
Pokémon Changed My Life

"Ugh, the quiz is tomorrow and I haven't even taken notes!" That was my friend Jack, he's not the brightest light bulb in the closet but always manages a laugh out of me. "Don't worry about, it's not the end of the world. You can copy my notes." I said. "Really?!" I rolled my eyes, Jack has been copying off me since elementary. So I'm not surprised that Jack hasn't taken notes. The release bell rang and Jack was frantically trying to copy everything down. The second I heard the bell I took off running towards the exit. "Wait I'm not done yet!" "Sorry!" I yelled back at him. "Curse you Martin Loya!"

I ran as fast as a could out the front entrance. I looked behind me, I didn't see Jack chasing after me. Weird, he usually tries to chase me down. I decided he was just tired and made my way towards the nearest GameStop to get the latest game. I was eager to buy and play Pokèmon Bow and Arrow. It was the new trend in school and I thought it couldn't hurt to get on the trend train. But boy was I wrong.

As I was walking two men came from behind me and stood in my way."Um, can I help yo--" Before I could react I was on the ground. I smelled blood and saw a dark-red liquid coming from my head. I heard a 'click' and a black gun with carvings of a bird on the slide was pointed at my head. "Can't believe you out of all people have it. That power does not belong to you, it belongs to Valca."

Then a sound loud enough to hear from the pits of hell erupted from the gun. I screamed, expecting to feel unimaginable pain but nothing happened. I looked to see the gun still pointed at me, but both me and the attacker were flabbergasted. The bullet that had been fired at me was now floating in front of my face.

"I-Impossible, your power shouldn't be awaken at this age!" At the time I had no clue what he was talking about, but soon I realized what I got myself into. The second man took out his gun and aimed at me. Both of them started firing wildly in my direction. They reloaded with incredible speed and was determined to have me dead. I screamed as loud as I could, no one heard me, or if they did, they didn't care. I was breathing heavily, a thick cloud of gunpowder cloaked the area. The cloud eventually settled and so did the attackers.

They just stared at the few hundred of bullets just floating inches from me. The first man reloaded and walked towards me, he kneeled in front of me. He had his finger slowly pulling the trigger. But before he could fire, the barrel viciously bent backwards, aiming towards the man's face. Then, without realizing, he fired. There was a red hole where his forehead used to be. The man fell with a loud thump, his gun fell to the ground, covered in blood.

I tried to reach the gun. But I lost too much blood, the wound hasn't clot and my vision was blurry. I couldn't walk straight and I started seeing black dots covering my vision. I fell flat on my back, unable to move from the loss of blood and witnessing someone die. His friend stood over me. His whole body was shaking. "Y-You killed him!" Then tears started falling from his face. "He meant e-everything to me, and you killed him!" the man yelled.

He fired the entire clip, the bullets didn't stop this time, instead they turned around and moved at blinding speed. The man was riddled with bullets, he fell flat on his face. A pool of blood surrounded the body. "What did I just do?" Then a dark figure appeared next to him. The figure wore a dark hoodie and denim jeans with dark blue sneakers.

The figure touched my head, I felt a warm pulsing sensation. The bleeding stopped and all my pain was gone. "I healed your injuries." said the figure. "You did nothing wrong Martin, you passed the test." The figure claims he healed my injuries, but they never healed my mind.

The figure walked into a shadow and disappeared. At this point I wasn't surprised after all the crazy shit I've seen. The place where the figure used to be was replaced by two small boxes. I took a closer look and realized it was Pokémon Bow and Arrow! I unzipped my backpack and carefully placed it away from my soda. I heard sirens coming in my direction. I zipped my backpack and made my way home.

I unlocked the door and entered. The house emitted a sweet aroma and tried as sneakily as I could, climb up the stairs. Unfortunately my sneak is only lvl 2 (yes I am a epic gamer) My mom heard me and made her way here. "Oh my god what happened?" Blood was stained on my shirt and there was blood in my hair.

"I accidentally cracked my head at soccer practice." I lied. "The nurse patched me up and I came home to wash off the blood." "Why didn't you contact me?" she questioned. "I didn't think it was important." "Well go upstairs and clean yourself young man. Oh and no ice cream for you tonight." I managed to get away, but was it worth it?

I took a shower and thought about what happened. As soon as I got out of the bathroom I got on my laptop and searched up "telekinesis" While I was searching my phone dinged. I got a message from an unknown number. I was unfortunately a curious person at the time and checked out what they said. The unknown number sent a mysterious link.

I tapped on it, it sent me to the app store. But without me doing anything my phone was already downloading the app. I tried canceling it but it doesn't seem to work. I gave up and checked out what the app was about. The app was called "Kinesis App" I got a notification telling me it was done downloading. I opened the app. There was a dashboard with different topics on it. The topics read "cryokinesis, aerokinesis, pyrokinesis" and much more. The dark figure from earlier appeared on my laptop screen. There was text under the figure. The text said "Train, you are not ready yet."

And thus marks the day I sold my soul for a Pokémon game.

This is only the introduction so there won't be daily chapters, though I will be posting the main story around Summer.


Euphourcreators' thoughts