
The 7 Sins of Luvat, The book of Wrath

Worldfyre · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

The bell had just rang, and Mr. Hendricks had just started our lecture when there was a knock on the door. Someone came in, handing Hendricks a piece of paper without saying anything. The guy was huge, with broad shoulders and short black hair as dark as the void. He tapped his fingers impatiently, waiting for Hendricks to finish reading the paper. Hendricks looked up with a nod, gesturing to the open seat behind me and announced, "This is Aamon Luvat, our new transfer. Please take a seat, and we'll begin class."

Aamon turned around, scanning the room, then stopped where Hendricks had pointed. He walked down the aisle with purpose, pausing briefly, glancing my way before taking the seat behind me. I felt a shiver run down my spine the moment his brown eyes dragged over me. I could feel his eyes boring into my back, causing me to shift in my seat.

It was odd to have a transfer in the middle of the school year, let alone at this school. I found it hard to believe anyone would come here by choice. It wasn't exactly known for having a great academic program. Most of the people here were either poor or not welcome at any other institution. The people here were pleasant enough as long as you kept your nose clean. With the exception of Taylor. Taylor was the varsity football captain and loved starting fights over the pettiest things. The guy was all brawn and no brains. No one had attempted to challenge him after the last person who crossed him was sent to the emergency room. One would have thought he'd have been expelled, but his father practically owned the place. Taylor was untouchable, even if he was a d*****bag.

"Tiri?" Mr Hendricks had called my name. I hadn't been paying attention to the lecture and had been found out.

"Could you please answer this question, Tiri?" He had asked again clearly exasperated. He was gesturing to the board and the question on it.

"Sorry, Mr. Hendricks." I apologized before giving him the answer, allowing him to return to the lecture.

Across the room I could hear the snickers and murmuring:

"Daydreaming again, what do you suppose she thinks about?"

"Who knows."

"With any luck, she'll drop out of here."

This was typically what happened whenever I got lost in my own thoughts. First the snickers, then they'd make fun of me. I had gotten used to it by now. Between school and home it was natural to me; it didn't even strike my nerves anymore. The bell rang signaling the next period. I quickly collected my stuff into my worn out, old bag and gently placed it on my back. If I wasn't careful it would probably fall apart. I had the same bag for 7 years, and it had already been patched up a few times. Money wasn't a luxury of mine, so I had to use what I had. This tattered old bag had been a going-away present from the orphanage I had been in, so I wasn't going to just throw it away.

Walking down the crowded hall, I headed to my next class with Mrs. Ditty. She was the teacher of myths and legends. It was the only extra curricular I had been able to take, since my foster parents were tight on their money. It had to be my favorite class though. I always found the legends and the supernatural to be fascinating: witches, vampires, werewolves, and folktales from around the world. I had an extensive notebook full of things I had learned from the class. It was the one place I felt I belonged.

As the next bell rang, everyone settled into their seats, and the new transfer student came walking through the door. He explained the situation to Mrs.Ditty, and she nodded, telling him to take a seat anywhere.

"Oh, you can sit over here, Aamon!" Emory waved to him cheerfully

He didn't say anything to her, instead choosing the seat behind me. Emory gave me the deadliest look I had ever gotten. Great, the most popular girl in school now had a bone to pick with me. Emory was a pretty, tight-waisted brunette with a voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. She was the cheer captain and normally went out of her way to make other people's lives miserable. I had the misfortune of trying to be friends with her a few years ago, just to have her stab me in the back. She was prone to gossiping and spreading rumors like it was free candy. Everyone believed anything she said.

No one believed a word I said anymore, but at least I could blend into the shadows the past year. It was nice not having to worry about being cornered in the halls or ambushed outside of school. Yet, the glare she just sent me said I was back on her hit list. She had just been openly turned down and blamed me for it, regardless of the fact that I didn't even know the guy.

Mrs. Ditty cheerily announced that today's class was going to be on demons. I took out my notebook and started scribbling down what I could as she went over the topic.

"Demons are generally believed to be evil entities, sometimes revered as gods or demigods. Often monstrously grotesque in appearance, some are believed to be the messengers, attendants, or servants of the Devil. In some cases, they are not always regarded as evil. In many cultures, demons are merely inhuman supernatural beings. Depending on whether their actions harmed or helped people, often determined how malevolent one was. Human witches, wizards, and sorcerers were thought to gain some of their abilities by summoning and controlling demons through magical practices or deals," Mrs Ditty finished.

"So you mean like blood pacts and stuff?" Emory asked, twirling her short brown hair between two fingers.

"You mean like vampires and when they bite your neck?" Another asked followed by a slew of naughty gestures and whispers.

"Alright, that 's enough of that." Called Mrs. Ditty.

"As long as they're hot I'll let them do whatever they want to me." Emory said, winking at Aamon behind me.

Aamon merely looked in the other direction with a huff.

Wow, that was surprising. Normally guys were all over a chance like that. Especially since Emory wasn't bad looking. As pretty on the outside as she was ugly on the inside. He was clearly not interested though; could it be that he saw through her act? I couldn't help but smile to myself at the thought.

"These are due by the end of class today. You can get in groups or finish it on your own. As long as it gets done. it is up to you." Mrs Ditty passed out sheets of paper with questions based on the lecture we just had. Emory jumped up from her seat and came prancing over to Aamon like a deer.

"Aamon, wanna pair up? I'm sure you could really use some help filling that out." She purred to him in a way that made me want to gag.

" No." It was just one word, but it sent a clear message.

"But you're new here. Are you sure you don't need any help? Or a partner to work with?" Emory pouted, giving her best set of doe eyes.

"I said no," Aamon growled slowly.

Emory pouted then returned to her seat talking amongst her friends.

After a few moments, I heard frustrated huffs and vigorous erasing behind me. Was he having a hard time after all? He seemed pretty set about not wanting any help.

Maybe I could lend him my notes since he didn't want to pair up with someone. I had just about finished my paper anyways. The worst that could happen was getting the offer turned down. He didn't seem like the type to rip up my notes and throw them back in my face.

Turning around in my seat, I slid him my notebook trying not to make eye contact.

"These are my notes. You can use them, if you want." I offered.

I could feel his eyes on me causing me to squirm in my seat. After a few moments of silence I started to retract my notebook.

"It just sounded like maybe you were having a hard time." I started to turn away when he grabbed the notebook and nodded as a thanks to my offer.

I turned around finishing my work then got up and turned it in before heading back towards my seat. Aamon was looking at the papers on his desk in amusement. I couldn't help but stare at the man. He had this strangely alluring aura to him but also seemed to scream danger at the same time. Almost as if he knew I was staring, he glanced up at me with his eyes flashing a scarlet color. There was a subtle heat to his gaze, almost predatory. I shivered as his eyes tracked my every movement as I sat back in my seat. My heart raced in my chest as I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. The man was breathtaking and bad for my heart.


The bell rang signaling me to pack up and head back into the hallway. I had just gotten a few steps around the corner when something pushed into me from behind, knocking me off balance. Turning around I found Emory and her lackeys.

"Can I help you?" I inquired.

"I wanna know why the new guy will accept help from a nobody, but not me?"

"I dunno, Emory, ask him yourself."

She scoffed "Don't Tell me what to do! Just stay out of my way unless you'd like history to repeat itself?"

"Emory, what do you expect from me? I'm already scorned and excluded by every breathing thing in the school. What are you gonna do? Make up more lies about me? Sooner or later people are gonna realize you're a liar."

She gawked at me before turning on her heel and storming away with the most attitude I had ever seen. I hadn't done anything but be nice to the guy. Why had she chosen to take her frustrations out on me? I sighed, shaking my head and headed to my next classes.

After school, I had started my long walk home. We didn't live in anything fancy, but it was a roof over my head until I saved enough for college. Opening the door I was met with the familiar yelling and screaming from both directions.

"Tiri! Took you long enough! Get in here and make dinner!" Helen called.

Ah, yes, my foster parents, Helen and Mark. They were the ones that had been taking care of me since middle school. Helen was always shouting, and Mark was always complaining. They were the type that were different behind closed doors.

Everyday after school I was expected to slave away around the house. They told me I was to, "Earn your keep if you want to go to school and have a roof over your head." The entire six years I've been here were nothing short of miserable.

After finishing dinner and serving them, I got the leftovers. I had eaten before them once and was beaten for it and starved for a whole week. I always tried going out of my way not to anger them, lest I earn their wrath. Recently, I had been doing ok. I just had to keep my nose down and mouth shut. I went upstairs, at the end of the night, and had just started on my homework, when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in?" I said as the door squeaked open with Mark hanging half in the doorway. He was drunk and looked like he wasn't in the best mood. He stumbled toward me, bottle in hand.

"I got a friend I owe a favor to. I need you to work at his bar on the weekend ya hear?" He slurred

"I'm sorry, I go to the orphanage on the weekends." I really didn't have time to fulfill Mark's favors nor did I want to. Mark was the worst at gambling, but you couldn't tell him that.

"It wasn't a request! You shouldn't be around those kids anyhow." He said before slapping me across the face. "You will go, girl. And that's final!"

My cheek stung from the impact. It was clear to me he wasn't going to let me go that easily. "Sorry, Mr. Mark. I'll be sure to go." I bowed my head waiting for him to leave.

"Good girl, now here's what you need for the job." He had a crooked smirk on his lips as he handed me a sheet of paper then closed the door behind him grumbling to himself.

Looking over the sheet was just a poorly written address and a phone number. It looked like the address was downtown. I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. "Just a little while longer." I kept telling myself I was almost free of this place. I was gonna be 18 in a few days. Once that happened I'd be one step farther from Mark and Helen.

Today was the day I'd have to go downtown for Mark's favor. I wasn't excited about it, but in the end it was just another job. I stepped onto the building's sidewalk looking at the address again. Sure enough, it was a bar named Black Iris. The place struck me as the type that kept unsavory company. I definitely didn't want to be here when it hit nightfall, especially since I walked just about everywhere. The walls and sidewalk were cracked and weathered. Broken concrete peppered the ground like someone had taken a hammer to it in multiple places. The door creaked as I opened it, like a dying animal, making my hair stand on end.

Stepping in, I looked around and found no one. It seemed empty, almost desolate. "Hello? Is there anyone here?" I was met with silence. Just as I was about to leave, someone appeared from around the corner, causing me to jump out of my skin. He was pale and slender, with black hair, and dark circles under his eyes. The man looked like he hadn't slept in days or weeks.

"How can we be of service today, miss?" The man spoke in a low rough voice

"Mark sent me."

"Ah, yes. I am surprised he is not here himself."

"What type of work do you need me to do?"

"Merely waitressing and serving drinks. You look young though. How old are you?"

"Oh. I'm turning 18 in a few days."

He sucked on his teeth like my age was a problem. "Tell Mark he needs to come in and do it himself or send someone older. This isn't a place for… young people." He smiled coldly then ushered me out the door.

Young people? What did he mean by that? And how was I supposed to tell Mark to do it himself? He hated being told what to do. I groaned at the thought of what his reaction would be.

I might as well head to the orphanage like I originally had planned. The kids would be happy to see me at the very least. Every week I tried to make it a point to visit them. They were the closest things to family I had. We had all grown up around one another. They would always ask for stories or what I had learned over the week. They were all so very smart and curious about the world. I couldn't help but smile thinking about them. They were the type of kids that knew how to wiggle into your heart, whether you wanted them to or not.

The orphanage was a white 2 story building, with a large oak tree out front, and had a partial fenced in yard. It had 6 rooms and 2 bathrooms. 2 for the girls and 2 for the boys then the last two were the infirmary and the madams room/office. It wasn't anything fancy but it was better than staying on the streets.. The door opened before I even made it up the stairs. * smiling faces came flooding out the door to greet me.


"You're late!"

"What was school like this week?"

"Got any Stories?!"

"Tiri, come play with us!"

They were firing off questions quicker than I could answer them. "Goodness, we are so excited today! Let's go sit down under Mr. Oak tree. I'll answer all your questions in a moment." They all excitedly scrambled to the oak while I went to sign in on the visitor sheet.