
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Urgent Gathering

In a secluded cavern, several days later, a clandestine assembly unfolded – the Akatsuki, a collection of dangerous figures, gathered to exchange intelligence and formulate strategies. Their exchange of information was whispered amidst the subterranean gloom.

Kakuzu's voice rose above the shadows, his words laden with a mix of urgency and disdain, "Our next target, members, is a man known as the Ability Theft."

Pain, the leader, fixed his gaze on Kakuzu, an air of curiosity pervading his demeanor. "Ability theft?" Pain's query was as much an inquiry as it was a statement of intrigue.

Kakuzu swiftly provided an account, unravelling the tale of a figure capable of annexing the talents of those he dispatched. His voice carried a simmering vexation, "This individual extinguished one of my marked bounties."

Yet, Pain's attention remained fixated on the ability itself. "So, a scavenger of skills," he mused, his voice an echo of calculated contemplation. The weight of this discovery bore profound implications.

In response to Pain's ponderings, Kakuzu delved further, detailing the perpetrator's audacious feat. "Indeed, he eradicated a Konoha bounty named Asuma, he's clearly not one of them," Kakuzu confirmed, the bitterness of his tone alluding to personal grievance.

Pain's countenance betrayed no overt emotion, though his next directive carried an air of enigmatic purpose. "Assist him," he commanded, a decree that hung in the air like a valediction.

An inkling of protest swelled within Kakuzu but Pain had vanished from their midst, leaving Kakuzu's retort unheard, the final decree echoing in the stillness –

"Fufufu.." Deidara said, "You better help him.. Or You'll be in Pain Kakuzu.."

Kakuzu looked at Deidara, "Yeah yeah i know."


At the outskirts of Konoha, three determined figures - Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji - stood on the precipice of seeking revenge. The weight of their intention hung heavy in the air, threatening to push them forward. However, before their resolve could propel them into action, their path was suddenly intercepted by the imposing presence of Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage.

With a stern gaze that matched her authoritative voice, Tsunade demanded an explanation, "Hold on a minute. What exactly do you think you're doing?"

Caught in the piercing scrutiny of their leader, the trio hesitated, their determination momentarily faltering under her watchful eyes.

Shikamaru, his voice a mixture of determination and frustration, finally spoke up, "We can't just let Asuma-sensei's death go unanswered. It's our responsibility to avenge him."

Ino, her eyes a reflection of her conflicted emotions, added with a determined tone, "We can't stand by and do nothing when someone we deeply care about was taken from us."

Choji, his resolve tinged with a hint of defiance, chimed in, "This is personal, Hokage-sama. We owe it to Asuma-sensei to take action."

Tsunade's gaze softened, her understanding of their grief blending with her leadership role. She began to explain, "I know the pain you're feeling, and your desire for justice is commendable. However, charging in without a clear plan would be reckless and won't honor Asuma's memory."

Her words acted as a sobering reminder, causing the trio to pause and reevaluate their impulsive intentions.

But just as the tension seemed to reach an impasse, Kakashi - the Copy Ninja - emerged from the shadows. His calm and authoritative presence injected a new dimension into the situation, offering a glimmer of hope and guidance.

Kakashi's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, "I understand your sentiments very well. In fact, I'm with you on this one. We should confront these invaders. Besides, dealing with them is a priority, especially considering the threat they pose."

Shikamaru's gaze locked onto Kakashi's eye, a flicker of relief and determination passing through his expression. "So you're offering to help us, Kakashi-sensei?"

With a nod and a hint of a hidden smile, Kakashi confirmed, "Yes, I'll lend my strength. We'll handle this situation together."

Tsunade's approval accompanied Kakashi's offer, despite her hesitation, she knew that the squad was going regardless of what she'd say. "Listen to Kakashi. He's right, taking down these invaders requires a strategic plan and a united effort."

The trio exchanged glances, finding a renewed sense of determination through Kakashi's support. With a shared purpose, they readied themselves for the challenging task ahead, bolstered by the expertise of their mentor and the assurance of their Hokage.




In a separate scene, Hidan and Kakuzu emerged from the depths of the cave, their figures distinct against the backdrop of the forest. They were on a mission to locate Kai, a task not of their choosing, but rather one mandated by the orders of Pain, their leader.

Hidan's eyes narrowed with a sinister excitement. "Time to have some fun, Kakuzu."

Kakuzu's response was less enthusiastic, his brow furrowing in frustration. "This is a waste of my time. I could be earning bounties right now."

Despite his grumbling, Kakuzu knew that Pain's directives were to be obeyed without question. Their current mission was clear - find Kai and protect him. A sense of grim determination settled over them as they stepped forward, each with their own motives guiding their actions.

As they ventured further into the forest, Kakuzu's irritation could no longer be contained. "I can't believe we're baby-sitting a potential recruit. I want to kill him."

Hidan, ever the contrary and amused by Kakuzu's vexation, chuckled in response. "You're always so damn serious. Don't worry, we'll do what Pain wants. Maybe it'll be interesting."