

Alex is a very powerful man. He was being loved by all yet feared by people. He was popular as one of the most powerful CEO in the country. People only knew him as a powerful CEO who has companies in different parts of the world and also among the five richest men in the world. Only a few have seen his face and know the power in his hands. Many see him as a man of no romance. His presence brings and commands respect from the president of the country who knew the power he holds in the country. A bomber and powerful beyond human comprehension. Alex fears no one except one which was his father. What will happen when he is forced into a marriage arranged by his father? How will he feel when he comes to find out that it was the same girl that has held his heart for years and left him heartbreaking. ............... Elena is a very popular student who loves freedom. Due came from a very rich family but she behaves like none. Her dream was to become a designer after graduation but what will happen when she finds out that she has been arranged to get married to an unknown face formidable CEO. ........... Elena shrieked in fear of seeing her husband. The kind of aura that emulates from him was beyond her comprehension. He looks different from the man the was playing and laughing with her yesterday and this morning. Different from the man she has been in love with for years She looked around for a worker but all of them seems to have disappeared into the thin air. The atmosphere was tense. Elena took a step back as he approached her until her back touched the cold marble wall. He caged in between the wall and put her hands above her head. His brown eyes have turned blue. Elena was shaken in fear, for the first time she knew what fear means. He looked into her eyes with anger apparent in them. He seems to be holding back something " Why?" Elena looked everywhere without looking into his eyes. She swallowed hard at his question. He used his finger and lifted her face " Look at me Elena." he commanded. " Why do you remove nuts in tires? If not because of kind of per........." he stopped without completing the statement. "Answer me, Elena? why?" he roared " I'm sorry, " that was the only statement that managed to escape from her mouth. " Sorry, Elena do you say sorry?" He looked at her with intensity. Elena opened her mouth to speak but before she could talk. His lips came crushing on her. It was not gentle nor possessive. It was a punishment kiss. Elena hissed when he bit her lower lips. He wiped the blood with his middle finger. "No matter how strong a tigress is. She can never be stronger than a brutal dragon. ." with that statement he was gone. Join me as we find out the mysteries and secrets surrounding their lives. Will they be able to overcome their differences and obstacles and their love to conquer?

Johnson_Victoria · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Dad, I can't !

chapter five.

Throughout the journey, it was total tranquility. Elena was given enough time to speculate on the reason for the urgent call but yet couldn't produce an answer for her curiosity.

" Miss we have arrived." the chauffeur announced when they entered into a very luxurious big mansion.

Elena jotted and looked outside the mansion and took a deep breath. To her, this mansion was always like a big prison where her daily life is been detected.

The back door of the car, where she was sitting on opened before she could touch opened it.

" Pls, this way ma'am." a security officer who held the car door, said with a slight bow while motioning for her to step out.

She nodded and slowly stepped out of the car, with her back bag." welcome back home young miss." a bodyguard at the transparent door who opened the door to the mansion for Elena said with a smile.

She responded with a slight

smile and nodded before walking in.

She looked around the big luxurious sitting

" Just as always."

she murmured before sitting down on the couch. She crossed her leg over another and she brought out her laptop from her back bag and soon engrossed herself in writing on the laptop. She is a student and also an online writer who writes in different apps and earns money through them.

" Good morning miss," a maid in uniform greeted politely as she passed where Elena sat with her laptop.

She nodded with " hmm" before raising her eyebrows.

" Is my mum around?" she asked why still typing furiously.

" Yes miss, she is upstairs." the maid responded.

" Then, inform her that I'm back."

" Yes ma'am," she replied and turned to leave but paused when she heard Elena speaking.

" Bring me a glass of juice."

" Yes Miss," she responded before leaving.

Elena went back to what she was doing. Shortly, the maid returned with a glass of juice.

" This is the juice miss." Elena looked up and collected it from the tray.

" Thank you," she said, the maid bowed slightly before leaving.

She took a sip from the glass cup of juice and kept it on the golden table beside the couch.

She must say that she was amazed by the number of securities in the mansion. It seems to have increased by eighty percent.

Shortly a woman in her middle forties was seen coming down from the stairs. She held the hems of her golden long gown with rare gems on it. She walked slowly yet elegantly down the stairs. Her walking posture gracely carried a hint of supremacy and elegantly.

" Oh, my God! Elena, you are back." The beautiful woman with long curly hair exclaimed as she stepped into the living room.

" Mum!" Elena dropped her laptop and stood up, she rushed towards her mother with speed dropping her ladylike attitude.

" I missed you so much," she said as she hugged her tightly.

" I missed you too." Mrs. Fredick said as she withdrew from the hug. She stepped back a little to gain access to see her daughter well.

" Turn let me see you and know whether you have eaten all these whiles. Have you me doing well without us."

" Mum, I'm okay." she squinted her brows and replied. She held her mum's hand as she led her towards the couch.

" So how is dad?" she asked with indifference as she sat down beside her mum. Her tone was passive.

"His is good and healthy as always," she replied mildly and looked at Elena and the things on the couch. A hint of mild surprise graced her face.

" Why haven't you changed your clothe and still working on your laptop? Are you not going to see your dad?"

" Hmm, mum why are the securities in the mansion increased. Is there any problem?" she asked sheepishly changing the topic. The truth was that she can't answer that particular question nor is she ready to visit her dad. The last time she was called home by her dad. Immediately, she stepped into his study room. A porcelain vessel was flung in her direction. Due, she quickly evaded it but it still managed to touch her skin and grazed it.

Everyone seems to be unaware or rather decided to be mute on the reason for her urgent call, or knew why she was called home this time but she wasn't ready to risk it this time around. She was going to play safe. Moreover, she hasn't been called. She was well aware that her presence has been reported to her father and if she was needed. She will be called. Moreover, this whole buildings have been implanted with CCTV cameras and her movements were monitored by her father but she easily evaded them before but this days. A strong forces seems to be backing him.

"Don't change the topic Elena. Why haven't you answered your dad?" she rebuked with a stern voice.

Elena looked at her mum and snorted in her inwardly" like husband like wife." she saw the question coming. She stood peeked her chin and encircled her arms around her shoulder. "You are the best." she used her best trick.

she stood up from the couch and picked up her laptop and back bay from the couch before disappearing into the stairs.

" Come down within fifteen minutes to have your dinner." she heard her mum say.

Immediately, she reached her room. She locked the door. Leaning on the door frames, she murmured " Thank God, I'm saved from another round of scolding for now."

She looked around her room which was sparkling even the marbles floor were sparkling without any dirt in it and smiled.

She pounced on the bed " I'm home. " she smiled and murmured. Due, the house was always a prison to her but not her room.

She closed her eyes but opened them a few moments, when she had the sound of her telephone. She groaned in anger and stood up lazily" Why the disturbance." wiithout any footwear.

She went closer and took a deep breath before picking up the telephone from the golden dressing table " Hello,"

"Elena make your way to the study after dinner." she heard the stern voice of her father.

" Yes father." she replied and dropped the telephone.

She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself " Pull yourself together Elena. You can do it." she murmured to herself as a smile engrazed her beautiful face.

' Knock knock knock "

Elena moved her face from the mirror and looked at the closed door. " Yes, what is it "

" Young miss , the dinner is ready." she heard a maid said from the closed door.

" Okay, I will be down shortly." she replied as she left the mirror and made her way towards to bathroom.

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