

Alex is a very powerful man. He was being loved by all yet feared by people. He was popular as one of the most powerful CEO in the country. People only knew him as a powerful CEO who has companies in different parts of the world and also among the five richest men in the world. Only a few have seen his face and know the power in his hands. Many see him as a man of no romance. His presence brings and commands respect from the president of the country who knew the power he holds in the country. A bomber and powerful beyond human comprehension. Alex fears no one except one which was his father. What will happen when he is forced into a marriage arranged by his father? How will he feel when he comes to find out that it was the same girl that has held his heart for years and left him heartbreaking. ............... Elena is a very popular student who loves freedom. Due came from a very rich family but she behaves like none. Her dream was to become a designer after graduation but what will happen when she finds out that she has been arranged to get married to an unknown face formidable CEO. ........... Elena shrieked in fear of seeing her husband. The kind of aura that emulates from him was beyond her comprehension. He looks different from the man the was playing and laughing with her yesterday and this morning. Different from the man she has been in love with for years She looked around for a worker but all of them seems to have disappeared into the thin air. The atmosphere was tense. Elena took a step back as he approached her until her back touched the cold marble wall. He caged in between the wall and put her hands above her head. His brown eyes have turned blue. Elena was shaken in fear, for the first time she knew what fear means. He looked into her eyes with anger apparent in them. He seems to be holding back something " Why?" Elena looked everywhere without looking into his eyes. She swallowed hard at his question. He used his finger and lifted her face " Look at me Elena." he commanded. " Why do you remove nuts in tires? If not because of kind of per........." he stopped without completing the statement. "Answer me, Elena? why?" he roared " I'm sorry, " that was the only statement that managed to escape from her mouth. " Sorry, Elena do you say sorry?" He looked at her with intensity. Elena opened her mouth to speak but before she could talk. His lips came crushing on her. It was not gentle nor possessive. It was a punishment kiss. Elena hissed when he bit her lower lips. He wiped the blood with his middle finger. "No matter how strong a tigress is. She can never be stronger than a brutal dragon. ." with that statement he was gone. Join me as we find out the mysteries and secrets surrounding their lives. Will they be able to overcome their differences and obstacles and their love to conquer?

Johnson_Victoria · Fantasie
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11 Chs


Chapter nine.

Sara paced around the small room biting her nails, an attitude she does whenever she is nervous and helpless.

She has been doing that for more than fifteen minutes now.

The door of the bedroom cracked open and a young handsome man walked in. He wore a red t-shirt with black pants. His black jet hair was combed in an afro style. Little strains of hair were on his face making him look more handsome.

" Hi, baby, what were you saying?" he asked as he made a way where Sara was.

Sara lipped into his arms, he encircled his hands around his waist. " James, I think Elena is in trouble," she murmured in a low cracking voice.

He looked down and loosened his arms around her waist. He lifted her face to see her face well. A frown made a way to his forehead, " What do you mean?"

Sara withdraws from his arms, her heart race increasing. Slowly tears flowed down her face " I think Sara is in big trouble. I think she is on house arrest or may be in greater trouble. I wasn't even allowed to speak to her yesterday. I only spoke to their butler."

" Did she get into a fight with anyone?"

She shocked her head" Not the one I know. She hasn't fought with anyone of recent." she replied as her shoulder shook violently. She bit her lips as she tried to contain her sobs which were trying to escape through her throat.

He held her shoulder gently as he led her towards the student's single bed. He made her sit down and held her small warm hands into his big ones " Take a deep breath, Sara." he said trying to calm her down.

Sara nodded and took a deep breath following his words. After some seconds, she became calm.

"So, tell me calmly. Don't panic, tell me what happened cause you were with her yesterday?" he asked gently raising his brows.

Sara took a deep breath " After class, I was with Elena yesterday when three cars stopped in front....." Sara narrated the event that occurred from beginning to without leaving any stone unturned.

James took a deep breath and calm his ragged breathing after hearing the whole story. He now understand why Sara was panicking. He recalled what happened the last time she ended up being kept under house arrest. She came back to school depressed and shortly she became a different person which is the person she is today.

" Have you called her this morning?" he asked.

" No, I haven't."

" Call her and try visiting her at home," he suggested.

Sara smiled, her eyes lighting up as if she has heard the best suggestion, she jumped into his arms and pecked his checks " You are a masterpiece. Thank you so much."

" You don't need to thank me. It's just a suggestion and Lena is also my friend and buddy," he said with a smile.


"Ah!" Elena yawned and used her hands to cover her mouth while sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

" pak pak pak."

" Who is that?" Elena lazily looked towards the door where the knock came from and asked battling her eyelids.

" Is Emila, Miss, the breakfast is ready." a pecky feminine voice said from outside the room.

" I'm not hungry."She replied in a lazy but sharp tone.

There was a small silence from the outside followed by a sigh "But miss, it's already 9 am. Your parent is waiting for you."

Elena lazily sat up well using the headboard as her pillow. She looked towards the wall clock in the room and sigh softly ' Indeed it is 9 am already precisely 9: 15 am.' she thought.

" Miss, but.."

" Get out, I said I'm not hungry!" Elena barked cutting her off angrily. She was already getting upset by her constant persuasion

" Miss...."

" Fuck off Emila!" she yells angrily, feeling a wash of anger. She hates her stubbornness.

After some seconds there was silence followed by sounds of footsteps getting into the distance was heard.

She looked towards the locked door and sighed, she never meant to shout at her like that. She knew she was just caring for her health but she hates it when someone tries to cajole her unnecessarily. She looked at the closed door again before standing up to freshen up.

After removing her clothes inside the room, she tied a white towel around her body and stepped into the bathroom. She sat down in the white jacuzzi and turned on the shower to let it warm her body and calm her a little bit.


Downstairs at the dining table.

" What do you mean by she has refused to eat?"Fredick asked with anger apparent in his face. His chest heaved up and down in anger.

He tried to stand up but was stopped by his wife.

" Here drink up and calm your nerves. Let's eat first, I will take her food to her room. Remember what the doctor said. The girl needs private time to sort out her thoughts after everything that happened yesterday. It is too much for the poor child to accumulate and you know our daughter is a stubborn woman." she reasoned with him as she poured a full glass of water for her.

Mr. Fredrick picked up the glass of water and gulped it down his throat at once, surprising every in the dining room including the waiting-maid.

After the meal, Mrs. Fredrick carried the food to her daughter's room.

She knocked softly on Elena's door with a maid behind her with a tray of delicates.


Here is another update. Short chapter.Comment and vote, if you like it.

Am so sorry for the lack of updates on this story. I wanted to update last week but I was sick and has to be admitted to the hospital.

This week my smartphone's charging point spoiled and according to them. it is unrepairable. If its battery dies down. I won't be able to charge it and mind you I'm not under any contract, so I don't earn any money.

I have been looking for a way to money earn, online to buy another smartphone or even a laptop because it getting harder to write stories using a phone.

Pls, do not hesitate to point out an error or any grammatical errors.