
The Adamas Project: Restoration

"This is the only way to save you." The deadly disease infects many adolescents around the world. They only have ten years to live. Arthur became one of the many teenagers infected with the disease. He began to feel seizures and had difficulty speaking to moving. Both parents took Arthur to be treated with a particular method, brain nerve recovery with a full dive treatment method. The patient will dive into an artificial world to train sensory and motor skills. Scientists call it The Adamas Project. This is the only way that can cure patients quickly. The patient will live in a new world in a medieval setting to form a strong mind. This is how scientists train new capabilities of a 'damaged' brain. But the big risk comes. Patients who die in the artificial world will die in the real world. Arthur accepted the risk for his recovery. But will he be able to complete his treatment in the artificial world?

Rafaiir_ · Spiele
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156 Chs

Redemption Job

"Can you help me?" Giselle asked.

At first glance, I saw her two eyes begin to look at me sadly. I never expected that she would make such an expression. But nevertheless, she said clearly that she needed my help to send Helena a reply message.

I certainly refused. That would take up a lot of my time, and again I didn't have enough time to participate in their confusing game. After all, if Giselle still wanted to send a message to Helena, then the news she was about to write would never be delivered to her.

"She didn't expect a reply from you. The most important thing for Helena is your safety and well-being here," I replied, trying to pay attention to Giselle, who wanted to respond to Helena's message.

"But wouldn't it be bad if I continued to ignore it?" asked Giselle. I nodded slowly.

"In my opinion, yes. It's quite cruel, but we must still respect her wishes," I replied.