
Finding The West Gate

Rowan sat in his room, staring at the blank paper on the table while twirling his pen, pondering something, something that followed him since his life in the village of Afauz. David entered Rowan's room and said, "Actually..." Rowan turned to David who had entered suddenly, and David continued, "Actually, since you came here, I've sensed a powerful Divine energy around you, but it hasn't surfaced, and I've also noticed that you're being monitored by dark entities attempting to take that Divine energy." Rowan asked, "Divine energy? What's that?" David replied, "It's an incredibly strong force, granting vast understanding in both human and mystical knowledge. It bestows tremendous power when wielded correctly." David added, "I know you're on a journey as a Divine Wanderer. Perhaps this journey can enlighten me on the true nature of divine and divine energy."

David urged Rowan to continue his journey, as it seemed to help Rowan realize his life's purpose and why his destiny led him here. However, Rowan didn't know how to proceed with his journey because it was incredibly complex, with concepts from a vast world unfamiliar to earthly creatures. The world of Zephyria was immensely intricate for Rowan to fully comprehend. David said, "Before delving deeper into the world of Zephyria, why not explore this world first? There are still many powers out there that could make your journey easier." Rowan heard this and thought it made sense, so he agreed, even though it would take a long time.

The journey and exploration began in the world Rowan currently inhabited. On the first leg of the journey, David instructed him to head west and explore everything there, and once Rowan reached the final gate to the west, he could then proceed north, south, and east for further travels. Step by step, Rowan walked westward. Haval remarked, "West gate? South, east, and north gates? That sounds utterly nonsensical." With a tone suggesting it was false, Goza replied, "Yes, it does sound nonsensical, but only to your mind. This is the world of Zephyria, Haval, not the human realm on Earth." Haval fell silent. Rowan said, "If you two had physical forms like mine, you might be arguing right now." Goza said, "Physical forms, we can assume physical forms now." A light emerged in front of Rowan, revealing Goza's humanoid form, a man with a red shield attire, his face looking young and handsome.

Another light emerged, revealing Haval in humanoid form, not far behind Goza. Like Goza, Haval wore male shield attire and had a handsome face. Night fell, with no sign of Goza. Haval and Rowan kept walking without reaching an end. Until Bob the whale began making warning sounds, and Chen, within his spiritual form, said, "I sense a threat!" Goza, Haval, and Rowan prepared with their weapons, Haval and Rowan with swords and Giza with a spear. From a hill emerged a blue crystal, accompanied by a terrifying sound. A group of creatures emerged from beneath the hill and prepared to attack Rowan, Goza, and Haval. Of the three, Haval acted first, swinging his sword at the creatures. The creatures had horns with glowing blue crystals, resembled wild lions with horse legs, and tails like snakes. Due to Haval's attack, half of the creatures turned to ash. However, due to the intact blue crystal, the creatures revived and healed without injury.

Goza used his power, appearing to create an impact rather than directly harming the creatures. Indeed, when Rowan swung his sword at the creatures, they couldn't recover even though the blue crystal remained intact. All they did was destroy the creatures' regenerative powers and kill them, until a gorilla-shaped creature with a shield attacked Goza, causing him to fall. Goza was almost attacked but was stopped by Haval. Haval plunged his sword into the ground, green lightning aura emerged, cracking and shattering the blue crystal. From there, Rowan learned a new power. He formed a pistol shape with his fingers and aimed at the creature, seemingly firing, causing it to disintegrate into dust. Rowan used it to fight against all the creatures.

After Rowan learned this, Goza and Haval also acquired similar abilities, but not with their fingers; instead, they manifested laser weapons. Goza and Haval unleashed powerful lasers from their laser weapons towards the giant crystal floating atop the hill. The crystal cracked, but it didn't end there. The blue crystal transformed into a green crystal, continuously changing shape. Suddenly, a bright green seed shot out laser beams towards Goza and Haval. Rowan arrived, but it wasn't Rowan who intercepted the attack; it was Bob the whale with his spear, piercing through the hot green laser, narrowly missing the shining green seed inside the crystal. The crystal transformed into a shield and blocked the attack. Goza, Haval, and Rowan looked up at the sky as the crystal moved away. They thought the crystal was fleeing, but it wasn't. The crystal quickly slammed into the ground, causing an earthquake in the surrounding area, accompanied by fiery eruptions from beneath the ground upon impact.

Goza created a purple plasma shield to block the flames from entering, including the earthquake. Despite Bob's attack, the crystal seemed to have no signs of damage or harm. Goza and Haval fired their lasers simultaneously, destroying the crystal's regeneration system and shields. This was where Bob could inflict damage on the crystal. The crystal became increasingly cracked. In the final attack, Bob unleashed a spear strike accompanied by flowing water waves around the spear, narrowly missing the crystal. Now, the crystal turned red, splitting apart. Its upper and lower halves floated, while in the middle, it appeared like a black hole absorbing everything around it. The spear released by Bob was absorbed and launched back towards Rowan. Haval intercepted the attack but staggered to the ground and lay there, saying, "Damn, if this world follows the criteria of my dimension, I might have been enough to defeat it."

Rowan saw this and suddenly, a light appeared; yes, it was the power of The Mebius Heart. With a golden spear, Rowan threw the spear, hitting the black void of the crystal. It rendered the black hole of the crystal inactive and instantly dead. With the power of The Mebius Heart, Rowan swung his hand and pointed towards the crystal. The crystal cracked as Rowan pointed at it with his finger, revealing small crystal seeds of purple, green, blue, red, brown, orange, and white simultaneously.

Shattered, the giant crystal broke apart, leaving only the small crystal seeds behind. Rowan picked up the crystal seeds, and in the crocodile ring given by Imam Tariq, there was a hole large enough to fit the crystal seed into the crocodile's mouth on the ring. Rowan placed the crystal seed there, and suddenly, Rowan and Haval were instantly healed. Haval, who was injured, also recovered. Rowan could use the power to heal Goza as well. Not only that, when Rowan tried to find new powers and raised his hand, he created small black holes. It was not dangerous to Rowan but hazardous to the surroundings as it could absorb things. Haval also acquired a new shield after obtaining the crystal.

They walked on, continuing their journey with smiles etched on their faces. Rowan asked, "How did both of you become stronger, but when united with me, you..." Goza interjected abruptly with a strong tone, "It's because you're not on par with us! Even though you've united us, you might not be able to fully utilize the power, and for now, it's better if we split." Haval asked, "Why do you seem angry, Goza?" Goza replied with a slightly irritated tone, "Angry? No, I'm not angry." Haval said, "Look, your face is turning red too. What are you not satisfied with? What makes you angry?" Rowan chimed in, "Yeah, tell us." Goza remained stubborn and didn't want to answer, but eventually, he responded calmly, "Nothing, I'm just envious because you gained new shields and powers but not me." Rowan replied, "Is that it?! You should know our journey is still far."

Haval also responded, "I understand your feelings, Goza, but Rowan is right, our journey is still long." Goza remained silent. They stopped in a field of grass and flowers, gazing at the stars illuminating the sky. Rowan said, "Even though this isn't Earth and it's a world beyond Earth, I can still see the same sky and stars." Haval was seen sleeping, using his arm as a pillow, while Goza remained awake. Rowan, growing increasingly sleepy, eventually drifted off to sleep, leaving only Goza awake.

In the serene and tranquil atmosphere, accompanied by the chirping of crickets and other insects, the sky was adorned with beautiful stars illuminating the night sky, along with the shining moon. Warm winds came from the west, while cold winds came from the east, making them comfortable to sleep even just on the grass. "Sometimes, one's journey is not just about reaching the final destination, but more about the process of transformation and self-discovery that occurs along the way," said Goza before closing his eyes.

As soon as they fell asleep, David emerged from a portal and placed a crystal, fitting it into a hole on Rowan's Ring Of Darkness. After placing the crystal, David left, and Goza's shield attire and powers were infused with new strength. Goza woke up and sat, looking at his new attire, smiling, not knowing what to do, he just lay back down and slept.