
The adventure of the chosen

The sky was pitch black, but the town was as bright as ever.

Sterling was walking to the tournament area with Deet and Abe, Deet being in the middle.

There was an awkward silence, that Deet kept trying to break.

They reached the small arena where the competition was being held, it was small, it had a wooden fence around it and dirt was in the middle, while small wooden stands were surrounding it.

"This is it I thought it was gonna be huge" Deet said disappointingly

"You realize this town doesn't have that kind of money right" Abe said

They walked to the contenders entrance which was a large green tent that had a sign saying contenders, inside there were more wooden swords differing in length.

" I guess you didn't have to buy us swords Deet"said Sterling

Deet was a little annoyed

The tent had nine other people in it, and only one stood out from the average man who was only doing the tournament for a quick buck.

It was a boy around the age of Sterling, he had light brown hair, long legs and arms and had a good amount of muscle on them

The thing that confused them the most is that they had never seen the boy in their lives, the group of boys had seen about everyone in this town and when someone new came to town they would know.

The question was, why did he come to a small town for a very small tournament, and the three knew if they fought against him they would lose.

There were benches in rows of four.

They sat away from everyone else

"When is this thing gonna start Deet"said Sterling impatiently

"They will call us out in pairs so I guess we wait"said Deet

Just as that happened a tournament staff member called out Sterling and another name.

"Well you're up man"said Abe

Sterling stood up and followed the man while looking back at Abe and Deet until he left the tent.

The stands were packed, even though there weren't a lot of people.

Sterling looked at his competitor, he was bald and wore simple clothes with a little armor on his chest and shins,from what Sterling could remember his name was Zest.

The arena was in a rectangle shape, with marks shaping it, and a wood fence surrounding it.

Sterling was given makeshift armor made out of tin, one for his chest and one for his shins, like his opponent Sterling had a wooden long sword while his opponent had a short sword and shield both made out of wood.

An announcer walked on the stage and announced the fight, including our names and age,and announced the rules.

"No underhanded tactics, no taunting and outside forces, and if you yield or someone is uncossues the other wins"said the announcer

The announcer then raised his hand high and lowered as he said "fight".

Sterling heard many tales and the fighter never charged in, he watched his opponent, but it didn't look like the Zest knew that.

Zest charged in, closing the distance quickly, Sterling started to panic but kept a steady head

Zest went for the waist swinging low,

Sterling blocked the attack, from seeing Zest's target from the beginning.

Sterling pushed him off and went in for a swing

The swing was too wide and Zest used that to land the first blow.

Sterling felt the impact of the sword even through his armor, it landed hard, Sterling tried to back away to get back his composure ,but Zest used his small shield to hit Sterling in the face.

Sterling fell to the ground, still clutching his sword, Zest tried to swing his sword down on Sterling's head for a finish, but Sterling rolled out of the way avoiding the swing.

Quickly regaining his footing Sterling rushed in for a quick stab with his sword.

Direct hit, it almost felt like Zest got stabbed, Zest floated up in the air for a few seconds, without his armor he would have passed out.

Zest fell to the ground in pain only holding his shield, Sterling went in for the finish.

Sterling started slamming his sword into Zest's shield .

Zest's arm was in pain, the pounding on his shield sent shock waves through his arms.

Sterling knew he had Zest on the ropes so he kept slamming his sword into the shield with all his might.

The shield shattered, and Sterling wined up his arms and looked at Zest in the eyes and slammed his sword as hard as he could at Zest's chest.

Zest passed out making Sterling the clear winner

Sterling breathed out a sigh of relief realizing this was only one opponent.