
Chapter 67: Hosu Incident (I)

"All that high-and-mighty talk, but he's not even past the small potato stage. It's almost cute how hard he's trying." He smirked.

"You shouldn't criticise him too much..." Kurogiri told Himura, who just gave him a confused gaze, urging him to continue talking.

"Actually, the cities he's appeared in have all seen across-the-board drops in the crime rate. Some theorise that it's tied to an increase in hero awareness."

"Well, that's great!" Himura sneered sarcastically,"So much for putting a stop to heroism! Hero Killer? More like a hero breeder!"

He crossed his arms over his chest and thought out loud,"I knew it...we're just too different, deep down...it...pisses me off..."

"Kurogiri." Turning towards him, he ordered,"Bring out the nomus. And my special nomu."

"Special...nomu? Are you sure?" Kurogiri couldn't believe his ears and needed to confirm it.

"Yes! As if I'd let him get away with stabbing me like that. If he wants to go on a rampage, we'll let him...ha ha..."

As the black portal resurfaced once again, three five-metres tall nomus came out, and a single two-metres tall nomu came out.

"Which of us can cause more destruction? Let's see. I'll crush your pride and dignity...Stain!"


Meanwhile, while Hosu city was being invaded, something was also happening somewhere else.


A deep, resounding sound echoed near the ocean bed.

Shido was floating near the massive hole in the middle of the pacific ocean. Staring at it intently, he spoke,"So this is the hole? Looks manmade."

Yoshinon also observed it carefully. The hole was not surrounded by any hero nor any equipment. After all, the water current that was filling in the hole at an incredible rate, and any person who even gets close to the hole will be dragged down to the bottom and end up in who-knows-where.

This was one of the biggest mysteries that Humanity could not solve in five years. However, Shido already knew the answer.

As he went downwards inside the hole, there wasn't much light present. After about half an hour of flying, he finally reached the bottom of the hole.

Or what he thought the 'bottom' was since, instead of land, there was only an empty gap where water flowed into.

"Is that space manipulation?"

Shido wondered as he saw all the water disappear into the 'portal' and appear all over the other oceans, resulting in the water level never being lowered.

"Wait, it's not a portal." Shido frowned as he looked even more closely at those things. Not only was water flowing inside and transported elsewhere, he could also see many marine life being forced inside as well.


A wormhole. Commonly defined as 'a hypothetical connection between widely separated regions of space–time'.

But Shido knew it was anything but hypothetical. It was right in front of him.

"Let's close it up before anything else gets messed up." Shido decided. He had read the news about marine life dying much faster than they were supposed to due to species appearing in the wrong oceans, the eco-system was messed up by a totally new species of predators appearing out of nowhere, salt water mixing in different oceans causing various problems such as too much salt, too little salt, wrong temperature of the sea and more problems.

The cause of it was because of this wormhole, transporting the pacific ocean's water to different parts of the world.

Sealing it would mean that the ocean level would permanently drop as the hole needed water to completely 'fill' it up and the new deepest point in the ocean would appear.

There are several good points in doing so.

One, the sea level would decrease, making floods happen less often and more land for human use.

Two, the sea water would finally stabilise and after a few years, the ecosystem will go back to what it was like before this wormhole opened up.

Third, it would allow scientists to have a chance to explore more of what Earth has to offer. Even after the appearance of quirks, going to the bottom of the sea still proved to be an impossible task. Once the worldwide sea level decreases by a meter or so, more opportunities can be opened up to have even more discoveries.

And lastly, it would ease his small guilt.

Where did the crater appear from?

It came from his ability, known as a 'spacequake'. It takes reference to earthquakes since both cause huge amounts of destruction caused by the moving of tectonic plates, or in the case of 'spacequake', the moving, manipulation and distortion of space.

Immediately after he had arrived at the bottom of the hole, his mind suddenly had a small tingle. Two small pieces of information suddenly appeared in his head, similar to when he just woke up in this world.

The first one was, obviously, about his ability, Spacequake.

The second one was about Michael. He had now 'unlocked' the ability to unlock space and create wormholes similar to the one he's seeing right now.

"Well, let's get to work and sealing up this wormhole."


Out of nowhere, a key the length of his height appeared mid-air.


Inserting the key into the wormhole like how he would insert a key into a lock, he had to use his strength to prevent himself from getting sucked into the wormhole as the gravitational pull was very strong.

He turned the key anti-clockwise, and the wormhole could be seen closing at the speed visible to naked eye.

Not even a minute later, the wormhole disappeared, and only an empty dry earth was left in its wake. The sea water that was flowing down suddenly had nowhere to go, and started rapidly filling up the hole.

"It's time to go. Stay safe, marine life~"

After waving in the direction of the water that was pouring down, a broom appeared, sucking Shido inside before disappearing again.



Lights and explosions filled the city, huge amounts of black smoke filled the air.

Looking towards the explosions, Stain narrowed his eyes and said,"So flashy...what's that idiot doing…? I'll take care of him later...but for now.."

Turning his head back to the person he held in his hands against the wall, he continued."I'll...do what I came to do."

"I can't...move...you bastard…!! I'll get you…!" The person whose face was covered by Stain's hand, muttered as he tried his best to struggle out of his strong grip, not that he could move to begin with.

His entire body was devoid of his control, and the only he could currently do was look in fear at his attacker.

"If you're really a hero...then choose your last words wisely."

Just st Stain pulled out his knife and was about to stab it into the hero, he suddenly changed his mind and slashed horizontally towards his right instead, aiming it at the person who ambushed him, or at least tried to.

"Hm? A kid in a costume...who are you?��� Stain looked towards his ambusher who flew back from his attack and asked.


A cry of pain came from his ambusher as his helmet broke off from his head, revealing a boy in his teens with short, dark blue hair.

"Get out of here. This is no place for children."

"A scarf red as blood. Armed to teeth with blades…" The man, Tenya Iida remarked as he strained himself to stand up,"You must be hero killer Stain! Am I right?!"

Glaring hard at Stain, Tenya continued talking,"I've been pursuing you. Though I didn't expect us to meet so soon! I am…"

But before Tenya could continue, Stain's eyes narrowed and he immediately pointed his blade between Tenya's eyes.

"Your eyes. You're out for revenge, aren't you? Watch your damned mouth...or your age won't be enough to save you."

"To save me?" Tenya struggled to stand up straight,"So you don't even consider me a threat?"

"Listen up. Criminal. I am...the younger brother of a hero you attacked! My brother was an amazing hero among heroes!! And I've come to stop you in my brother's stead!! So remember this name for the short time you have left!"

"I'm Ingenium." Tenya announced,"The hero who's going to take you down!!"

"That so?" Stain opened his mouth, revealing his extraordinarily long tongue, tainted with numerous small papillae. "Then it's time for you to die!"

Just as he was about to slice Tenya, a voice suddenly appeared from Tenya's shadow.

"Now, now. I can't let you do this, you see…" A slightly childish voice rang in their ears and turning their heads towards the direction of the sound, they saw a twelve year old boy appear.

Immediately after seeing him, Stain leapt backwards and landed a few meters away from him.

"Who are you? You're very dangerous." Stain asked cautiously. His danger instincts had rung so loudly that he was immediately startled upon seeing the appearance of this young boy.

"Oh dear, where are my manners?"

His tone and smile seemed to be mocking Stain, but he didn't say anything and focused on the boy.

"My name is Itsuka Shido, also known as Phantom, rank 0 hero. You may call me Phantom or Itsuka-sensei, seeing that I'm about to teach you a lesson."

Pausing for a while, silence reigned in his surroundings before the puppet on his left arm suddenly opened his mouth,"Stop doing these puns. It's not funny and nobody is laughing."

Shido pouted a little at their bland reactions but quickly recovered.

"Ahem...anyways, my dear student is in danger and I would appreciate it if you would back off."

His smile seemed to grow bigger.


"Hoo...so you are asking me to stop killing these 'heroes'? Why? They are nothing but fakes...people who are just addicted to money, fame, but never actually did anything 'heroic'. The only one who's allowed to kill me, is All Might!"

"Hmm...then I am left with no choice. Society has told me to give people a second chance, and I've certainly grown softer due to that, but I'm not sure about you."

"Hoh? So you're someone who kills as well? As expected of your bloodlust."

"What bloodlust? What kills? Please don't use such crude terms on me. I wo-"

In the middle however, Tenya suddenly woke up from his daze and interrupted.

"Sensei! Please don't interfere with my fight! Let me fight him!"

Shido stared at him in amazement,"You do realise that we're talking about an actual villain right? Not those trash that attacked at USJ, but an actual killer."

"I know, but that's all the more why I should be the one who fights him." Tenya didn't hesitate for a single moment and replied with determination.

'Sigh, this guy is reckless, but whatever.'

"Sure, why not? Go ahead."

"But - wait. You agreed?"

"Yeah, why not? Instead of just letting you be unsatisfied at the side, why not just show you the difference between him and you." Shido shrugged his shoulder and said nonchalantly.

"Sending a student like him out first. What a hero. Maybe I should take you out first." Stain observed their actions and managed to hear his words.

Shido shook his head in reply and said,"Please don't call me a hero. My rank was given to me by the people, I haven't gotten a hero license, and I only help people when they're close by. Being called a hero makes me embarrassed."

"Hah...you're a funny little boy, aren't you?" Stain sneered at Shido before turning to Tenya,"Well, let's start. It's my duty to kill this guy. And if we're forced to fight, then naturally...the weaker of us will be culled."

Hearing his words, Tenya didn't hesitate anymore and immediately dashed towards him.

[A/N: I'm not gonna talk about his boring ass fight so...]

A few minutes later, Tenya could be found lying down on the ground, unable to move.

"You talk big, but you can't even touch me, much less beat me. So, let me continue my original business and if you're still planning to interfere, I'll kill you first." Stain threatened the duo but Shido didn't care.

"All right, do you know your lesson now? If I wasn't here, he would have already killed you." Shido stated flatly.


Tenya growled in anger, not at Shido and his matter-of-fact tone, but at himself for being too weak. Shido was right. If he wasn't here, Tenya would have already been killed.

While Tenya was in the middle of his lamenting, another boy's voice suddenly sounded.



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