

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasie
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122 Chs


They had arranged to meet up at Eva's house after school.

When they arrived at Eva's house , they all headed directly to Eva's basement.

It was a miniature Paradise. It had the comforts that every kid could want .A pile of video games, her fridge was stocked with all kind of snacks and drinks ranging from snacks like Cheesy Crackers and Sweets Chips, Chocolate chip cookies to Sodas and Diet Cokes.

They all sat down by the table in their usual positions waiting for the newcomer to arrive.

"Thinking about it , Where did she come from?" John asked Eva as he popped another Sweet &Salty Chip in his mouth. Although he was part of the plan of dealing with Jason , he only helped in the skuldggery aspect and wasn't aware of the 'Other help' Enlisted by the devious girls.

Eva and Su ling smiled at Each other.

Eva heard the door bell ring and went back up leaving only the three to discuss among themselves.

Obi leaned in closer to John's seat in order to have a better view of what he was doing . They were both laughing uproariously as they both watched a video on his phone.

Su ling shook her head.

Boys will be Boys.

Eva came back down with skylar. "Guys this is Skylar Ramirez , she announced her presence, A friend of mine from Languages Class. Skylar, Meet Obi and John." She introduced.

"Just call me Sky " Skylar said heartily.

They all gave her a friendly welcome. Skylar responded likewise and freed up a seat for herself. John adjusted his chair for her to stay beside him, but Eva moved her chair over to her side , making her sit in the middle of her and Obi. Eva gave her a little grin. "His libidiousness is highly contagious. I wouldn't want you to get infected."

"Really?" John retorted.

As Eva sat , they got to the business of the Day. Sky handed over a sheet to Eva which she examined thoroughly...

Character : Percival the Light Bringer.

Status : Main Character.

Gender : Male

RPA : Rich.

Race : Paladin.

Life Type : Combat.

Abilities : Fighting Prowess , Healing and Supportive Seals.

Weapons: Long Sword of Faith in Close combat, Dragon scale Sword and Shield of Honour to block enemies attack.

"You really did your research... Five full pages of only the origin?"Su ling asked, astonished.

"Nothing like getting out all the details right?" Sky smiled.

Eva nodded to herself and cracked her fingers as she looked round at the expectant faces staring at her

"Well then, Let's Get on with it, Shall we?"


Kyra didn't know how it happened . One minute , She was standing and staring at the distant town ahead of them and the next , there was a bag over her head.

She felt when she was thrown inside of a cart and landed on her posterior Which was now sore. Kyra tried to make out some voices or distinct figures but the bag over her head made it hard to do so because she was still trying not to suffocate in there. All she thought of was her friends.Had they been kidnapped too?

After what seemed like decades of movement, Her abductors finally stopped. Kyra was dragged out of the Cart and led through a series of paths where they forced her to her knees and She gulped.

They removed the bag from her head. She turned to her side and saw, Avyanna and Conrad on their knees. Kyra looked up and saw them before a throne. On it was a man dressed in bright red robe with yellow linings and pink foldings.

"Isn't that a Color riot ....Eeesh!" Su ling exclaimed,

"I thought there was four of them?"The king asked.

One of the abductors scratched his head."I don't know . I charged them with bundling up the last one."

At this point, Two men were thrown into the court to the astonishment of the onlookers. Levi dusted his hands and folded them at his chest as he leaned On the great doors at the entrance.

"If you wanted to see me so badly, You should have booked a meeting and not by sending some idiots to do the work for you ." He huffed.

The king motioned for the sacks bags to be removed and the bonds loosened from Avyanna's and Conrad's heads.

They all stood to their feet.

Avyanna rubbed her wrists." Talk about manners!" She mused.

"I apologise to the impromptu summons to my kingdom. I have heard of your legendary feat of saving a Kingdom from the hands of a ruthless witch and I believe you can be able to solve my problem. "

"We defeated a beast and solved an unsolvable riddle by the sphinx , but oh no it's only Gothel you heard of?! " Conrad thought inwardly.

The King left the floor and back to his throne for another man to resume from where he had stopped.He had graying hairs but a strong build and a large air of confidence. He cleared his throat and began. "I am Ulrich Honofoi, Head of the King's personal army. Three days ago..." He narrated. " When on patrol around the borders of our kingdom, we were attacked by a huge monster who breathed Fire ..."

"You were attacked by a Dragon. So...our work here is done." Avyanna made to move away when Kyra stopped her and drew her back. "Let us at least hear him out?"

Avyanna sighed.

"Of a full troop which consisted of twelve well-trained, able bodied men, Only two two came back alive."

" If the dragon didn't roast them alive with its fire, why can't we speak with them, then? "Levi spoke ."I'd love to hear their side of the story."

"One died at the Entrance of this palace while the other soldier ..." The man was obviously trying to hold back tears with difficulty. " His hands were so badly burnt and mangled that he lasted only a few minutes before he died."

"I don't like this. Its getting a bit dark".Conrad Whispered in Kyra's ear.

"Me too", She said.

"So..."Avyanna contested."How is that different from any other regular Dragon?"

"The difference is..." A gnarly looking man that had the Label of the King advisor written all over him said grumpily "That although we have faced Dragons before, this one actually has intelligence. It knew how to avoid our attacks and break through our defences. This dragon actually knew who the enemy is."

Avyanna became inquisitive. She had his own fair share of Dragons but she had never seen one act of its own accord. Usually they always had a master that controlled them to do their bidding.

"He gave details on how his fellow men were slaughtered. Lightning struck from the sky and reduced most of them to ashes. The others who managed to

escaped that ghastly fate where only to be greeted by another, being crushed to death by an unknown object . Those who tried running from the inescapable jaws of death , where burned alive by the Dragon's fiery fire ." Ulrich added.

"We need you to aid us in vanquishing this monster. Name your price."

They quad huddled together and whispered for a few minutes.

"Should we help them?" Kyra asked.

"No!" Conrad whispered.

"Think of the money!"Avyanna tried to reason with Conrad.

"If you die , how are you going to spend it?"Levi said

"You bury it with me so I can spend it in the afterlife. If you don't , I'll haunt your p***s." Avyanna countered.

Roll for who to decide, Eva announced .









Su ling gave a sly grin.

Kyra then answered the King question . "Our price is two thousand Ducats!"

That was an unbelievably large amount of money that could last more than 2 years...

If used wisely.

The court convened quietly for some time before replying. "We will grant your request .All we ask is you slay the dragon!" The king said finally.

"You didn't see that coming, did you?" Obi leaned in and spoke devilishly and Su ling banged her head on the table .

A young man in armour similar to Ulrich's Came through the great doors. "To aid you in this quest , I will leave in your hands , all of the best warriors that this Kingdom can offer." Ulrich said with a great voice.

The armour cladded man led them all away as the king put his hand to his head in worry.

"Can they defeat it, Ulrich my faithful friend?" He asked.

Ulrich hiked up his armour and nodded. "We have to give them a chance, Your Highness."

"Do you think they stand a chance , Balewich ?" He was now speaking to his Grim looking adviser.

The man had a sour expression on his face as if he had smelt a horse droppings. He did not have one faith in these so called "Adventurers ".

They were all going to die...

And that Dragon or whatever was going to take care of them.