
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Naruto vs Kai

In a swift burst of motion, Naruto surged forward, launching himself into a frenzied hand-to-hand combat with Kai. The clash of their blows filled the air with tension, each strike carrying the weight of their emotions. Kai's skillful defense managed to ward off Naruto's initial assault, highlighting the gap in skills between the two.

Kai's assessment of the situation was shrewd. The numbers were not in their favor. Naruto and Yamato's involvement had decidedly tilted the balance against them. Both opponents posed formidable challenges, and it was evident that they wouldn't be easily overcome.

Sensing the need for a tactical retreat, Kai's voice cut through the chaos. "Hey! I'm going to pull back for now. You two should do the same!" His words were directed at Hidan and Kakuzu, a strategy aimed at regrouping for a better opportunity.

However, Naruto's resolve burned fiercely, and he vehemently rejected the notion. "Grrr... I won't let you!" The intensity of his emotions rippled through his chakra, and a crimson aura enveloped him. The telltale sign of the Nine-Tails' influence became apparent as a single tail began to manifest behind him.

Kai's surprise was understandable. Naruto's power immediately surged to new heights that he did not expect. The transformation was not only swift but also accompanied by a heightened speed and strength that took Kai aback. Realizing the need to confront Naruto's enhanced abilities head-on, Kai activated his wind armour.

Naruto's one-tailed transformation granted him a ferocious edge, his attacks delivered with a force that Kai had to muster all his skill to counter. Kai's wind armor crackled with energy as he parried Naruto's blows, his movements graceful and precise.

Yamato watched the battle unfold, his eyes scanning the scene for any opportunity to assist Naruto.

As the clash continued, Kai realized that he couldn't afford to underestimate Naruto's enhanced abilities. The wind armour provided him with some defensive capability, but he needed to find a way to seize the offensive. With a calculated twist, he utilized his wind manipulation to create a spinning vortex of blades, launching it towards Naruto.

Naruto's reaction was swift. He channelled the Nine-Tails' chakra to enhance his speed, allowing him to maneuver around the blades with astonishing agility. His determination was unbreakable, his rage unstoppable.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he recognized Naruto's unwavering spirit. He knew he had to adapt quickly. He unleashed a series of wind-infused projectiles, each aimed to disrupt Naruto's movements and force him on the defensive.

However, Naruto countered by releasing a burst of chakra, creating a protective barrier around him. The projectiles ricocheted harmlessly off the shield, showcasing Naruto's newfound control over his power.

Kai was once more surprised at this ability that Naruto had. He knew he was at a large disadvantage. Quickly, he immediately fainted an attack, and with a burst of speed, he disengaged from the fight, disappearing into the surrounding forest. His retreat was marked by a series of rapid chameleon-like disappearances, leaving Naruto, Yamato, and the others confused.

The sudden end of the battle between Naruto and Kai left everyone in a state of surprise. Though Kakuzu and Hidan were reluctant to admit it, Kai had proven a point. They weren't invincible; they too had their limits.

Kakuzu's voice sliced through the tense atmosphere as he addressed the baffled Konoha shinobi, "We'll be back." Without hesitation, he and Hidan vanished into the heart of the forest, leaving the Konoha team in disbelief.

The unexpected retreat left the Konoha shinobi dumbfounded. "They just backed off like that?" someone muttered incredulously, their astonishment clear.

Naruto's frustration reached its peak, and his rage manifested in the form of seething red chakra. The chakra tails of the Nine-Tails multiplied, and his eyes transformed, reflecting the fiery power and growing anger within him.

The shinobi of Konoha acted swiftly, attempting to calm Naruto and prevent his rage from consuming him entirely. Ino moved closer, her voice laced with genuine concern. "Naruto, please, you have to regain control. We can't let your anger take over."

However, Naruto's emotions were running wild, and his reasoning was clouded by fury. He was ready to lash out, to pursue Kakuzu and Hidan relentlessly. The Konoha shinobi knew they had to intervene before Naruto lost himself entirely.

Yamato stepped forward, determination etched on his face. He performed the hand seals for his Wood Release technique, channelling his chakra to create a sturdy structure of wood that enveloped Naruto's body. The wooden bindings gradually subdued the raging chakra, quelling the influence of the Kyuubi.

As the red chakra subsided and Naruto's transformation abated, his breathing steadied. His eyes reverted to their normal state, though traces of lingering anger still remained. He glanced around, the remnants of his rage slowly dissipating into a mix of exhaustion and frustration.


In the heart of the dense forest, a hidden rendezvous unfolded between Hidan, Kakuzu, and Kai.

Hidan's words carried a strange weight, "Our leader ordered us to assist you."

Kakuzu's voice followed, a mix of curiosity and pragmatism, "I can't fathom why. If it were up to me, you'd be a corpse by now. Yet, your help in battle merits a temporary stay of execution."

Kai's gaze shifted between them, his intrigue growing, "Tell me about your leader.."

Hidan's grin grew even wider. "Our leader? We don't know his name, though we call him Pain. He's a visionary, seeking to bring about a new world order through power and chaos. Pain is not just his name, but his philosophy."

Kakuzu's eyes glinted as he added, "Pain possesses a power that can change the world. His Rinnegan allows him to control life and death, and he seeks to use this power to usher in a new era."

Kai's mind buzzed with this new information. An organization with a radical ideology and a leader possessing such a unique ability.

"Think about it," Hidan said with a sly grin, "Join us, and together we can reshape the world."