
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Survival of the Fittest

In a world where natural superpowers were as common as the air people breathed, Kai stood tall as the mightiest of them all. He was Earth's shield against the relentless onslaught of mutated monsters that began emerging from the shadows, threatening to plunge humanity into chaos.

Kai's strength was legendary. With each battle he fought, he pushed back the monstrous tide that sought to engulf the world. His power was a beacon of hope to the people of Earth.

However, as the days passed and the battles raged on, a shift occurred among the people he protected. A sense of unease began to spread like wildfire, fanned by whispers of doubt and fear. Some wondered if Kai's power was too great, too unpredictable. The very thing that had once made him a hero now cast a shadow over his reputation.

One fateful day, a monstrous behemoth emerged from the heart of the earth, a creature of unfathomable strength and malevolence. Kai knew that this battle would be his greatest challenge yet. He squared his shoulders and faced the beast head-on, determined to subdue and kill the monster.

The battle raged on, the earth trembling beneath their clash. Kai's superhuman abilities were put to the test as he unleashed torrents of energy, striking blow after blow against the monstrous foe. Yet, as he fought valiantly, he felt a sudden searing pain in his back. Staggering forward, he turned to see a fellow human, someone he had trusted and fought alongside many times before.

"Ugh, I thought we were friends," Kai gasped, disbelief and hurt mingling in his voice.

The traitorous human chuckled darkly, a sinister glint in their eyes. "Hahaha, we are friends, Kai. Your death will certainly help me a lot, 'Friend'."

Kai's heart sank as he realized the extent of the betrayal. He had let his guard down, blinded by his trust in someone he believed shared his cause. He stared at the traitor, his eyes narrowing as his strength wavered. The pain in his body intensified, his energy fading, and darkness began to encroach upon his vision.

As Kai's vision dimmed, he understood his situation. The world he had fought so hard to protect, the people he had sworn to defend, now harboured those who would betray him for their own gain. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, a final betrayal that cut deeper than any monster's claw.

With a final, determined effort, Kai summoned the last of his strength and unleashed a torrent of energy that engulfed the traitor. But it was too late. His own life force had been drained beyond the point of return. As he crumbled to the ground, his vision fadies as he cast one last glance at the world he had fought so tirelessly for.


"Ahhh!" Kai's eyes shot open, his chest heaving as he jolted upright. The sensation of his body, once again tangible and real, sent shivers down his spine. Confusion gripped him, but the biggest thing he realised was that – he was weak. His muscles felt less defined, his superpower - gone. Years of cultivation had disappeared into nothing... It was as if he had been transported back in time, back to a point before the mutated monster invaded Earth.

Running his hands over his own body, Kai's fingers touched his honed body experienced through years of battle. But now, those battle scars were missing. Memories flooded his mind, memories of the war against the monstrous invaders, the battles he had fought, and the sacrifices he had made.

"This can't be real," Kai muttered, his voice a mixture of disbelief and suspicion. His gaze swept across the unfamiliar surroundings.

A perplexed frown etched itself onto his features. "Is this one of those typical 'reverse back time to help myself become stronger' kind of things?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with a hint of wry amusement. The concept seemed almost impossible, yet here he was, experiencing it.

As he mulled over the situation, a sense of determination began to flicker within him. If he had indeed been granted the chance to return to a time before the war, then perhaps there was a purpose to it. Maybe this was an opportunity – a chance to rewrite history.

In the vast forest, Kai found himself standing amidst towering trees with the sounds of the wilderness. His heart raced as he took in his surroundings. He knew that his first task was clear – survival. Beyond the rustling leaves, He began wondering – where was the nearest city?

Kai moved through the forest, his thoughts churned like the leaves beneath his feet. – the battles, the sacrifices, and the trust he had placed in fellow humans. A bitter taste lingered as he recalled the betrayal that had shattered his faith, a wound still fresh even in this altered time.

He then clenched his fists, a surge of energy coursing through his veins. He wanted to know whether his supernatural ability, the power that had granted him the strength of a hundred, was still within his grasp.

"I won't let history repeat itself," he muttered, his voice a solemn promise to himself.

Kai's eyes began to scan the forest floor, his gaze intent on the surroundings. Amidst the fallen leaves and twigs, his attention focused on a minuscule figure – a spider, its delicate form highlighted by a sliver of sunlight. "Bingo," he whispered to himself, a hint of satisfaction curling his lips. With a swift motion, he brought his hand down, squashing the tiny arachnid beneath his fingers.

Time seemed to stand still for a heartbeat, and then, it happened! In front of him, as if conjured by magic, a display materialized. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie, a holographic interface filled with shimmering text. Kai's heart skipped a beat – this was the system he have! The key to his strength, the ability to unlock abilities from the creatures he defeated. It was simple ability, their signature technique will be Kai's.

His eyes flicked through the menu. 'Stick to Surface.' A knowing grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. This ability could prove to be valueable to find a vantage point.

Without hesitation, Kai selected the 'Stick to Surface' ability. It was as if a current of energy flowed through him, he could feel it, the subtle alteration within him, as a connection was slowly established between him and the newfound power.

Testing the waters, Kai took a step forward and then, with a thought, he stepped against the nearby tree trunk. To his surprise, his foot adhered to the rough surface as if bound by an unseen force. A sense of exhilaration surged through him as he slowly began to walk up the tree, defying gravity itself. He reached a sturdy branch and perched upon it, the forest below now spread out before him like a vibrant tapestry.

Kai's heart swelled with a newfound confidence. From this vantage point, he could chart his course, spot potential dangers, and gain a clearer sense of his surroundings. The forest, once a maze of uncertainty, now lay at his feet, waiting to be explored.

Hey Everyone! I've began making this and I'll initially release 5 chapters as an initial premise. However, release will be more towards 1/2 chapters a day. Minimum 900 Words. Would love to have your support.

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