
The Abandoned Hunter

“Dark Overlord! All hail the Dark Overlord!!!” “...” “I tried to deny it but looks like I have really become their king... THE DARK OVERLORD!” . . . A story about a world of hunters, where an F-rank hunter who is bullied and despised and left alone turns himself into an OP hunter! He is left alone by many and was considered weak, However thanks to his luck he is able to get hold of a unique power from a dragon to act as its proxy. On top of it, he had an amazing power dwelling within him which took the shape of a system. Join me in this amazing adventure. [NOTE: Those readers who feel like this is a copy of solo leveling or something then you are wrong, inspiration is taken from that but it’s by no means a copy! Read fully before making claims! Also, I own the copyright of the cover. Don’t take the cover or ss of it. If I find it anywhere then you have to pay the fine of breaching copyright law!] [ I'm so sorry guys, the chapters from 1- 40 are in weird dialect. It's rubbish, to be honest, I hope you forgive me for that. Those chapters contain only 500-800 words! ] [ Chapters after 61 is locked so they are 1000+ words. Incidentally, from chapter 65 onwards, the chapter contains 1500-2000 words ] [ The sounding might be different and there might be a lot of errors, ( English is not my native language )but those errors won't be repeated again from chapter 175 that is ] [ Read at your own risk, if the chapters anger you or upset you, you may quit but don't leave hate comments or reviews that demotivate behind! ] [ Last edited on 05/24/2021 ]

1st_Manga_KING · Aktion
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238 Chs

The Endless Darkness

It was clearly a void without anything. Such a place was usually referred to as hell among hunters as it would be impossible to escape that space once you have entered since your consciousness won't return.

But for some reason Jay fet that his power grew and started to become stronger. The more he entered this dark space more stronger his energy would become leading him to feeling much better.

"Weird... why does this feel so familiar... it's like this darkness is my part... a part of my body."

He was constantly trying to find out a way the would lead him out if this void, however he couldn't find it.

He wasn't that sad or worried because this could be a chance to increase his power. So he just sat their and started to meditate in order to increase his HP/MP or any other stat.

Soon one hour passed, then two hours and then finally 8 hours had passed.

"It can't be that I'm trapped here for eternity...."

He began to worry about this a lot more than before. He continuously turned his head left and right to see whether any path was opening or not after all he couldn't afford to waste any more time.

But all he could do was wait for a path to open since there was nothing such as a mission here to complete that would open a path as a reward.

"Sigh, I hope I'm not dead... but still almost one day has passed. I not only missed my first day of university, I also might have worried mother."

As he was sighing, he suddenly felt chills. It was as if someone was staring at his back.

"W-what is this...? My instincts are saying to not turn back but for some reason it feels safe too..."

He slowly and stealdily turns his head back while keeping his eyes closed. When he had completely tuned he opened his eyes rapidly to find another pair of eyes glaring at him.

A pair of red eyes that were very huge glared right at him.

"A...a... Ahhhhh!!!!", he shouted at the top of his voice.

"What is this? Who is it? Who are you!!?"

he lost his composure and asked useless nonsensical and countless questions.

But after asking too many questions, he was tired and just sat down. It was quiet for a few moments.


"I'm sorry, it's manners to introduce oneself first before asking others. I'm Jay Down, 18 years old. Who might you be?"

Jay indeed has learned from Dun Young to act weak even when you are strong but he had never learnt to act strong when you are weak. It was something that he cane in the spur of the moment.

"My child, im something that you human call as DARKNESS."

"D-Darkness? What do you mean by that?"

"It's my name. You humans have been referring to me this way since long. Many fear me while many praise me. I am the DARKNESS who is found everywhere."


Jay was shocked after hearing what the voice was trying to say.

"Am I hallucinating or what? It can't be that I am talking to the darkness... have I gone mad?", Jay thought.

"No my child, you aren't mad. It's just that you have a gift that other humans don't have."

"Wait wait, you could read my mind? And gift?"

"Yes my child, I am within you as well, so all your thoughts can be seen or heard by me. Also the gift that you have is unique. Till now from centuries ago, no one was given such a gift."

Jay was confused even more now.

"Wait, what gift are you talking about?"

"Haha, my child, the gift that you have is the token to become the KING OF DARKNESS!"

"Huh...!? What the fuck? KING? Of darkness?"

"Yes my child."

"Uhhh!!! Why are you confusing me? You say that you are darkness and again you say that I will be king of darkness... what does that mean?"

"My child, I am only a mere name with some intelligence. The darkness that I'm speaking of is the power that can destroy or devastate the world. You will be the king of such power, all the beasts that emerge from dark will be your subordinates and your powers will have no limit when you become the king!"