
Chapter 108: Nomu Attack

"How you gave them false hope because you can't actually do anything? You know what's more unbearable than despair? It's false hope.

But enough about the majority of the heroes. Top ten heroes. A title. A crown that shows how much people have instilled their trust in you. Are you guys really gonna be like the other heroes? You guys have lower approval ratings than me, a twelve-year-old boy. So please, say something more suited for your rank, will you? Not those 'I won't change' or 'I want peace' or anything like that."

"Let's start with me, shall we? Let's start with something small, like, from now on!" Shido declared with a huge grin on his face, "I swear that until I retire! There will not be a casualty from villain attacks in Hosu City. If you're ever in need or in danger! Just call out my name, and I'll be there to save you if you're in Hosu City! I will ensure that neither a scratch nor a scar will ever be inflicted on your skin in a villain attack.

Hearing Shido's bold claim, the audience went into an uproar.

"You think I'm arrogant? Or prideful? I haven't shown you my capabilities that show that I can do that." Paying no heed to their outburst, Shido continued speaking to the microphone.

The entire area soon started to freeze, as countless clones of Shido began to appear from the shadows.

"My uphold my word as the number two hero, Phantom! And beware, criminals, don't test my patience. After this warning, if you're still seeking trouble in Hosu City, then I can't guarantee you'll see the light of the next day. If you love dwelling in the dark, I will ensure you stay permanently in the dark."

Hearing Shido's brazen claim, the audience continued to be in an uproar. Hearing a twelve-year-old boy threaten every criminal out there in Hosu city, people were naturally shocked.

Naturally, people didn't believe in him, but they didn't mutter anything terrible, seeing the clones of Shido just smile at them from only a meter away.

"That's all I have to say." Flying down together with Hawks, Shido offered the microphone to Endeavor, who snatched it from his palms.

"Now then, the stage is yours, mister number one, with a lower approval rating than us." Shido and Hawks floated on each side of Endeavor and said simultaneously.

"That was a bold claim from Phantom, don't you think?"

"Well, it is, but the rest of his speech actually made some sense."

"Yeah, there are also certain parts of Hawks' speech that I agree with."

"It's going to be hard for Phantom to uphold his current reputation if something goes wrong in Hosu City from now on. Everyone is just going to blame it on Phantom whenever something goes wrong."

"Yeah. And following Phantom's and Hawks' speech, it's gonna be tough for Endeavor to follow up on that."

The audience had calmed down relatively fast and started making some logical deductions. Some of them were obviously not happy as it was clear as day that Shido was referring to them, but they couldn't say anything back.

Because everything that Shido had said thus far was correct.

Soon, the audience quietened down, and Endeavor, noticing it, started to speak.

"After being provoked by those two novices just now, I only have one thing to say." For the first time in his life, Shido saw Endeavor whip out a feral grin.

"Just watch me."


After the event, Endeavor pulled Hawks' outer shirt in his private room and asked aggressively, "Mind telling me what you were trying to pull back there, boy?!"

Endeavor wanted to pull Shido's shirt as well, but Shido mosaiced himself, so Endeavor could only give up and focus on the winged man instead.

"Hoo boy...I sure stirred up a bunch of trouble for you, didn't I? Well, everyone was giving such plain speeches, so I thought mine needed a little more impact, you know?" Hawks smiled at Endeavor and said, before turning to Shido with a thumbs-up gesture, "Your speech was fantastic. I hope you can live up to your claim."

Shido smiled and replied to him, "Don't worry. Even now, I'm destroying all the gangs, criminal empires, and villains hotspots in Hosu City. After all, I made that claim, and I'm going to follow up on it."

"Haha...good boy!"

Endeavor was annoyed at the duo, who were just talking to each other while ignoring him.

He shook Hawks and, after gaining back his attention, growled, "So you were testing me, eh?"

Hawks hurriedly waved his hands in front of him and denied, "Not at all! I was actually giving you a little assist back there. It turned out pretty well, don't you think? Actually, it turned out way better than expected with Phantom's unexpected response."

Hawks pulled down his visor and said, "I never really considered myself to be an All Might fan, nor did I ever want to be like him. But even so, his retirement was a big shock to me. I'm not trying to say that we need someone as iconic as him to step in. But, I do believe that we are in dire need of a leader. Someone with the mental fortitude to support us all."

He turned towards Shido and said, "I did consider Phantom, but his age doesn't really click with the rest of the heroes, you know? No offense, though."

"None was taken. I know my own limitations of my age. Doesn't change the fact that I do have high charisma, though." Shido shrugged and replied nonchalantly.

Turning back to face Endeavor, a broad smile on Hawks' face appeared as he continued, "But you, Endeavor. You put me at ease. You were really cool back there."

"Are you trying to say that you can't become that leader? After Phantom, the next candidate would be you. You do realize that, right?"

"Do I really look like I have what it takes for that? I'd much rather be lower down in the ranks so I can be free to do what I want." Hawks gave a derisive laugh.

"Tch...you're the type of person I hate most. We're done talking. So apologize to everyone else. You as well, you little brat." Endeavor turned to leave after telling off the two of them.

"Nope. I said everything I said because I wanted to provoke them, taunt them, and motivate them. If I apologize, won't the effect of my provocation be reduced?" Shido shook his head and refused adamantly, "What this society needs are actual heroes, not those wannabe pretends. You of all should people should know my origins. I won't be here forever, you know?"

"Tch..." Endeavor heard his words, and although he agreed with what Shido had said, he chose to remain silent and continued walking out.

"Ah, wait! I didn't get to the main issue yet!" Hawks exclaimed and stopped Endeavor.

But Endeavor, after listening to the two novices' words, had lost his patience and retorted, "I don't want to hear it! Get lost!"

"I wanted to request a team-up. Truth is, the number of concerning sightings in my area has been increasing lately. You remember those 'nomu' things, right?"

The moment Endeavor heard the word 'nomu', he stopped in his tracks.

"Tell me more as we walk."

Both of them started walking out of the agency and walked out to the streets, with Shido behind them.

"Endeavor-san, do you have a favorite food?" Hawks asked casually as some of his feathers attacked a flasher, knocking him out cold.

Endeavor looked at the scene and was mildly impressed, though he didn't say anything. Hawks didn't mind the silence and continued talking at his own pace.

"The hot pot over there is amazingggg. It's really delicious, I'm telling you. The chicken's flavor comes out really well. They do huge portions, though. How hungry are you?"

Just then, a puppy broke free from his leash and ran across a road, where an oncoming truck was headed.

'I wanna isekai from his messed-up world!' The dog thought and ran in front of the truck. He timed his run to look as if it was a coincidence that he would die to the truck to not draw suspicion.

However, Hawks wasn't going to let the dog isekai before he did, so using his feathers, he lifted the dog out of harm's way, only to receive loud barkings towards him.

On the other hand, the dog's owner thanked Hawks profusely as feathers from his wings started going in all directions, stopping crimes everywhere.

"I could also go for some Yakitori! I bet you'll really dig 'Yoritomi''s chicken liver."

Hawks went on with his own pace while Endeavor just walked behind him silently.

Hawks was obviously famous around this area, as he received several recognitions from passers-by. Of course, as they were the top three heroes in Japan, the trio was in the middle of attention.

People approached Hawks and Shido to take some photos together with them, but nobody went towards Endeavor. Since Shido had decided to reveal his identity, he didn't mind taking pictures with the civilians, unlike previous times.

Hawks was handsome in his own right, and Shido was cute. Thus, many ladies and girls were inclined to take photos with both of them.

They were surrounded by their fans and started signing autographs and conversing with them. However, Endeavor's surroundings were empty. Although he was the number one hero, nobody dared to go close to him.

Shido noticed that Endeavor actually took the initiative to go close to a trio of kids and offered a handshake, only to see that a kid had run away while crying blood.

"Pfft..." Shido couldn't help but laugh out loud, seeing the response Endeavor got from a kid.

Soon, they got out of the crowd and managed to find their way to Umai Building, a building dedicated to serving meals in private rooms for the high class.

Hawks, Shido, and Endeavor were number three, two, and one hero, respectively. Thus they managed to get a room relatively quickly.

Shido walked behind those two as they entered the room before they paused and turned around to face Shido.

"Phantom? What are you doing here?" Hawks asked, "You want to team-up with me as well?"

"Hm? No." Shido denied before taking a seat on the chair, "I'm just here for the free food."

Hawks frowned as he took a seat beside Shido, "Who said it was free?"

"It wasn't?" Shido asked with his eyebrows raised before pointing at Endeavor, "Isn't he gonna treat us?"

Hawks placed his fist on his palm, and a lightbulb clicked in his head.

"How could I forget that?"

"You brats..."

They ordered their food, and it arrived in no time as the trio started talking casually, laughing at Endeavor's fans' reaction to his friendliness.

After the food was delivered, the conversation soon turned into a serious one.

Hawks started talking about the nomus, the rumors, and the incidents happening all around Japan.

When Endeavor realized that he didn't have any proof and was basing everything on rumors, he got up and left.

That was when Hawks revealed his investigation that there were no rumors that could be validated and shared his abstract theory with Endeavor.

"After the many incidents, UA, Hosu, Komino, the forests, everybody's already privy to these 'modified humans' and what they're capable of. I wonder whether it's all just some asshole with a motive to spread unease...propagating the rumors through the nation right now."

"All right, enough exaggeration. What the hell do you want in the end? Tell me your end game!" Endeavor growled.

Hawks started talking about how he wanted Endeavor to be the number one hero that people can depend on. He wanted to be on the sidelines and wanted to take it easy. His ideal life was to just take leisurely patrol shifts, and when it was a slow day, just sit back and relax.

"I want to create a world where heroes have more free time than they know what to do with." Hawks replied with a smile.

Suddenly, all three heroes paused. Shido, who hasn't said a word since the serious discussion started, smiled and spoke, "Endeavor, Hawks...it seems that we've got company. Well, it's time for you to get some after-meal exercise, Endeavor, Hawks.

Shido didn't panic and just dragged the waitress, who had arrived to collect the bill, into his shadow along with the table full of plates.

He didn't want the lovely wooden table to be destroyed after all.


The glass window shattered into pieces, and the black figure with an exposed brain asked, "Which is...the strongest one?"

Endeavor immediately reacted and shouted, "Hawks! Phantom! Lead the evacuation!"

"Already on it, Endeavor! And I might need help, Hawks. I don't have enough clones in this area."

"Got it! What about you, Endeavor-san!?"

"So it wasn't a rumor. What great timing this thing has. Well, no matter." Endeavor's fist clenched as a burst of flames burned.

"In any case, I came specifically for his! Bright Scorching Fist Jet Burn!" Endeavor shouted as he launched a flaming punch at the black nomu, causing it to fly out of the building.

Endeavor's entire body burned even brighter and hotter as he floated in the middle of the air, using his flames in his feet as propellers.

"Come," Endeavor spoke with a grave tone, "I'll show you what the number one hero looks like."


If you want to support me or/and want 14+ chapters in advance, link: https://www.patréon.com/spirits_everywhere. We are currently 11.25 months ahead (aka 45 chapters at chapter 153 going by 1 chapter per week release schedule)