
The Reincarnation Room

"Where am I?"

Though our confused unnamed main character as soon as he opened his eyes. He was in a strange room completely dark and, the only thing different from black that he could see, was an enormous red counter stopped at one thousand.

"The only thing I can remember is that... flower pot. I was walking home from another hellish day of work and, while passing under the window of a two-storey house, I heard a couple arguing. I pretended of haven't heard anything like all the other people when, suddenly, plate and other thing began to fly out of the window. Not wanting to be hit i began to run when saw, between the other thing flying, a flower pot that made a perfect arc and landed right on my forehead".

He began to think of what could have happened to him and tried to rub his chin whit his right hand, an habitual act developed by him during his rather short life, only to note that... he couldn't feel his limbs. Not only the limbs but his entire body and it seems he couldn't even move his eyes.

"I can't feel...nothing. It seems I'm completely immobile. There can be only one explanation to this. The first is that after being hit by that pot I ended up in a come and the other is that I'm dead. Seeing that counter I think that the latter is more likely than the other".

Every other people would have thought that they were in a coma and, understanding that probably their life were over, would have freaked out but our protagonist wasn't like every other. He knew that, unlucky as he was, it was more probable that he was dead than in a coma and he was so bored by his life that he didn't feel any regret in dying.

"I don't think that I will miss anything. I didn't have a girlfriend and very few friends. The only people I will probably miss are my parents, only thinking how desperate they will be when they will know of my dead fill me of sadness but I hope my brothers and sisters will console them".

Our protagonist was a twenty four year old single man when he died. He was a normal man with a normal house and a shitty work that took all his time making him unable to encounter his friends and making him lose all of them. His family was formed by him, his two parents, his three brothers and his four sisters. They were a family quite big and he was the younger.

While he was brooding about the past the world around him trembled and the counter began to decrease. As soon as the tremble ended a soothing feeling surrounded him and he began to feel his eyelids became heavier by the minute until they close completely.

"I... think I will do a little nap. I feel so tir-" murmured between himself our protagonist before falling on a deep sleep.

And so started our story, with our protagonist locked on the Reincarnation Room. A room to make the soon to be reincarnated forgot all the memories of their past lives.

Hello everyone. I hope every one enjoyed this brief prologue chapter.

Let me know if you find any error so I can correct them and became better at writing.

Sulfur_Gobcreators' thoughts