
The Abandoned Husband Dominates

After three years of being married to an unfaithful wife, the multi-billionaire is chased out of his home! After the divorce... His unfaithful ex-wife comes begging for forgiveness while she says, “I was wrong, please give me another chance!” Meanwhile, his former mother-in-law pleads, “Please be my son-in-law, I’ll do your laundry, prepare your meals, and serve you well!” "It’s too late to regret..."

I Have Something To Say · Urban
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1452 Chs

Victoria Clarke!

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Recalling that Jordan could easily subdue all the professional fighters Herman had sent, the Camdens began to worry about it.

Herman said, "Everyone, this beast Jordan has extraordinary combat skills, and I reckon he might go to the wealthy people in Orlando and apply to be their personal bodyguards. Whom among you can cut off his potential career path as a bodyguard?"

Everyone fell silent. In Orlando, there were too many wealthy people, and no one dared claim that they knew them all or even had the right to speak in front of them.

At this moment, a woman who had been seated quietly for a long time suddenly laughed charmingly.

Everyone followed the voice, only to see a woman wearing a red business suit seated with her legs crossed and was incredibly alluring!

The woman seemed to be in her early thirties, but she had the charm of a mature woman.