

Alex is a very powerful man. He was being loved by all yet feared by people. He was popular as one of the most powerful CEO in the country. People only knew him as a powerful CEO who has companies in different parts of the world and also among the five richest men in the world. Only a few have seen his face and know the power in his hands. Many see him as a man of no romance. His presence brings and commands respect from the president of the country who knew the power he holds in the country. A bomber and powerful beyond human comprehension. Alex fears no one except one which was his father. What will happen when he is forced into a marriage arranged by his father? How will he feel when he comes to find out that it was the same girl that has held his heart for years and left him heartbreaking. ............... Elena is a very popular student who loves freedom. Due came from a very rich family but she behaves like none. Her dream was to become a designer after graduation but what will happen when she finds out that she has been arranged to get married to an unknown face formidable CEO. ........... Elena shrieked in fear of seeing her husband. The kind of aura that emulates from him was beyond her comprehension. He looks different from the man the was playing and laughing with her yesterday and this morning. Different from the man she has been in love with for years She looked around for a worker but all of them seems to have disappeared into the thin air. The atmosphere was tense. Elena took a step back as he approached her until her back touched the cold marble wall. He caged in between the wall and put her hands above her head. His brown eyes have turned blue. Elena was shaken in fear, for the first time she knew what fear means. He looked into her eyes with anger apparent in them. He seems to be holding back something " Why?" Elena looked everywhere without looking into his eyes. She swallowed hard at his question. He used his finger and lifted her face " Look at me Elena." he commanded. " Why do you remove nuts in tires? If not because of kind of per........." he stopped without completing the statement. "Answer me, Elena? why?" he roared " I'm sorry, " that was the only statement that managed to escape from her mouth. " Sorry, Elena do you say sorry?" He looked at her with intensity. Elena opened her mouth to speak but before she could talk. His lips came crushing on her. It was not gentle nor possessive. It was a punishment kiss. Elena hissed when he bit her lower lips. He wiped the blood with his middle finger. "No matter how strong a tigress is. She can never be stronger than a brutal dragon. ." with that statement he was gone. Join me as we find out the mysteries and secrets surrounding their lives. Will they be able to overcome their differences and obstacles and their love to conquer?

Johnson_Victoria · Fantasie
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11 Chs


Chapter one.

Elena looked at her stunning face in the mirror as the makeup artiste touched her makeup for the last time.

She must confess that she looks stunning. Surprisingly she couldn't believe she was the one in front of the mirror.

"You look stunning, young miss." one of the maids complimented.

She looked at her with a tight-lipped smile and murmured " Thank you."

Today was her wedding and was supposed to be her happiest day as a bride, she was, but it felt so suffocating. She had thought since the stupid arrangement was made whether she should run away but it seems as if her father has seen through her thoughts and increased their security system in the mansion.

The days felt so irritating and suffocating. The maids and bodyguards were stationed at her doorsteps. She was being followed everywhere that it felt so depreciating.

She looked at herself in the mirror, looking at the beautiful ornaments, and jewelry with her customized designer wedding gown. She felt it was annoying and depressing. All these she was putting on was a facade. She took a deep breath and a sigh left her lips. She felt her tears sink into her eyes. She took a deep breath to calm the tolls of emotions that were taking a great toll on her. She felt like her freedom was taken away from her by the sudden useless marriage proposal and marriage arrangement.

The door suddenly opened and a young beautiful and sexy lady wearing a luxurious blue and golden gown decorated with rare gems rushed in.

Her hair was tied in a ponytail bun. Her makeup was in match with her clothes which were tightly clad to her body but were moderate.

" Oh Elena, how are you?" she asked while keeping her handbag on the silver dressing table

Elena looked up, seeing her best friend Sara. She stood up and embraced her tightly.

"Babe, don't spoil your makeup, please. It's your wedding day. I know how you feel but always know that I got your back. I will always be there for you."

Elena nodded her head slowly. " Thank you," she said gracefully. She has been the only one she has in this great tempting period

" Common on babe, you don't need to thank me, we are friends. Put a smile on that elevating beautiful face of yours. You look so stunning today." she said and turned Elena's face and pulled her chin and murmured

"Smile baby girl." she pinched her chin

"Ouch!" Elena grimaced in pain and burst into laughter.

" That my babe, laugh moreover today is your day. That the spirit!" she commented while joining her in laughter.

The maids and the makeup artiste stare at the two people with smiles on their faces. They all knew that she was young miss best and closest friend.

Since the pronounced marriage, she has been depressed and she seized to smile.

" Oh my babe, you look so beautiful today "Her mum came to the room and pulled her into a warm embrace.

" Turn around for me my little princess." She swirls Elena around. Elena just allowed her to do whatever she wanted solemnly without reacting. Her smile was gone and her mood dampened the more.

" You look so beautiful and your wedding dress looks so stunning on you." Instead of answering her Elena looked at her mum without saying anything

Even though her mum was against her marriage earlier she felt she could have done better.

She finally looked at her daughter's mood and all her excitement was gone." I'm sorry baby, I wanted today to be your happy day. I'm sorry, please forgive me but you have to do this for the sake of your father."

All the servants in the room kept their heads downwards as they listened to the emotional period between the mother and daughter.

" I'm going to miss you. I wish there was something else I could do.."

" What are the both of you still doing here." they both turned as they heard the deep masculine voice behind them.

" Dad!"

" Fredrick!" both the mother and daughter said at the same time.

" The Williams family has been in the church for the past thirty-five minutes waiting for you Elena but both of you are here chitchatting. Your husband-to-be has already arrived for a long time and you are still here. Come on is late go attend your wedding." he said in an angry tone scolding them.

" I'm sorry Dad." Elena apologized in a tight-lipped voice because there was no apologetic tone in her apology.

" You look beautiful today but please don't spoil your makeup with tears. Come" Elena went closer to him as he pulled her into a warm embrace.

He has never forced her into doing what she never liked but this was the first time.

" I'm sorry," he said before pulling away.

She looked at her dad in shock but before she could understand and look at him. He pulled away and said in his emotionless voice.

" Go down, the car is waiting for you. "he scrolled out before anyone could say anything.

" Miss, let me put this crown on your head." Elena looked at the crown and grunted but still sat down after earning a glare from her mum.

"You're ready, miss." she stood up as her friend held her wedding gown at the back. Sara held her friend's gown without saying another word even to enlighten the mood as she normally does.

She was unhappy with her friend for getting married by force.


Outside St Louis church, the sound of the wedding bell rang.

Five different cars slowly arrived at the entrance of the church building. Different brands and the latest cars were parked at the front of the church which was quiet and calm.

The bodyguards were stationed outside the church premises. They stood like a wall without shaking their body.

Only the sound of wind and wedding birds could be heard.

The bride Elena stepped out of one of the cars with the help of her best friend. She looked around the place and stood frozen.

She thought that the wedding was supposed to be a private wedding but what she did not understand was why all these cars were parked in front of the church. If this was now a public wedding only God knew how this place was going to be.

"Lena let's go, what are you looking out for? your dad is waiting." she was awakened when Sara murmured those words to her.

She nodded and walked towards her father who held out his hands for her. She looked at her father who gave her a slid nod with a smile.

She slid her hand on his elbow as he led her into the church.

Her father took her to the church.

She held her father as they took a baby step toward the young man standing in front of her.

As his father handed her over to him. Sara looked at his undeniably handsome face and felt he was familiar.

She looked at him again as memories flooded back to her. She looked at him in shock.

These is my second novel, my first is still ongoing.

Vote, review, and comment if you like.

I will always update unlike the first one but after third-one chapters without vote or comment and review. I will delete this story and put it in another app.

Johnson_Victoriacreators' thoughts