
The 48th Experiment

Enyo is the 48th experiment and one of the few that survived. Thanks to the doctors (whom she killed by accident), she's the strongest soldier who worked for the Father, the head of a large underworld group. Enyo has superhuman abilities including regeneration, strength, speed, agility, and all that! She's escaped Father and is trying to live a normal life as a normal teenager. That's kind of hard when making friends means that they're going to get kidnapped and used as bait to lure her to random abandoned buildings... Most of the other experiments want to kill her now. Also, Father wants to study her dead body. And, the only few people who can help her are weak, crippled, or mostly dead. Oh and also most of the fights are very unfair. (2v1 is unfair okay?)

MelonChan1205 · sci-fi
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18 Chs

The Experiments (thus far)

Name: Cynthia

Current Age: 43

Number: 2

Survivor: 1

Experiment: ???

Status: Inactive (Retired)

Name: Atlas

Current Age: 31

Number: 4

Survivor: 2

Experiment: ???

Status: Active

Name: Tornado

Current Age: 28

Number: 11

Survivor: 5

Experiment: Foresight

Status: Inactive

Name: Vulcan

Current Age: 26

Number: 15

Survivor: 6

Experiment: Overheat

Status: Active

Name: Asclepius

Current Age: 24 

Number: 23

Survivor: 8

Experiment: Healing

Status: Inactive (indefinite vacation)

Name: Artemis

Current Age: 24

Number: 24

Survivor: 9

Experiment: ???

Status: Active

Name: Bat

Current Age: 21

Number: 31

Survivor: 12

Experiment: Superhearing

Status: Active

Name: Hemlock

Current Age: 19

Number: 40

Survivor: 15

Experiment: Poison Immunity & Release

Status: Active and Disobeying orders

Name: Anaya

Current Age:18

Number: 41

Survivor: 16

Experiment: Marksmanship

Status: Active and Disobeying orders

Name: Enyo

Current Age: 16

Number: 48

Survivor: 18

Experiment: Regeneration, Strength, Speed, Agility, Flexibility

Status: MIA

Be back soon!

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