
The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Marcus had never believed that he would receive the Truck-Kun Treatment. In the end, he did not, but he instead met his end at the hand of Plane-Kun. A plane fell on his house killing him without him even knowing what did him in. That is where he met a goddess who gave him three wishes. Not knowing where he would be sent he picked what he thought would serve him forever. He chose well when he got sent into DC with unlimited potential at his finger tips.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Justinian’s Gain.

(I learned an interesting thing about Magic in DC. Mordru, another Lord of Chaos, explained magic to Wonder Woman. Justinian's use of magic is close to a mix of Order and Chaos. In Order Magic, you use it through chants, rituals, and magic items.

Effectively, you are asking the Universe to use Magic. In Chaos Magic, you don't use any of that and force magic to do what you want. Justinian uses magic circles, but he does not ask. He takes magic and forces it to his will as Dragons and Chaos Lords do. I will also change the name of the Pentetrate Ability to Pierce.)

When Justinian unleashed his Balance Breaker: The Supreme Imperial Dominator Armor, his mind was locked on combat. He gripped the handle of his transformed Guardian Spear with a crushing grip as he swung the giant Chain Ultra Greatsword.

The Molecular Disruption Field was still in effect, causing each segment to crackle with Imperial Purple and Royal Gold lightning. Klarion smirked as he weaved out of the blade's path, or so he thought.

"Nice try."

Justinian's use of The Principle of Dominance allowed him to 'dominate' different outcomes. He knew he could not affect Klarion himself, so he focused his power on his weapon. He changed how his weapon moved, turning a miss into a guaranteed hit. 

Doing this caused the entire blade to cleave Klarion right down the middle. Teekl, the cat, merely jumped onto one of Klarion's halves. Having dodged the first attack and suddenly finding himself slashed left the Chaos look shook but not scared or even in pain.


His two bloody halves burst into Chaos Magic before he formed back into himself. He opened his palms, and massive crimson reality-distorting waves of Chaos Magic surged toward Justinian.

"Neet trick, not going to work twice."

'Fucking Chaos, it doesn't matter where it is from. It just doesn't know how to stay down.'

Justinian held his left hand out and unleashed a wave of Golden-Purple Psychic Lightning. When both energies clashed, reality seemed to undo itself, as up became down, left became right, and the air became solid.

The sky began to rain blood as if reality were crying. Each drop of blood was pure Chaos, and when they fell, the taint of Chaos started to spread through the city. Justinian saw that any touched building ripped itself from the ground, becoming Chaotic Golems. 

Once animated, these Golems began to move through the city to find unsuspecting people. The same fate befell any people, birds, or animals unfortunate enough to be touched by the Chaos Rain. 

People that were outside, as he had guessed, warped and mutated into Chaos Spawns, as he called them because they looked like Chaos Spawns. His Honor Guard down below was ready, and they began to slay them before they could gather. Quickly enough, he sent an order to them.

'Ves, Strakerr, I want you to guard the White House. That way I can call this a political favor.'

Both Marines did not need to be told twice because they could not keep up with the Elites. The difference in equipment quality, talent, the type of magical enhancements, and sheerness was almost unfair.

The two-phased under the ground to avoid most of the Chaos Energy. What began to reach under the ground, they relied on their Power Armor's shields and enchantments to protect them from the Chaos Aura. 

As for the battle above, it was becoming more savage. The more they clashed, the higher the concentration of chaotic taint poisoned reality around them. With how high up they were, any clouds touched became blood red to continue the rain. 

He snarled as he mustered the Principles of Supremacy and Dominance to increase his Dominion over Magic. Behind his back, he created over 10,000 magic circles, all of which he, Ddraig, and Albion had worked to improve from their old world. 

Each circle began to unleash massive blasts of Empyrean blasts formed of many elements, incinerating the Chaos Clouds as they formed. Klarion whistled as using that many magic circles chantless was far from easy. 

He didn't need to chant as a Chaos Lord, but he knew the method. 

"Impressive. Not. Yorted lla sih cigam selcric dna od ti ni a hsalf."

From Klarion, a wave of Chaos Magic surged toward Justinian, but he didn't bother to dodge. He aimed his sword forward and used it as a Mages Staff. 


Every one of his 10,000 magic circles burst, and all of their magic and psychic energy fused behind him into a massive contract of a Blood Dragon. The black and red dragon looked forward at the wave of Chaos Magic moving its way without fear. 

The construct opened its mouth and absorbed the entire wave. 

"That's not g-" 

Before Klarion could finish, the construct opened its mouth and unleashed a massive wave of energy at Klarion. The flames surged for miles, making the entire sky look more like the Apocalypse than Earth. 

Teekl jumped off his shoulder and through a portal, leaving the 100% immortal Klarion behind. The Chaos Lord's form was vaporized, leaving no trace. Justinian aimed his hand at the Blood Dragon Construct and drew all of its Magic and Psychic Energy into his hand. 

He crushed all the energy into a small baseball-sized orb, which he threw at Klarion, who reformed. From the look of it, the Chaos Lord looked pissed. 


He caught the orb in his hand and was about to throw it back, but Justinian just detonated it, causing another massive blast of imperium energy to vaporize the Chaos Lord once more. 

No matter what Justinian did, he could never kill Klarion. Even throwing him through the sun wouldn't do it. He could not be trapped, sealed, or anything, as that was how Chaos operated. 

As long as Order and Chaos existed, so would their Lords. However, Klarion was the newest and weakest Chaos Lord and easier to rile up. The bad thing was that fighting one out in the open would cause the surroundings to become nothing more than a Chaos-tainted wasteland.

Like in the 41st millennium, the entire city would need to be subjected to Exterminatus and the people purged. Chaos in all its forms was a poison to real space, but he could admit it was powerful.

'Maybe I can benefit from this. I just got to get that cat to make him deal.' 

When Klarion reformed, he appeared to be a few seconds from losing it. 


Justinian ignored the outburst as he spoke to him.

"Tell me, Klarion, why are you attacking the Capital? Can't be that fun."

As he said, he flew through the air and swung his Chain Sword again. Like a living snake, the blade twisted and coiled in ways non-magical metal couldn't. He encircled Klarion, who laughed as if the question was dumb. He spun around as waves of Chaos surged from his body to escape the encirclement. 

"Duh, the stupid heroes will come to try to stop me and Nabu with them."

Justinian chuckled as he pulled his sword down and called on his Principles again. He felt his mental faculties speed up, his skill, his strength, and so much more. He could use them simultaneously, and he showed that his sword moved according to his will. It cleaved through the lower half of Klarion, cutting off his legs.

Klarion looked at his lack of legs, a little amused. 

"Wow, I could get used to this." 


Teekl jumped back on his shoulder with more insults. 

"AHHHH! Who asked you?"

Justinian pulled his sword back, causing the Ultra Greatsword to reform. 

"That is fun? Why do you think I took to ruling Mars? The fight between Heroes and Villains is beneath me, but I digress. I will show you that you don't need a Lord of Order to find a challenge."

Klarion crossed his arms as his legs grew back.

"You ain't no Nabu, but you will do."

Justinian took a deep breath and began using his Psyker Disciplines to increase his astronomical strength.

'Might of the Ancients, Might of Heroes, Psychic Scourge, Custodian's Might. Draconic Rage, Draconic Endurance, Dragon Heart, Blessing Of The Machine, Warpflesh, Vengence, The Omnisiah's Chosen, and Odin's Sight.'

At the same time, he cast several Magic Buffs, which worked together with his Psyker Disciplines.

'Death Ward, Haste, Berserk, Greater The Unbreakable, Greater Indominal, Magic Ward Chaos, Chaos Aura, Greater Full Potential, Mana Essence.'

Klarion squinted his eyes as he felt both Psychic and Magical Abilities he had never seen before. He had faced plenty of Psychics and Mages across the millennia he had been tormenting Earth.

Many had done something similar, but what interested him was the lack of chants. The way Justinian used his magic was not Order Magic, and it was not Chaos Magic. He was starting to think about the fight, which caused him to get curious. 

His black eyes began to glow a deeper shade of red as he wanted to know. He wanted to know so badly what that was, but he got his answer when Justinian moved. Justinian smiled as he got the fight started once more.


The genuinely broken thing about his ability was that after he cast his buffs, they got Boosted alongside him. With his strength multiplied 32,768 times, he became an ocean of Psychic and Magical Energies.

His three sets of mechanized wings flapped as he reached Klarion instantly. No shockwaves were released because he used his magic to contain them. If not, at the speeds he could move, he would ignite the atmosphere and destroy Earth.

He focused on his Chain Blade and changed its form into his Guardian Spear. Purple Gold Psychic Flames, Ddraig's Blazing Flames, and Albion's Reduce Venom fused to coat the entire thing.

On top of that, he activated Ddraig's second ability.


He held his spear with both hands and thrust it forward, striking Klarion dead in the chest. The Chaos Lord was impaled through his black Chaotic Heart.

"Ha, nice t-"


He only used it once because when he felt himself drain some Chaos Magic into his body, Albion warned him. 


Without skipping a beat, his three sets of wings vented the Chaos Magic out of his systems. 

{Chaos Magic is just as disgusting as it was in my world.}


Teekl, the cat on his shoulder, jumped away as the Psychic Soul Destroying Poisoned Flames filled Klarion's body from within with flame. Klarion became a Purple Gold burning man as he was vaporized again.

However, Justinian's sixth Sense, Instinct and Precognition, kicked him as he flapped his wings to move. Where he stood, several massive blades formed of Chaos magic struck. They would have impelled his form and skewered him like an Iron Maiden.

From nothing, Klarion reformed, and he looked pissed.

"That HURT!"

Teekl, his Spiritual Anchor, began to fly back to him, but Justinian moved quickly. Using both Principles, he changed his location faster than teleporting. He opened his palm and caught Teekl in his hand. The cat hissed at him, making him smile. He could end the fight here and now by killing her, sending Klarion back to his home dimension.

Teekl was Klarion's sole anchor to Earth. When he saw that Justinian was holding her, he became enraged. She was the only thing he truly cared about.


His features had become taught, his child-like body warped into a more Demonic appearance, and his voice was distorted by Demonic taint. Even his pupils had become burning red pits.

"If you hurt her-"

Justinian snorted as he saw the League begin to appear. In battles of this scale, only the Heavy Hitters could get involved: Diana, Shazam, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Superman.

He could even see Big Barda, which he had not seen the last time he had come to Earth. Even magic users like Zatana and Zatara were present. The weaker heroes began to move through the city to save people and stop the Chaos Beasts and Golems.

As they moved, they noticed Justinian's Honor Guard already doing that, so they worked alongside them to kill the Chaos Beasts. However, Justinian turned his head as he could see Auralina starting up her sermons again. 

She raised her mace with a single hand and began to destroy Chaos Spawn, Golems, and the occasional mutated bird. Since she was wearing her helmet, no one could see her crazy, fanatical face, which was good. She could be scared when she got into her religious fervor. 

Justinian ignored her as he turned back to Klarion. This was not their first time facing Klarion or other Chaos Lords. Those affected by Chaos were beyond saving, and even Doctor Fate could not heal them.

At that point, their humanity was all but gone, and like Vampires, they were to be killed on sight. Locking them up was not an option; even Batman agreed to do it. The people once touched by Chaos had no souls or even lives anymore.

The strong heroes began to gather around Justinian and Klarion. They all had questions about why he was here on Earth, but they were ecstatic when they saw he already had Teekl in hand. 

Doctor Fate felt this was an excellent way to end the battle since it was won.

"Destroy his Anchor, and the battle ends. Your loss, Witch Boy."

Klarion snarled as he looked at his familiar in Justinian's giant palm.


Justinian glanced around at the heroes before arguably making the more selfish choice.

"Klarion, let us make a deal. I know you, Lords of Chaos and Order, are bound to honor it."

Hearing his words, the heroes turned their heads to him. Wonder Woman tried to reason with him since she could be called his friend.

"Justinian, what are-"

He held his hand to Diana as he would not kill Teekl. This way, he would get one favor from Klarion since killing the poor cat wouldn't stop Klarion. Once dead, Klarion could get another anchor at any time, so he would make a deal that he would be oath-bound to honor.

"I return Teekl unharmed. You stop your attack on DC, and you owe me a favor at any time of my choosing. Fair?"

Klarion squinted his eyes as he saw Teekl meow sadly at him. Begging for him.

"Whatever, deal."

Instantly, the agreement was formed, and both were magically bound to honor it. Justinian levitated closer to Klarion and handed Teekl back. When he had his cat back, Klarion hugged her tight.



Instantly, Klarion's happy face died.

"I should have let you be squished."

He turned to Justinian with a frown.

"Thank you. What is your name?"

"Justinian. Remember Klarion; I spared her life; now you are oath-bound."

"I know already."

He turned around and walked through a crimson portal. When he was gone, Justinian aimed his hand at the sky. He pulled all the tainted clouds into his left hand.

He burned them up with his Psychic Flames before turning to the Leaguers flying around. They all seemed annoyed at him making a deal with one of their recurring threats.

"Best outcome for all involved."

Doctor Fate seemed to ponder things as the Lords of Chaos and Order had feuded since time immemorial. However, Justinian was correct, as Klarion would pick another anchor and be a threat again.

He would also hold a grudge because Klarion technically was not evil. He was chaotic and had come to their aid before as chaotic as his help was. This way, the city was spared, and Klarion left. Despite not benefiting anyone other than Justinian, he had a binding vow now.

"I see the logic, but dealing with Chaos Lords should not be done."

Justinian nodded as he rested his Guardian Spear on his shoulder. His helmet began to disassemble into parts, exposing his face to the Leaguers.

"I know. Your welcome by the way."

Superman was now curious and a little irritated.

"While we appreciate the help, why did you intervene anyway? Since you arrived, you have made it clear that you don't want to join the League or get involved in Earthly-"


Superman corrected himself just to be polite.

"Terran affairs. What made this event, which the League could have stopped, make you move?"

Justinian pointed down at his Embassy.

"My Embassy is in this city, and I have two of my Space Marines here. That was the main reason, and the more petty reason is I am holding a grudge. Chaos is a problem even in the 41st millennium. More so than now."

Nabu took this information to heart as he would have to inform the other Lords to prepare for them.

"I will remember."

Doctor Fate flew down as he needed to purge as much Chaos magic as possible. While he was here, Justinian decided to help. Calling on the Principles of Domination and Supremacy simultaneously, he drew on his psychic and magic abilities.

He pointed his spear at the sky and pulled the clouds for hundreds of miles. He supercharged the clouds with his Psychic Lightning, causing them to thunder with gold and purple before he aimed down at the city. 

Under the eyes of the heroes, he begins to smite every Chaos, Golem, Beast, and Bird. The heroes around him were stuck staring at him because he had, without a shadow of a doubt, gotten stronger since he arrived. 

The fact that he used magic meant they would need magic to face him. In a few moments, Justinian ends the threat of the corrupt creatures, but they still have to begin treating the people who survived since Chaos Magic is like cancer to them. 

Once done, he dispelled the supercharged clouds before turning to the Leaguers. 

"I will stick around for a couple of hours. I got a diplomatic meeting with the President since his Capital was invaded, my embassy was almost destroyed, and two of my Marines were nearly killed. This is not a good look, I will admit." 

Superman nodded. 

"Understood. We appreciate the help." 

Justinian hummed. 

"Not a problem. Terra is still the place of my birth, and I am duty-bound to make sure it lives at any cost." 

That sounded a little ominous, but it meant that Justinian would never try to destroy Earth, at least. He turned to gaze at Wonder Woman, who wondered why he had gotten so big. 

He smiled in her direction as he deactivated his Balance Breaker, causing his Power Armor to return to normal. Through biomancy, he started to shrink himself until he was 8'10 smaller than he had ever been. 

Now that he was not huge anymore, he sent his Spear into his Soul since he didn't need it. He turned his head to Diana, who was flying closer to him than the others. From the look of it, she didn't seem annoyed anymore and was smiling.

He smiled back as he flew closer to her, making Superman and the other Leaguers realize he no longer cared about them. He was more focused on Diana, which was a little annoying. 

"Diana, my friend, it has been some time since we spoke. Once I finish the political side, would you be interested in getting a meal? A feast after a battle is still an honored tradition, is it not?"

Diana smiled as Justinian, from the look of it, had not let his strength corrupt him. If anything, he was easier to talk to now. 

"Of course, I know just the place to go."

After getting used to his Custodian side, Justinian had gotten it under control. When he first met them, he was overwhelmed by the genetic memory of his four names. After nearly a year, his original self, 'Marcus,' had settled in among the Custodian and Draconic inheritances. 

It would be worthwhile to make friends with a few of the League who would live as long as he did. Superman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and even the Flash would be around for way longer. 

This chapter was written with Grammarly Premium, which I finally bought.

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