
Chapter 28 - Hooded Man

I'm in danger? Me?

I was not sure what to say when I heard her say that. However, she wasn't joking. She wasn't the type to joke about such things and the look on her face was serious.

Still, what worried me was the fact that she had pulled me aside to talk about it before we even entered the restaurant. Was she scared of something inside the restaurant?

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"You're being watched inside the Academy. Someone is making moves against you."

There was one name that instantly appeared in my mind, Derek. He was the only person that even had a reason to do something like that. However, she had seen how I had handled him, so could he even be considered a threat?

"Who is it?"

"I don't know…all I know is that you're being followed. Even now, they are looking at us."

My eyes drifted around me. I hadn't felt the slightest pressure around me. Had my senses become dull?