
The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World

Who said being the strongest is cool? Who said being at the top is fun? It's lonely up here, and a bit depressing standing at the peak...

itachi1010 · Anime und Comics
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81 Chs

The Power To Erase It All 1

{I just realized I hit 200 Powerstones, I'm so sorry. A personal matter just popped up, so there will be no bonus chapters. I would be lucky to post even one tomorrow. But I promise As soon as I get everything together, I will try and get 3 chapters out back to back.}

"If I add more than one Infinity with Blue, the pull Blue would have should be truly endless. If I connect Blue to another location, like a wormhole..." Xia Qingyue was awakened by the sound of something speaking, she got up and found herself on the ground in a bathroom.

She looked around, before freezing seeing me lying back in a bathtub, playing with Blue, while also using my free hand to scrub myself. Her face turned dark at the sight, but I ignored her while I focused on the sight before me.

Blue was pretty much using Infinity, but instead of myself, it was used on space to create a world of nothingness. Of course, with it being not on me, Infinity isn't as powerful as it would be on me. If I could have it be as powerful as with me, then the pull Blue would have would be far greater.

I didn't have to create a true infinity void of nothingness, I just had to trick the heavens... or trick reality into thinking that an infinity void was created, leading to it using everything in its power to try and fill that Infinity.

As one has noticed, when I used Infinity on myself, the world doesn't try and fill anything up. This is all in how Infinity is used. Was it smart to try and create more than one infinity when the infinities wouldn't be as powerful as one refined and perfected infinity?

There were many levels to infinity and not all infinities were equal. Count by one to infinity, and count by 2 to infinity, which one is larger? Of course, they are equals. If they are both infinity, what could be bigger than infinity?

Let's first understand what a number is. When a number is used to describe how many something is, it is called a cardinal number. For example, you have 2 eyes, 2 hands, 2 legs, and so on.

Two sets have the same cardinality when they contain the same number of things. Like 2 eyes being equal to 2 hands or legs. thats simple right? well, everyone should know that.

We all use natural numbers, like 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on as cardinals whenever we talk about how many things there are. So, let me ask you a question, how many natural numbers are there? it can't be a number within the natural as there would always be a 1+ after it.

There is a name for all possible numbers. it's aleph-null. It also has the symbol of ℵ followed by a small zero. this is the first smallest infinity. It holds all numbers from even to odd and fractions. Any number you can think of would fall under Aleph-Null

But can you count past it? My whole thing about creating more than one Infinity needs me to be able to go past Infinity. So, can I go past Aleph-Null?

Let's take a moment to think about it. you have an infinite number of sticks. Put those sticks to the side get another stick and put it among the other sticks. what number is that? Infinity plus 1? Of course not, that's stupid. it would still fall under Aleph Null. You can even get another set of infinite sticks and they would all fall under Aleph Null. 

Let's say the first sticks all were labeled by even numbers, and the new set is all labeled by odd numbers. Will they not fall under Aleph Null? So, is it impossible to go past infinity... how about we label all of the sticks by the order they came in?

For example, the first set of sticks is labeled 1 to infinity. What would the new stick be labeled? We need to labor this new stick with something that goes past infinite... such numbers So, we need Ordinal numbers.

The first trans-fine ordinal is omega. Which has the symbol ω, a W followed by a small number. this is the labor needed after using up all of the infinite numbers out there. If you got Omega's place in a race, it meant that an infinite number of people finished the race before you.

After ω is ω+1, ω+2, ω+3, and so on. It looked weird, but these numbers can be seen as 1, 2, 3, and to infinity... Is this the old? Far from it. What is the power set of all-natural numbers? What is the power set of Aleph Null?

What do I mean by powerset? Let me give you an example, with the number 1 and 2. With that, I can combine in all types of ways to make. {0}, {1}, {2}, and {1,2}.

The power set of 1, 2, 3 is. {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, and {1,2,3}

As you can see, a power set contains many more numbers than the original set. two to the power of how many numbers the original set has. so what is 2 to the power of Aleph Null? What is the power set of all of the natural numbers? This is an infinity greater than Aleph Null. If we keep stacking the power set, we will create greater and greater infinities. 

So, let's reach them. What comes after the ω+ all possible numbers? ω times ω, keep doing this and soon we would hit ω swear, and soon we would get to ω to ω to ω to ω... and so on. take all possible usage of ω, mix them all you want, and soon you will hit a new infinity. ω1, also known as Aleph 1, is a greater infinity than the last. Do you see how Aleph Null is extremely small compared to Aleph 1? The gap is just too shocking for the human mind to fully take it.

Every Aleph form there is far greater than the last, and far more impossible to comprehend.... but there is one problem in all of this. How does a finite number reach Aleph Null? That's impossible. it's like saying you reached 100% of something, thats impossible.

Everything I just listed right now was... imaginary. Infinite is a concept, something people thought of, as finite numbers can never reach it. Even Neutral Limitless: Infinity wasn't truly Infinite, it was finite... If Infinity was real, it would mean it was above me... and we know thats impossible,

So, to Improve Infinity, I shouldn't be looking at the scale of infinity. Infinity uses the power of math, dividing infinity... but as I just said, infinity is an illusion, it is imaginary. I bring it into reality. Against laws, I have to not only bring it into reality but stabilize it to ensure that the laws can't break past it.

Let's take a step back. If Aleph Null is the smallest infinity, how are these fractions infinite? What If I reshape Infinite to see myself as the greatest and highest infinite, and 1, 2, and 3 are Aleph numbers that I'm bringing into reality?

This way I can keep bringing more and more Infinities out, each infinite greater than the last. but I can push this further, why must the attack thrown toward me stop? why can't time continue to work on them so that they grow weaker over time? God, I'm such a genius. I have been lowering myself to the level of these ants when I forgot just how high I am compared to them all.

"I'm speaking to you!" Xia Qingyue said in annoyance seeing as I ignored her, my mind elsewhere. I looked towards her in confusion

"When did you get here?" I asked in confusion. Xia Qingyue felt like an arrow hit her in the chest, who was she? Sure her beauty wasn't something she cared all too much about... but she still took pride in it. Yet what was happening?

"Oh, you're my disciple... that means I have to teach you stuff," I said with a bored look, Xia Qingyue tried her best to freeze her emotions.

"I always wonder why you guys freeze your emotions. What's the point if you don't feel anything?" I asked to which Xia Qingyue blinked, not understanding what I was saying for a moment.

"We don't seal all of the emotions, we still feel joy, happiness, and other such things. they are just suppressed." She said to which I looked at her with a frown. I thought for a moment, before shrugging.

"Sounds stupid. What is the point of living if you can't enjoy it? self-control I can understand, but that?" I said with a shrug, I got out of the bath and got a towel to dry myself off. Xia Qingyue looked away, speechless.

"You go rest... since your talent is above mine, I expect you to at least put in the same amount of work I put in. First thing in the morning we train," I said with a smile, making Xia Qingyue sweat slightly as she had a bad feeling about all of this...

The next morning, Xia Qingyue was crying while doing push-ups. On her back was a huge rock, which I was sitting on, reading a book. this was just the first step of her torture, to bring out the full potential of her body, 100 push-ups a day.

This was followed by a 100 km run, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats. That wasn't everything as the body she had cultivated was negated by this huge rock, so she pretty much had the body of a normal human at the moment.

If she fails? what she didn't finish is added to the next day. Once She gets used to this, I shall increase it by 10 times, and so on...

It took Xia Qingyue a month for her body to be able to handle the hard work. a week of tears and sweat, but she could finally move on to the next step of training. 

"What is martial arts?" I asked her while reading my book, Xia Qingyue sighed seeing the book, it was a book not for kids...

"Martial arts are fighting styles which best use the body capabilities to fullest." She said to which I nodded slightly, but in the end shook my head.

"Well, thats it but not detailed enough. Who would win in a battle of equal strength, a person with martial arts skills, or a person without any?" I asked calmly,

"the person with martial arts skills of course." She said to which I nodded lightly

"Martial arts are a way for a person to fight those far stronger than them. Like How you can fight those of higher cultivation, Martial arts can be a way to fight those of higher strength. the more refined your martial arts skills are, the more of your body potential you can drawl out. Speed, strength, defense, and so on. Once you learn to draw out that power and best use it, a normal tap can do stuff like this." I said while tapping the tree next to me, the tree shook before it shattered from the spot I touched.

"That was the same level of power that equals normal humans, even a normal human could do such things if their martial arts are high enough," I said while looking at Xia Qingyue's shocked look.

"You know how glass has parts thats more durable than other parts? What I did was picture this tree as glass, and tapped its weak point. with control, and focus, this is something thats easy to pull off." I said to which she nodded in slight understanding 

"There are other things I have to teach you. but for now, I want you to be able to fight those many times stronger than yourself. I want to sharpen your instincts to a level they are like mine where with a simple look, you can see the weak points on a target." I said calmly, causing her eyebrow to raise

"Your weak point is your face, left breast, slightly above your left elbow, and the list goes on," I said before she could ask,

"you have a lot of weak points, Martial arts isn't purely for fighting. It's to mislead others, throwing faints or whatever. having them have a hard time reading you is also important. the easier you are to read, the easier it is for them to plan ahead of you. So, move in such a way that the mind delays, trying to comprehend what just happened." I said while moving my hand, leaving behind after images.

"I am still mastering this, it's something I learned from dreams... Anyway, I have created a puppet which I sent a piece of my soul into. it shall be fighting you while being weaker than you, good luck." I said while pulling out a puppet. In the past few days, I got into creating formation and other such things. ways to kill time while cultivating. 

The puppet moved towards Xia Qingyue, and she moved forward to face it... and Xia Qingyue was destroyed, a part of her believed that the puppet was stronger than her, but she didn't think I would be so shameless, so she gritted her teeth and fought. again, her strength was still limited to that of a normal human...

'I am Infinite... yes, thats right. Right now, I'm Aleph Null, this would be the first level.' I thought while watching her get her ass beat.

'The first level to Neutral Limitless: Infinity should be Aleph Null... the second level should be Aleph 1, and so on. but that can go on for infinite levels, I should first worry about bringing out the smallest Infinite. But how can I divide fast enough to reach it? Would I even be able to control it?' I thought calmly, by dividing something an infinite number of times, I could bring out Aleph Null, but there were two problems with that.

With something so small, would I be able to control it? and secondly, how would I even do something like that in the first place? How do I reach infinite? but I also can't just reach Infinite without ensuring that the Infinite I bring out is stable.

I could try and trick the world into thinking I had truly created something infinite. Off the top of my head, there were other ways I could do this, by adding time to it. Why should I do the dividing, if I could program it to do it by itself, while also ignoring time, then I could in theory truly create an infinite space between myself and a target.

I could even try and fuse space-time. that way it would be like I just created an endless universe, and you were trying to reach one end of the universe to the other. This would not be simple, and I would of course speak with the old lady about this concept and see her thoughts on the matter...

And so time passed, and honestly my time was peaceful. Every day I was stronger than the last, and thanks to the old lady giving me the idea of controlling my dreams... well, let's say spent a lot of time fighting within my dreams. I, of course, went to see the old lady every day, and although she acted normally, I could tell she wasn't as active as in the past, so I had Xia Qingyue start helping out around her for 'Training'. 

Of course, some experts would pop up from time to time, I tried to avoid fighting and I would only scare them off. The me of today could defeat the Ancestor of the Divine Phoenix Empire in 1 move. I know this because I did it many times in my dreams, and to make the fights interesting within my dreams, I always make them stronger than they should be... so I was the strongest in the lower realm, and things were starting to look bland.

"... Why don't you marry her? Sure she is married, but you could win her heart." Sitting next to the old lady, we sat outside. I was busy writing in a book, while she was looking at Xia Qingyue who was swinging her sword nonstop

"You know she isn't my type," I said half bored. she said nothing at those words for some time before remembering back to the time she asked a question

"How am I your type?" She asked in annoyance to the 10-year-old me. I looked back at her with a smile and spoke

"Like me, you're not talented, yet you reached such heights," I said softly, making her quiet, not knowing what to say to those words. Indeed, she wasn't talented. She was born the shame as her family, White Grade talent. maybe in the Lower realm that was considered good or average in some places. but in the immortal realm? that was no different from Black Grade talent.

She was trash, but she managed to cultivate into being an immortal. There was a whole story behind this, being the daughter of the clan head, she was the talk of the world for a long time. She was a walking disappointment, but there was one person amongst the many disdainful looks thrown at her, one person who looked towards her with care and love.

That was her elder brother, it was because of him she pushed herself, throwing herself into alchemy to be the best. Thats where she went on to shine, putting years into studying and perfecting her skills, and thanks to her brother going far and wide to search for herbs and even lost recipes along with inheritances from those of the past, she was able to quickly stand to be known as one of the best alchemists within her clan.

She threw her life into alchemy, in the past it was a way for her to find a way to create a pill that could rewrite her fate. Such a pill existed within the immortal realm, although from the era of old. But after her brother became the clan head, and had a child, everything went downhill.

She could still remember how her brother yelled at her to flee with his son while he stood back to buy her time along with the rest of the clan. but she didn't get far before a spear shot through her stomach, almost hitting the child which she managed to move out of the way in the nick of time. She was still young and had billions of years ahead of her.

"Is your type only those without talent?" She asked with a sigh, to which I shook my head.

"To be talented, yet not put that talent to full use is disgusting. but to be trash yet still show strength and powers above those talented... thats sexy." I said making her look at me with a weird look before she burst out laughing, making me look at her in confusion.

"You're so weird." She said with a smile, to which I shrugged lightly while looking at Xia Qingyue whose ears were being enhanced with Qi to listen in on our talk. but seeing me turn my attention towards her, she quickly began to start training.

"About your question on Infinity... for that, you should turn it into a Dao. Once you reach the Nascent Soul realm, you can use your spiritual sense to connect and sense the laws and comprehend them... you can go another route, of creating your Law, although you would be walking in the dark without anything to show you the way. It would be like writing a book in a language you know nothing about." She said to which I thought for a moment.

"Creating my law? I never ask this, but what are the laws? they are like pillars that hold up the world right?" I asked to which She nodded lightly.

"Not all laws are the same, laws are concepts. some are born with the heavens, like water, fire, earth, and so on. others are created by man, such as sword, spear, alchemy, and so on. If you could travel far back in time, you would find that the concept of the sword didn't exist. but one day someone created that weapon and began swinging it, and soon that sword fell into the hands of the Sword Dao Ancestor, the creator of the Sword Dao. The sword wasn't the first weapon created by man, but he made it overwhelm all other weapons." She said softly while looking towards the sky.

"Even those who don't follow the sword path went on to use the sword, it's the most common weapon out there, and also the strongest. To say the least, The Sword Dao Ancestor is one of the strongest experts out there." She said before slowly looking back towards me, while I looked at her with a frown.

"You're speaking oddly too much today... You're about to die?" I asked causing her face to turn dark...

A few seconds later, she returned inside, leaving me lying on the ground while shaking from the pain of being poked. Xia Qingyue shook her head seeing this, even someone like her understood that the old lady was in a good mood so she was talking a lot.

"The hell... what type of relationship is she looking for? an abusive one?" I said while slowly getting up, my face covered in sweat from the pain. but those words caused the old lady to step back outside, I quickly ran off seeing this, I knew I said something wrong. She glared towards where I ran off to, before returning inside in annoyance. Her mind was getting away from the whole death thing... she didn't even want to think about it right now.

Meanwhile, far away, Yun Che sat on the remains of a destroyed clan. Everyone from the adults to the young was slaughtered to avoid future trouble. Yun Che was ruthless, cross him and just buy yourself a coffin, as your death was sure.

In just the few months he was away, his strength has reached level 3 Qi Condensation. Such fast speeds of breaking through is why I said he was a freak. he went from Xiantian to this in less than a year, and given the energy he could reach Soul Transformation in a few months or years. I didn't even dare to think of Soul Transformation for the next 100,000 years, and even that was hopeful thinking on my end.

"I should return home... I hate being far from my family like this." Yun Che said softly, Yun Che had parents, and also a little Aunt... well, things for Yun Che were about to get extremely complex as his enemies would make their move with his next actions.

Thats not all, as this would all lead to a battle that has the risk of destroying this lower realm...