
chapter 1

A father can't be explained with some letters or any expression or any language. Father means Father whom we can't compare with anyone but father . The only universe He lives is beset with his loving child . Behind the hard labor they also have a dream world which they want to decorate by their own .The prince or princess of that dreamt world is none but their loving child. But ever we thought that how much we have been their dreaming prince or princess and how much respect we have given them of their labor .

If we would give them ,then there would be no old asylum and no father had to live in there. Then they would have that dreamt world.

One day every boy will be a father and they aslo would have a world behind the real world named dream world. Their hope and their dream will be their children. They would see their world through their children's eye. The circle of fatherhood will continue .

We should love our father and respect their decisions for our future . We should support him. (*dear readers I hope you understand what massage I want to give you .*)

Long live every father.