
The 300th Rebirth

"In a world where the cycle of life and death takes a unique twist, Neopolium finds himself reborn into the body of Darrion, retaining memories and experiences from countless lifetimes. With the assistance of Marrien, a girl from his current life, and an enigmatic talking wolf, Darion embarks on an extraordinary journey. Together, they unravel the secrets of Darion's reincarnation, confront a resurfacing demon king, and unearth the unsettling possibility of someone tampering with the past. As they navigate a realm infused with magic and riddled with mysteries, they must grapple with their own pasts, form unlikely alliances, and shape the destiny of a world hanging in the balance." Notice : I found out that some characters are mispelled. It doesn't affect the story at all but is a little problematic for others. "Darrion and Marrien." That's what the actual name is. I will upload 3-4 times a week only. I'm busy attending school.

AsherWasher · Fantasie
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2 Chs


"Alright, Neopiloum, I'm going to kill this woman now," the wolf states in a calm tone.

Marrien trembles, her anger momentarily overridden by fear, and she breaks another glass beaker, wielding its shards like a weapon. "Y-You... you can't!"

Meanwhile, Darion watches, feeling a pang of distress as yet another beaker meets its end. "My... My beaker! Please, stop breaking them!" he implores with a hint of dismay.

"By the way, please don't kill her," Darion interjects, addressing the wolf. "She simply deserves to know the truth."

"Explaining anything to that woman won't yield any productive results. Allow me to dispose of her, and you can dedicate your time to comprehending your new existence," the wolf states, its presence commanding from its seated position.

Turning its gaze toward Marrien, the wolf's tone shifts, adopting a more reassuring note. "Relax, young one. I wouldn't bring any harm to you unless it's my Master's wish."

Darion quickly locates a chair and offers it to Marrien. "Alright, let's all take a breath and calm down. Starting from the beginning might be challenging since even I don't entirely understand how this anomaly came about."

Seating herself, Marrien responds, "I'm willing to listen. Anything that can help me make sense of this situation." The trio settles into an uneasy yet necessary conversation, each holding a piece of the puzzle that could reveal the truth behind the enigma of Darion's rebirth.

As the trio settles into an uneasy yet necessary conversation, Darion's gaze shifts between the enigmatic wolf and Marrien. "Firstly, I should introduce you properly," he begins, gesturing toward the wolf. "This entity, though nameless for now, has a history with me. In my past life as Neopiloum, we were companions. And now, it seems fate has intertwined our paths once again."

The wolf nods in agreement, its silence speaking volumes as it acknowledges the shared history.

Marrien's curiosity is piqued, her eyes darting between Darion and the wolf. "Companions? How... How is that even possible?"

Darion's lips curl into a wistful smile. "It's a long story, one that even I am still piecing together. But suffice it to say that we've encountered each other across different lives and worlds. As for my rebirth into this body, it's an anomaly I can't fully explain yet."

Marrien leans forward, her intrigue evident. "An anomaly? You mean, being reborn into Darion's body?"

Darion nods, the weight of the situation palpable. "Exactly. My consciousness was transplanted into Darion's body after my previous death. I remember my past life as Neopiloum, but those memories are fading rapidly."

Marrien's gaze softens, sympathy coloring her expression. "That's... both fascinating and unsettling. And you, wolf, you're somehow connected to all this?"

The wolf remains enigmatic, its features inscrutable. "Indeed. I'm here to offer insight and, perhaps, assistance, depending on the circumstances."

"I was once a man, challenging gods and not believing in any of them. The God of Death? Who's that, right?" Darion explains with a hint of jest.

"They? So, you managed to offend quite a number?" Marrien retorts.

The wolf's laughter resonates in the air. "What Darion meant by 'They' is that these omnipotent beings don't possess a gender at all, despite being labeled as gods or goddesses. They all emanate from a singular source, driven by beliefs. It's why they don't adhere to the gender distinctions familiar to humans."

Amid their conversation, Darion's tone turns more solemn. "The truth is, my fate wasn't sealed by mere chance. The God of Death, or whatever you want to call it, decided to curse me. Perhaps my defiance and disbelief in their power didn't sit well with them. And so, I was cursed to be reborn infinitely."

Marrien's eyebrows rise. "Cursed to be reborn? That's... that's quite a heavy punishment."

Darion nods, his expression tinged with a mix of humor and resignation. "Indeed, a curse I've carried through countless lifetimes, each one adding to the weight of my existence."

"you remember that book in my mansion? The old one, the one that your Darion read?" Darion asks.

Marrien's brows knit together in thought as she tries to recall. "The old book in your mansion... Yes, I remember seeing it. But I didn't pay much attention to it, to be honest."

Darion leans back, a contemplative expression on his face. "That book holds the key to preserving my memories and preventing them from fading away with each rebirth."

The wolf's ears perk up, intrigued by this revelation. "Explain."

Darion takes a deep breath, his gaze distant as he speaks. "In one of my past lives, I learned a technique from a deity known as Edues, the God of Knowledge. This technique allowed me to store my memories in that book before I die, ensuring that I can access them in my subsequent lives."

Marrien's eyes widen in realization. "So, you've been using that book to keep your memories intact? No wonder you were so concerned about it."

Darion nods. "Exactly. But even that method has its limitations. The memories within the book are starting to fade, just like my own. If I can't find a way to halt this deterioration, I might lose myself entirely."

"Even so, the book is just a backup plan if my rebirth didn't occur," Darion explains.

"As I mentioned earlier, I was meant to be reborn in this body at the same time Darion was born. But that didn't happen, leading fate to guide him towards that book," Darion elaborates.

"That's why he's been so dedicated, going to great lengths to study and learn about that book in the ancient museum," Marrien chimes in.

The wolf's laughter echoes through the room. "Hahaha."

Darion looks puzzled at the laughing wolf. "What's so amusing?"

"Didn't you catch that? An ancient museum? Your mansion is perceived as a museum by the beings up there," the wolf explains, its amusement evident.

Darion's eyes widen in disbelief, his annoyance evident. "What? My mansion... a museum? That can't be right!"

Marrien stifles a chuckle at Darion's reaction, watching his disbelief unfold in real time. "Well, it seems your home has taken on a different significance for them."

The wolf's laughter subsides, and it offers a playful grin. "Indeed, it appears that your past life's residence is now a place of historical significance, a testament to your existence."

Darion's irritation is palpable. "Unbelievable. My once private sanctuary, now open for the world to scrutinize."

Marrien places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Look on the bright side, at least your story is being remembered and honored."

Darion grumbles under his breath, the unexpected turn of events leaving him more than a little exasperated. As they continue their conversation, the weight of Darion's history, both past and present, hangs in the air, interwoven with the mysteries they're attempting to unravel.

"No, Marrien, you don't understand. That place is packed with dangerous information," Darion explains urgently.

"No wonder this world has advanced in magical technology," Darion adds, his tone carrying a mix of realization and concern. "They must have utilized the blueprint of my past items found in that museum."

Marrien's eyes widen as she grasps the implications. "Wait, you mean they've been using your inventions and discoveries from your previous lives to advance their magical technology?"

Darion nods, his expression a blend of astonishment and apprehension. "Exactly. The information stored in that museum holds the potential to reshape the world's understanding of magic and technology. But with great potential comes great risk."

The wolf interjects, its gaze contemplative. "It's not just your past inventions that pose a risk. Your knowledge itself, your experiences, could be exploited for power, control, or even chaos."

Marrien's concern deepens. "So, you're saying that the very knowledge you've preserved to safeguard your identity could now be used against you?"

Darion's jaw tightens, a steely resolve flickering in his eyes. "It's a possibility we can't ignore. We need to tread carefully and make sure that this treasure trove of information doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

"Oh no! The academy will be opening soon. Darion and I are scheduled to have a class in magic crafting," Marrien panics, her worry evident.

Darion's brow furrows as he considers the timing. "Magic crafting class... That's going to attract a lot of attention, especially if they know I possess the knowledge of those ancient techniques."

Marrien clasps her hands together, her expression pleading. "Darion, you have to go. It's the perfect opportunity to blend in, and I'll be with you. Besides, you've been so passionate about sharing your knowledge, and this is your chance."

Darion hesitates, his uncertainty etched across his features. "I understand, Marrien, but you don't realize... The previous Darion, he was charming, outgoing, he had a way of attracting people. What if I can't live up to that persona? What if I raise suspicions by acting differently?"

Marrien places a reassuring hand on Darion's arm. "You're not him, and that's okay. You have your own strengths and qualities. You've faced lifetimes of challenges, and that's made you who you are. Trust me, people will recognize the sincerity in you."

The wolf chimes in, its tone thoughtful. "Indeed, authenticity can be its own charm. You don't need to mimic the past Darion. Just be yourself, and people will respond to that."

Darion slowly looks at the wolf, his gaze contemplative. "I know you and I both remember what happened the last time I tried to adopt another persona. It didn't end well—the whole palace went up in flames because of that one ill-fated magic."

The wolf's eyes glint with a mixture of understanding and amusement. "Ah yes, the 'fireworks incident' as you called it."

Marrien raises an eyebrow, curiosity getting the best of her. "Fireworks incident?"

Darion lets out a sigh, a hint of exasperation in his tone. "Long story short, my attempt to impress a certain someone with flashy magic during a celebration led to an unintentional catastrophe. Let's just say it was a disaster."

Marrien can't help but chuckle, the image of Darion causing unintentional chaos contrasting with his present concerns. "Well, that's certainly a memorable way to make an impression."

The wolf's grin widens. "At least it made for a good story."

Darion smirks, a playful glint in his eyes. "Yes, well, let's hope my attempts at blending in this time go a bit smoother."

"Come on, we're gonna be late," Marrien says with a sense of urgency.

"Don't worry, my underground base is connected to time and space. The time in here is moving, but the time outside is frozen," Darion replies, reassuringly.

As they make their way to the underground base, Darion's mind races with calculations and plans. He knows that time is of the essence, and he's determined to find a solution to preserve the original Darion's memories. Drawing on his knowledge of magic and ancient techniques, he begins to work on a complex ritual involving math and intricate spellwork.

Darion walks toward the board and begins to write.

"X=rand() + (0.1-(0.1*rand))).

X=Vial, Soul of the Dead + (0.1{Asthenorinsia Breah}[Hake]-(Lalrosia>0.2*Vial)))"

Hours pass, and Darion's focus remains unwavering. Using the vial he had previously heated, he carefully combines various elements and energies, weaving them together in a precise sequence. The air in the room becomes charged with magic, an almost tangible energy swirling around him.

Finally, Darion completes the ritual, a vial filled with a luminescent liquid sitting before him. He gazes at it with a mix of hope and apprehension, aware of the importance of this moment. With a deep breath, he leans in and whispers a series of incantations, infusing the vial with the power to restore memories.

The liquid glows brighter for a moment before settling into a gentle radiance. Darion turns to Marrien, a mixture of anticipation and determination in his eyes. "This vial contains a spell that could potentially restore the memories of the original Darion. It's a delicate process, and we'll need to be cautious."