arrives at a beautiful stone structure with a wooden roof, four dark wooden doors, and a circular piece on top with two swords forming an X and the word "G.A.P" written in black below it. Yuuki enters and finds a cozy place with several adventurers, tables bolted to the ground, and a few chairs. In the middle, there's a pillar with four frames, each containing various mission posters. At the back, two wooden doors stand on either side with six wooden counters in between, where six women act as receptionists. Yuuki walks to the second counter and says:

Yuuki: "I'm back, Lility!"

Lility: "Hello, Yuuki. How are you?"

Lility Caster is a beautiful guild receptionist, 38 years old, 1.69 meters tall, a Half-Beast Cat with short black hair and cat ears, light green eyes, a black outfit with white sleeves and the G.A.P symbol on the left chest, a circle with two swords forming an X.

Yuuki: "I killed all the goblins."

Lility: "Congratulations, Yuuki. Here are 26 silver coins and 30 copper coins."

There are three types of coins in this world: copper, silver, and gold.

- Silver coin = 100 copper coins

- Gold coin = 100 silver coins

Yuuki: "Thank you very much."

Yuuki goes to the pillar and takes a poster with the G.A.P symbol at the top. In the middle, there's a picture of a man missing an arm, a hole in his cheek, his stomach exposed to reveal his organs, and a crystal in the middle of his chest. Below it, it says:

"Kill all the

 zombies in the northern cave on the floor.

Reward: 30 silver coins and 58 copper coins

Difficulty: D"


There are 7 difficulties: E, D, C, B, A, S, SS

Each rank has a difficulty:

- Copper = E

- Bronze = D

- Iron = C

- Gold = B

- Diamond = A

- Ruby = S

- Platinum = SS

And there's nothing stopping ranks from taking on missions of lower difficulties.

Yuuki, holding the poster, goes back to Lility's counter and says:

Yuuki: "I want to take on this mission."

Lility: "Okay, I'll add it to your record. This mission is in the same forest where you killed the goblins, right?"

Yuuki: "Yes, it's right there."

Lility: "It's registered. You can go."

Yuuki: "Alright, see you later."

Time: 14:48

Yuuki goes to the G.A.P doors and passes by a woman with blue hair entering, but he pays her no mind. Yuuki exits through the south gate and begins to run toward the cave.

Bestiary Moment

Zombies: These are former people who died and were revived by vampires using their vital energy. The vampires placed crystals in them for self-defense, and they burn in the sun due to the energy of the vampires.

Author's Note: They are undead creatures that are best killed to end their suffering.

Vampires: These are humans considered cursed by King Light (God of Time and Sun) by the church. They possess three times the strength, agility, and speed, but they are burned by sunlight. They have rapid regeneration, but if you destroy their hearts, they die.

Author's Note: They are humans who kill others to become stronger, and they are despicable and deserving of death.

Yuuki arrives at the cave, which is dark with no light. He ignites his sword, creating a flame blade to illuminate the cave, and enters. He walks for 7 minutes and encounters four zombies. Yuuki swiftly beheads the nearest one. The others get angry and launch attacks using their crystals, but Yuuki thrusts his sword into the ground and says:

Yuuki: "Ice defense!"

A wall of ice forms, and all the attacks hit it. Yuuki leaps on top of the wall, jumps again, lands behind the zombies, and beheads them. He continues on, walking for 12 more minutes until he reaches a large area with 30 zombies. He says:

Yuuki: "Well, let's get to work."

With his sword, Yuuki transforms the blade into water and slashes, cutting five zombies in half. The rest of the zombies launch attacks, but Yuuki somersaults to evade and stands up, running towards the nearest zombie. He fires a shot of energy from his pistol, hitting the zombie in the chest. The zombie falls to the ground, and two others jump on him, but Yuuki elbows one in the stomach, causing them to fall. He then grabs his sword and says:

Yuuki: "Release!"

His sword now has five different elemental stripes – ice, electricity, water, wind, and fire, representing all the elements. With the sword in hand, Yuuki says:

Yuuki: "Cyclone of elements!"

A cyclone with all the elements from his sword emerges, killing all the zombies and leaving the room empty. Yuuki takes a moment to catch his breath, but when he blinks, a man tries to punch him. Yuuki blocks the attack with his sword, and they move back. The man says:

Man: "Cursed, inferior being! You killed my zombies!"

Yuuki: "You must be a vampire, right?"

Chad: "You got it. My name is Chad, a vampire."

Chad is a vampire with a torn sleeveless white shirt, slightly ripped black shorts, black leather shoes, white hair, red eyes, sharp canine teeth, and slightly pale skin.

Chad: "Every night, I sent zombies to that village to kill and bring the villagers to me, so I could turn them into zombies and gradually expand my army. But you killed my entire army, you son of a bitch. Now, you'll be the first zombie in my new army!"

Yuuki: "You scoundrel, I'm going to kill you!"

Yuuki grabs his sword, ignites the blade, and in a fit of rage, the blade grows hotter. He attacks Chad with a vertical strike using his right hand, but Chad dodges. Yuuki then reaches behind with his left hand, pulls out a pistol, and shoots an energy bullet. Chad tries to evade but is hit in the right chest, causing him to fall to the ground. Yuuki picks up his sword and thrusts it into Chad's heart, causing it to catch fire, and Chad dies. Yuuki withdraws his sword and says:

Yuuki: "That's to make sure you won't harm innocent people, you wretch."

Yuuki returns to G.A.P and goes to Lility to speak with her.

Yuuki: "I'm back, Lility, and I killed all the zombies and a vampire."

Lility: "Really? Congratulations. Here's your reward."

While they were talking, a man appears and says:

Man: "Alert! There's a pack of demonic wolves heading toward the village of Clave to the southwest of the capital. We request adventurers ranked Bronze or higher to kill them. For each wolf killed, bring back their canine teeth, and each is worth 2 silver coins."

Yuuki: "I'll go, Lility."

Lility: "Alright, but after that, I want you to rest. You've been on a mission since morning, okay?"

Yuuki: "Okay, when I come back, I'll rest. See you later."