
The Abandoned Husband Dominates

After three years of being married to an unfaithful wife, the multi-billionaire is chased out of his home! After the divorce... His unfaithful ex-wife comes begging for forgiveness while she says, “I was wrong, please give me another chance!” Meanwhile, his former mother-in-law pleads, “Please be my son-in-law, I’ll do your laundry, prepare your meals, and serve you well!” "It’s too late to regret..."

I Have Something To Say · Urban
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She Said Yes!

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Ever since Jordan and Drew's relationship improved, Drew had been trying to convince Jordan to marry Elle.

Drew already knew that Jordan had been pretending to be weaker than he really was in the past three years. Although he hadn't learned of Jordan's actual family background yet, he could tell from how Pablo treated him that Jordan's family was definitely not ordinary.

Drew reckoned that he was probably some big boss.

If his sister married Jordan, he could gain some clout and act like a tyrant in Orlando in the future!

Drew kept sending Jordan some photos of Elle, which he had stolen from Elle's phone while she was asleep.

Elle had never posted those photos on the Internet and merely kept them in her phone for her own admiration.

Although Drew was Elle's biological brother, he swore that he would get in her pants if she wasn't his sister.

After looking at those photos, Jordan was obviously somewhat enticed.