
11. Georgina

Blinding lights coming from the window woke me up, but instead of stretching my whole body I can’t barely move. A massive arms wrapped around me and a massive legs swung all over me.

“Holy shit!” I whispered underneath my breath when I realized who the person is sleeping next to me.

I immediately got up, removing Austin’s hands and legs. I heard him chuckled with his morning voice. I didn’t bothered to look at him because I felt a sudden headache and an embarrassment too. I’m not that drunk last night to completely forget what had happened last night.

I only have at least five cans of beer, and I just happen to spill all my life’s frustration to Austin. But jezz! I didn’t expect that he’ll sleep next to me last night. Well, I mean it’s kinda my fault. I ask him to not leave me alone on his room, now I am facing the consequences.

It’s. Absolutely. Awkward!

“Good morning wifey!” He greeted. He’s really enjoying that endearment way too much to be honest. “Come back here and don’t make this all weird.”

“It’s already weird!” I mumbled as I try to massage my temples. “God! My head is killing me. Where did you put all my clothes?”

“I threw them all away.” Austin said as he gets out of the bed and I’m even surprised that he slept next to me only wearing his boxer shorts.

Damn! He’s really hot. I’m not into tatted athletic guys but people are really be telling the truth that they do hit different physically.

I heard him clear his throat only to realize that I was staring at his chest. Shit!

“You want to touch it?” He challenged grinning as he slowly walks back to the bed.

“Eww! Eww!” I protested as I try to get out of the bed as fast as I can. “Don’t you dare! Where are my clothes?”

I demanded because I am currently wearing his shirt. It’s the same shirt with the team logo that I saw everyone is wearing when I went to their headquarters yesterday. It drops just above my knees, yup! It’s really big and it’s no surprise since Austin is a huge guy.

“Let’s eat breakfast first.” He said and went out of the room.

Just as I was about to follow him outside my phone suddenly rings, I immediately picked it up expecting that it’s from Sean. I know my mom or Liam has been trying to call me ever since I walk out of the board room but I have been ignoring them, so I’m afraid that the calls from last night might be from Sean and I ignored it with the thought that it’s from my mom or Liam.

When I picked up my phone, it’s my Dad. He surely knows what have happened yesterday.

“Hey Dad, good morning.” I greeted.

“What happened yesterday?” He immediately asked without any hesitation. My Dad’s voice is completely monotone so I definitely know that he’s not happy with the news.

“Just had a little fight with mom yesterday.”

I heard him sigh. “George, I personally sent you there to help your mom in recovering the company, I know it’s hard for you but you have to set aside your personal issues—“

“Dad.” I cut him off. “That’s what I am doing, the reason why mom and I even had an argument last night was because of the changes I implemented in the operations department and she’s not happy about it.”

“I know what happened George, Liam told me.” My dad said as he sighs on the other line again, he’s completely trying to control his temper. “But some way, somehow. She was right. You’re still working under them and that therefore you have to respect their decisions. There’s no room for being a spoiled brat in here.”

“A spoiled brat?!” I echoed.

“Georgina. You’re old enough to understand the things that you did and to contemplate on your actions.” My Dad said and I know that when he says those words I know that I messed up and what I did was caused by my immature reactions. So I just sighed.

“I’m expecting you to do better than that.” He added. “I gotta go now sweetheart, I see you soon.”

And after that he hangs up. I went to the bathroom first and wash my face and go pee right before I went to Austin’s kitchen to eat breakfast, just so I can skedaddle already.

I just realized that staying here was weird considering that he is my fake husband (minus the original marriage contract), and currently working on our divorce.

I sat on one of the chairs at the breakfast bar as I look at him cooking.

“What took you so long?” He asked as he puts a plate of pancakes.

I sighed right before answering. “My Dad called.”

“What did he say?” He asked putting another plate of sliced boiled eggs.

“He just happen to know the reason why my mom and I fought yesterday.” I answered.

Austin placed a two bowl of fresh fruits and salad right before he settles himself next to me and began eating. He is already enjoying his food when he realized that I haven’t started eating yet.

“Why aren’t you touching your food?”

I hesitated at first but continued with my suggestion anyway. “Ohm… Is there any bacon up in here? Or maybe fried eggs?”

“Eat what’s in front of you wifey, and be grateful.” He plainly said as he shakes his head. What’s that supposed to mean?

However, instead of arguing I just eat it. “Is this the kind of breakfast you always eat?”

“Only if I’m here in Toronto. But if I’m in Dallas I always get to cheat. My mom cooks amazing food all the time so I always gain weight during off-season.” He explained. “Anyway, what are your plans today?”

“Work probably.” I said.

“But it’s the weekend.” He said. “Thinking about getting a break?”

“Nope. If you want to be successful, resting is the least of your priorities.”

“That’s not true.” Austin disagrees. “You have to rest in order for you to have the energy to keep going.”

I smiled. Austin’s been really poetic this morning, it surprises me. But then again, I still don’t know him that well.

“You’re coming with me.” He suggested.

“Where exactly?”

“To find a lawyer.” He answered. “You promised me that we’ll find a lawyer together.”

“I did not remembered promising.” I replied.

“Well then I guess I’ll have to find one myself, next year!” He said completely mocking me again, obviously.

“No! You will find one, today!” I demanded.

“Then come along with me.” He said and all I can do is just roll my eyes and agree. Besides, no matter how I try to argue, I know that he’s still gonna win. He definitely knows how to push my buttons. Damn! I cannot believe I end up meeting this guy, he is incorrigible. But despite of it all he is a good listener that I gave him credit for.

“Thank you for last night by the way Austin.” I just said out of nowhere.

He smiled. “No problem, wifey. Eat your food.”

And he might as well be a good friend too.