
Chapter 41: Under Compulsion

Atlas was dragged by the Vampires towards the restaurant, and he couldn't resist. He was here to free Lancaster, but he didn't think he would be caught instead.

Lancaster was slightly happy though. Atlas was here as a witness, which was going to help him. Moreover, he didn't know that Atlas couldn't show himself inside the restaurant, so in his eyes, there was no problem with Atlas coming with them. They just needed to tell the truth, and they were going to be free.

If only he knew the troubles that Atlas was going to face just by being seen, he wouldn't have been so lax.

"My Lords, you don't need to take me. I told you the truth. He is innocent. Please let us be free." Atlas kept talking to the Vampires, trying to wriggle his way out, but the grip of the Vampire was so strong. Without showing his true strength, Atlas had no way to free himself.