
23. Austin

Attorney Fischer's call woke me up at around five in the morning. He called way too early to inform me for an urgent meeting with Georgina later at nine.

In all seriousness, I totally forgot about the fact that G and I are dealing our divorce papers. The last couple weeks of being together, we did not utter any word about it. If ever that our papers now are already ready for signing, I don't know what to feel. Even if G already assured that we'll still be friends even after this whole thing, I will still find it hard to carry on.

Yes, we would still be friends but not as close as to what we are at the moment. I am completely aware that she's engaged to someone else, for sure after we're done dealing with our marital status she'll leave Toronto go back to San Francisco and get married.

What did I put myself into? I let myself fall hard for her!

After I hit the nearest gym in my apartment building, I immediately took a quick shower and prepare my breakfast and coffee. After setting everything, I sat and began to eat just in time my phone beeps for a text message. I swipe it up, surprised that there's a bunch of text from different people.

Jake: meeting with the Texas next week. Give me a call 2day for details.

Daddy: any plans on coming home son? Is next week good?

Georgina: reminder, 8am meeting w/ atty. fischer

Mommy: give mommy a call hijo <3

Audrey: mom is wondering why u don't have plans on coming home yet.

Brianna: miss you! xx.

I sighed, I even forgot giving my family an update about my life out here or my plans on when will I come. I was really distracted by Georgina for real.

But I'm glad she finally texted, but sadly it's about the meeting today. After I bond with her and Caleb, she barely return any of my texts. Stupidly I shouldn't feel awful or some shit since I'm not important to her.

I sighed again grab my laptop and gathered an energy to finally give my folks a call, maybe I should go book a flight now heading home just so I can give myself some time to think and start accepting the fact that what Georgina and I have is just plainly friendship.

I decided to video chat my mom and just few rings, she picked it up.

"Finally! You decided to give me a call." My mom says and calls my dad. "Bryan! Come here, Austin is calling me."

"Hey! How are you guys?" I greeted, just in time my dad and my sisters joins the screen.

"No. How are you? We miss you already?" My mom says.

"You're free already. What's been stopping you from not going back here?" My dad asks.

"Probably someone special isn't it?" Audrey commented smirking.

"Special?" My mom asks gazing at my sister then back at me. "You have a girlfriend?"

"No I don't have one." I immediately answered. "Mom, don't listen to her. Shut up Audrey."

Audrey then chuckles and zips her mouth.

"Bro! You can go tell me about it. We'll keep it a secret!" Brianna inserts winking at me.

"You too Bri! Shut up." I said. These two really are so fund of teasing me. I miss them!

"So when will you be home?" My dad asks.

"Probably next week Dad, I just need to prepare few papers and I'll be home right after." I replied. "Besides, Jake says I'll have a meeting with the Texas its nice if I can do that while I'm in Dallas."

"Smashers really want to lose you?" Dad asks.

"We don't know yet Dad, but we'll see once the summer kicks in." I answered.

"We'll just talk about it once you're home." Dad says.

"What have you been doing there Austin?" My mom asks.

"Nothing much actually. Just enjoying the break."

"Well, you should come home anytime soon! Felix misses you too already." My mom says.

I chuckled. "I know, I promise you mom I'll be home by next week. Anyways, I gotta go mom I have some meeting to attend to. I have to go prepare."

"Okay! Please take good care."

"I will mom! I gotta go. Miss you all!"

As the screen turns blank, I immediately booked a flight going back home. I probably need some time to breath and re-distract myself with other things. Number one would be my career!


I was busy booking my flight not realizing that I already have fifteen minutes left right before eight a.m. strike.

"Ahh shit!" I said hissed standing up. I immediately grabbed the very first hoodie that I can find on my closet. Grab the nearest shoes and cap, heading out of my apartment building.

I pulled Georgina's number and texted her that I'll be late. I know how she gets annoyed really easily on things as important as this. She did not reply but she called me instead.

I answered it right away. "Hey! Sorry, I had some important call. I forgot to check the time."

"It's okay. I'm actually about to pass by on your apartment building, I can just pick you up of you want." She offers.

"Sure! I'm already heading out."

"Okay, I'll just wait at the parking lot."