
Chapter 102: Tour Around School

"And she's my girlfriend."

"Eh?" The boys were stupified and shook their heads. They asked again, "I must have misheard it. What did you say again, Sensei?"

"She's my girlfriend."


"What's so surprising about that?" Shido asked with a smug smile.

"Sensei! Even though you're our Sensei, you're still younger than us! How could you have a girlfriend before us?!" Mineta shed bloody tears as he cried out loud, "Even I don't have one, yet you're already on the way to having a harem?!"

'Harem? Let's not go that far yet...' Shido smiled wryly at the crying Mineta and thought.

The girls' group wasn't too far, so the boys' loud conversation could be heard easily. Notably, after Mineta screamed the word 'harem' desperately.

The girls turned excited as they started whispering somethings to Eri, causing her to blush a little before she frowned and nodded her head determinedly.

Shido didn't know what they were talking about and didn't dime to find out.

After about five minutes or so, Shido announced that he would be walking around UA with Eri and that they should all go back to practicing.

Some of the girls were saddened that Eri would be gone for a while. But decided to practice as Shido said. Shido left a clone and allowed him (the clone) to summon Gabriel in case Katsuki decided to start practice early. He didn't want to be interrupted in the middle of their 'date' after all.


As Eri walked around with Shido hand-in-hand, she looked around curiously. Due to UA High School being almost as large as a city on its own, she didn't have many chances to explore around.

She only walked past the primary facilities to get to the infirmary to heal others, but she didn't go to many other places apart from that.

"Why are there so many students here even though it's a weekend?"

"Today's indeed a weekend, but because of the new boarding school model, lots of people are continuing with their preparations, just like my class."

"So the boarding school model wasn't just for the year 1s?"

"Of course not. Although it's mainly the year 1s that the villains had attacked, the school's worried that the villains may decide to attack the other levels as well. Thus, the arrangement."

"I see..."

As they walked past some raw materials, Shido continued talking.

"In fact, this festival wasn't even supposed to happen."


"The government's paranoid, but thanks to Nezu's insistence on this festival happening, the festival was successfully preserved."

The school was drenched in a festive atmosphere, and the only stress that was present was whether or not they could complete their program on time.

"Even though it's still a month away, it's so busy!" Eri commented.

"Everybody's bringing the school motto to their task even more so than last year. But then again, things weren't this serious last year, so they might not have the energy to do their best then."

Just as they talked, a dragon suddenly appeared in front of them, scaring Eri a little.

"Excuse me...wait, it's Itsuka-sensei from class A!!" Tetsutetsu loudly blurted as he shifted the hand-made dragon under his armpit, securing it tightly.

"Yo! How's your preparation coming along?" Shido greeted cheerfully while Eri just examined the dragon closely.

Wait, wait, wait! Are you asking how we are doing?! Aren't you a teacher?! You've got that much time on your hands?!" Neito let out a large grin and asked loudly.

Ignoring that rude little boy, Shido examined the finely-made dragon together with Eri. Looking closely at it, Shido had to admit that it was finely made. The scaled were carved one by one, and the details were concise and lucid, making it look very realistic.

"Ignoring me, are you?! You think that's okay!?"

Awase, who helped Tetsutetsu carry the dragon, turned his head around and asked Shido, "Sensei, I heard you guys are putting on some kind of live performance?"

Without even waiting for Shido to reply, Neito smirked and said, "I wonder how that'll go! This time I'll tell you straight up: we of class B are gonna be better than you! 'Romeo, Juliet, and the prisoner of Azkaban: The return of the kings'. Class B's completely original super special fantasy play!!"

And as if that weird title wasn't enough, Neito went on to laugh madly and declared, "Better get ready! We're gonna shame you to tears! I'll have a handkerchief for you when it happens!!"

Shido had a tick mark on his head after hearing his bold words. Firstly, he was a teacher. Where did the respect for teachers go to? Secondly, he declared war on a professional musician who had been the most famous musician since five years ago. How stupid can one be?

However, before he could retort, Awase snuck up behind Neito and batted him with a wooden plank.

"Sorry for the disrespect, Sensei. Kendo's not here, so he went unchecked."

"No problem. But where's Kendo-san?"

Carrying the unconscious Neito on his back, Awase replied, "She's running for Miss Con, though she's being forced against her will."

"Miss Con? I see...that explains it." Shido thought for a moment before nodding his head.

"Shido, what's Miss Con?" Eri asked. She didn't participate in the previous two year's school festival, so it was natural that she didn't know.

[A/N: Why you may ask, why didn't Eri participate? Cause t's plot.]

"Miss Con, also known as Miss Contest. It's a popular annual school competition that has traditionally focused on judging and ranking the contestants' physical attributes." Shido explained. But after seeing Eri's confused look, he simplified it for her, "Basically, how pretty you are."


"Let's visit one of my past students. She's also a regular participant of Miss Con."


Shido mysteriously smiled as he guided her to a room.

Walking up to the equipment room, they entered it and saw a girl floating in the air.

She wore a very exquisite dress that showed off all of her curves in the right places.

"Last year's second-place finisher, Hado Nejire-san."

Upon seeing Shido's appearance, she immediately disregarded the photoshoot and floated towards them.

"Hey, hey, why is Shido-chan here? Strange! Why, why!? So exciting!"

"Hado-san?" Eri tilted her head and confirmed.

"And who is this?" Before Shido could even reply to her question, she turned her head towards Eri.

"And who is this cute girl?! Strange?! Who is she? So exciting!"

"Yeah...This is Hado-san." Shido tiredly said before turning towards Nejire, "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Sensei when we're in school?"

"It's fine! You're not my Sensei anymore, so there shouldn't be a problem, should there?" Nejire replied nonchalantly before her attention was returned to Eri.

"So tell me, who is she?"

"This is Eri."

A simple introduction, but Nejire didn't mind. She floated down and picked her up in her arms before cuddling her.

"Eri-chan! How cute! Oh, you have horns too? What does your horn do? Why is it so short? Can it grow longer?"

Questions after questions were fired at Eri, but Eri, surprisingly, managed to answer all of them entirely.

"Oh? How curious. Someone actually managed to reply to all my questions?!" Nejire was a little surprised but quickly got over it. At this point, her attention was entirely on the girl in her arms, ignoring Shido and the other students present in the room.

Shido sighed before turning towards the other two of the Big Three.

"Hello, Togata-san, Amajiki-san!"

"Hello, Sensei!" The two gave a quick reply as they stared at Nejire tiredly. Even the usually active Mirio was tired.

"As I thought, Hado-san is more of the cute type than the sexy type, much like Eri." Shido commented as he looked at the floating girl.

Nejire must have heard him because she immediately floated near him and spoke, "That's right, but listen!! Are you listening!? Each year, I've never won! There's this amazing girl...! The champion of Miss Con!! From the third-year class G support team, the dazzling Zaki Bibimi-san."

"How does she look like?" Eri asked.

To her question, Tamaki replied, "This year, she's gonna appear in a commercial that'll make her fanbase blow up. Kendo-san will be there as well. Hado-san's getting fired up for it, too."

Tamaki sudden;y knelt down on the floor and grasped his stomach, "To perform in the presence of the public...just thinking about it...ow, oww...my stomach starts to hurt..."

Nejire continued, "As Yuyu says, the first step is just about making an appearance...but one way or another...it becomes both exciting and terrifying..."

"And that's why, this year, I'll definitely win! It's my last one, after all!" Nejire closed her eyes and gave a bright smile.

Tamaki remained silent at her declaration, but he smiled while Mirio gave an encouragement, "You can do it!"

Eri looked at her in her arms with amazement in her eyes.

'Her smile is so bright...so innocent...'

"Good luck then! We'll be cheering for you." Shido said while Eri bumped her tiny fist with Nejire's.

"Hehe, thank you, Shido-chan and Eri-chan. I'll do my best!"

"For the last time, it's Sensei for you!"


"Well, then! The next place we're going to visit is..." Shido said as they started walking towards the development studio, "The support department!!"

Guiding Eri towards the noisy room, he introduced, "All of the grades hold a technology exhibition together!"

Eri's eyes lit up as she remembered, "Is this the one that always gets shown on TV?"

However, before Shido could reply, another voice popped up and interrupted him. Shido could only lament about his fate of being interrupted for the nth time today.

"That's right! The cultural festival is the support team's moment to shine!" A girl with salmon pink hair spoke.

Shoulder-lengthed, her hair was styled into thick dreadlocks and side-swept to her right. Her two most prominent features were the amount of dirt she had on her body and face and her yellow irises with a cross in the center, making them look like scope lenses.

"Wah!" Eri was shocked and jumped in fright. Turning around to find herself face to face with Hatsume, Eri soon calmed down.

"Hat...sume-san?" Eri asked unsurely.

"Indeed, I am! Though I don't know how you know my name, it does not matter." Hatsume raised both of her hands and introduced loudly, "My adorable babyyyyy, child number 202!!"

"Does everyone who studies in UA become weird? Or are they all naturally weird?" Eri couldn't help but whisper to Shido.

Shido snickered but regained his composure so fast that no one noticed it, save for Eri.

Turning back to look at the giant robot behind Hatsume, Eri saw the amount of dirt present on Hatume's face.

"You're...really dirty..."

"'Cause getting in the tub is a waste of time!"

Both Eri and Shido sweatdropped at her statement but chose to shift their attention to her invention instead.

Despite her wacky and exotic behavior, they had to admit that her inventions were really cool.

"The ideas keep gushing on forth! It's so exciting!" Hatsume kept spinning around as she wobbled over to her invention and touched it gently, "For the hero department, the sports festival was already the second place to garner attention. But! This time, it's us that have been allowed to be the main attraction!"

She turned around and smiled widely, "A ton of companies will get a careful look at my little child! I better rear him to not be shy!"

However, in her excitement, she subconsciously tapped her invention a tad too hard, causing it to start producing smoke.

"Um...rather than that, maybe you should rear him to be a little less explosive first?" Shido awkwardly suggested as he pointed at the thick, black smoke coming out from the giant robot.

"BABYYYY!!?" Hatsume exclaimed with shock present in her voice. Turning her head from side to side, she screamed, "Water! Water!!!!!!"

"Wah! Hatsume again!?"

Complaints could be heard all over the place as Shido just froze the robot, effectively calming everyone down.

"Phew...thank you for your help, Itsuka-sensei." The supervisor thanked Shido, "If not for you stopping the fire, it would have burnt the whole place down."

"Again." He glared at Hatsume, but she was too busy crying over her frozen 'baby' to notice it.

"Yeah, no problem..." Shido replied awkwardly as both of them, Eri and Shido, thought at the same time.

'Just how many times did this happen already in her first year at UA?'

After that mini-incident, Eri and Shido left to explore other parts of the school. From the outdoor field to the gym and even to the rooftop, where someone was trying to bungee jump. Obviously, Shido stopped their actions since it was too dangerous.

Eventually, they walked towards Lunch Rush's cafeteria.


I published another two books:

When the Paradigmatic Quintuplets meet the Quintessential Quintuplets (Kuroko no Basket and Quintessential Quintuplets crossover), it might contain other animes, but these two are the main ones.)

Infinity and Deception (I don't know whether it would be a Multiverse fanfic(?), but the first world is MHA.)

Go check it out and tell me what you think? Each of them currently has 3 chapters on trial and depending on the popularity and feedback, I might prioritize writing them.

If you want to support me or/and want 14+ chapters in advance, link:
