

Alex is a very powerful man. He was being loved by all yet feared by people. He was popular as one of the most powerful CEO in the country. People only knew him as a powerful CEO who has companies in different parts of the world and also among the five richest men in the world. Only a few have seen his face and know the power in his hands. Many see him as a man of no romance. His presence brings and commands respect from the president of the country who knew the power he holds in the country. A bomber and powerful beyond human comprehension. Alex fears no one except one which was his father. What will happen when he is forced into a marriage arranged by his father? How will he feel when he comes to find out that it was the same girl that has held his heart for years and left him heartbreaking. ............... Elena is a very popular student who loves freedom. Due came from a very rich family but she behaves like none. Her dream was to become a designer after graduation but what will happen when she finds out that she has been arranged to get married to an unknown face formidable CEO. ........... Elena shrieked in fear of seeing her husband. The kind of aura that emulates from him was beyond her comprehension. He looks different from the man the was playing and laughing with her yesterday and this morning. Different from the man she has been in love with for years She looked around for a worker but all of them seems to have disappeared into the thin air. The atmosphere was tense. Elena took a step back as he approached her until her back touched the cold marble wall. He caged in between the wall and put her hands above her head. His brown eyes have turned blue. Elena was shaken in fear, for the first time she knew what fear means. He looked into her eyes with anger apparent in them. He seems to be holding back something " Why?" Elena looked everywhere without looking into his eyes. She swallowed hard at his question. He used his finger and lifted her face " Look at me Elena." he commanded. " Why do you remove nuts in tires? If not because of kind of per........." he stopped without completing the statement. "Answer me, Elena? why?" he roared " I'm sorry, " that was the only statement that managed to escape from her mouth. " Sorry, Elena do you say sorry?" He looked at her with intensity. Elena opened her mouth to speak but before she could talk. His lips came crushing on her. It was not gentle nor possessive. It was a punishment kiss. Elena hissed when he bit her lower lips. He wiped the blood with his middle finger. "No matter how strong a tigress is. She can never be stronger than a brutal dragon. ." with that statement he was gone. Join me as we find out the mysteries and secrets surrounding their lives. Will they be able to overcome their differences and obstacles and their love to conquer?

Johnson_Victoria · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Miss pls, this way.

chapter four

After the last class, Elena put her books inside the pack back. As she stood up and left the class. As usual, she put on blue jeans and white short sleeves shirt. Her hair long hair was tied up. she had a little makeup on her face which made her more enchanting. Due, she has a group of friends but that does not mean that she befriends everyone. She wasn't a known trouble maker but will fight like a tigress, she was once been provoked.

She was very popular in the school. She has been known for the way she carries herself and smiled regularly despite her fighting charisma.

" Hi Lena, I have been looking for you. " Her best friend Sara appeared beside her and smiled sheepishly. Her smile was infectious which made Elena smile with her due, it was short-lived. Both of them were students of the same university and the same faculty and department. Both were studying theater arts.

" Where were you? During the two last classes. You were absent?" she changed her voice. These her best friend always loves missing classes.

Seeing her best friend expression, she knew she was angry. She always behaves like a mother hen towards her especially if she missed lectures without an excuse.

She nudged her elbow infectiously and hooked her hand in Elena's arm. " I'm sorry, mother hen. I had a running stomach after eating that food we bought from the canteen," she said in a sweet tone rubbing her stomach. she normally uses to pacify her best friend, as they both exited the class and entered the highway of the school.

Elena looked at her but did not comment. She knew she was lying as usual but she wasn't in the mood to lecture her. She doesn't know but she felt something bad within her guts. She felt that something around her was not right and her whole life was about to change.

She looked around them to make sure both of them were not been followed but couldn't find anything unusual.

"let's go and grab something to eat," Sara said relieved as she felt she wasn't going to be lectured today by her best friend.

Elena looked at her weirdly, how can she keep such a hilarious friend? " I thought you mentioned that you had run a stomach today for eating food from the canteen. You are not a good liar."

" Oh babe, I wasn't talking about that canteen we ate from this morning okay? " she removed her hands from her elbow and said while swirling around. " How can I be lying to my beautiful angel hmm? " she asked rhetorically with her hand on her jaw and blinked her eyes seductively.

" Our drama queen has started," Elena commented turning to her friend. A mischievous smile spread across her lips. " But why can't you tell me where you have been while the class was going on that you were absent in two classes.

" Ah, le...Lena...I...I" Sara said scratching her head sheepishly. She has already exposed herself.

" Lena... I..."

" Pie pie pie...." Three latest Mercedes Jip in rows stopped beside Elena and her best friend Sara. The two best of friends turned and looked at the intruder. They wanted to know who came into their school on a high profile.

One of the cars opened and a man in his middle fifties stepped out of the car. He came to Elena and bowed slightly.

Elena's expression turned cold. She felt her heart beating rapidly. For the past two to three months. She hasn't heard from her parents and she too wasn't interested in connecting them or calling them either.

If they felt she committed a crime. They will call her to return and then send a vehicle to pick her up to be lectured.

She felt something was not right in this there visit. She looked at the butler and asked with an emotionless voice.

" What are you doing here?"

" Miss, the Sir, asked you to return," he responded respectively.

" Okay tell my father that I will be back." she grabbed her friend's hand to leave but was stopped by two security officers who appeared in front of her as if they already dictated her next step.

" I'm sorry miss, pls this way." she gritted her teeth. In the next second, she swapped her right hand and punched one of the security officers on the stomach. He looked at her but did not purch even due his face contourted in pain.

" Fuck off idiot." she looked at him and was about to kick him on the stomach but was stopped by a rough but gentle hand on her shoulder. She turned around with anger written all over her face.

" What!" she shouted at him.

" Pls miss, " he gave her a phone. Elena took the phone in his hand after some time, he bowed slightly before turning his back.

Elena took a deep breath after looking at the caller's ID. She put the phone on her left ear " Hello dad, what is the meaning of this?" she questioned

A deep voice rang out from the phone "Elena, I want to see you at home in ten minutes." he commanded and hung up the call.

Elena clutched the phone tightly in her hand " Take!" she gave the phone back to the butler.

The butler collected the phone from her and bowed slightly before going to the other side.

He knew how Elena behaves, so without a second thought. He has no other thing to do than to make a call across to the boss. Thank God the whole situation is okay now. What he did not understand was when the miss changed to the extent of fighting against anybody that comes across her way.

Elena still holding her friend's hand wanted to drag her best friend inside the car when she was stopped again by a bodyguard.

" pls miss, the boss asked you to come alone and we are already late."

Elena wanted to argue again when she felt the soft hand of her friend on her hand.

" Lena, it is okay. I can go back on my own. I will call you later. Your dad must have a reason for that. " she peek her cheeks before removing her hands from her. She smiled at her one last time before leaving.

" Miss please." the bodyguard beside opened the door.

Elena glared at them before entering the car. After she got into the car, the rest of them entered the car and it slowly drove away.

The students looked at the disappearing cars as it dispatched.

Elena looked outside the window and felt that something was wrong. What was the reason for the urgency that can't wait?

She looked at the butler inside the car and snorted. All of them are all the same still she decided to ask. " Mr. Tony, is there any problem at home that warranted my appearance."

The butler looked at her through the review mirror and replied " I'm sorry miss but I don't know."

she snorted when she did not receive the answer she was looking for. She looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window. She can't place her hand in what was wrong but she felt that she won't like it.