
The 100 : Zombie Apocalypse

Spudz_Gaming · TV
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9 Chs

The Drop.

The next morning Marcus was awoken from his slumber very rudely by two men barging through his door.

"Prisoner 301, get up and face the wall." The larger of the two guards said as he slowly entered the room.

Marcus complied since he already knew what was going on, he was being taken to the dropship.

He stood up and faced the wall with his hands in the air.

"Hold out your right arm, don't resist or I will stun you." He said before flicking out his stun baton which made a zapping noise.

Marcus did as he was told and didn't speak a word since he didn't feel like being zapped or shot by a tranquilizer anytime soon. The guard had some trouble piercing his skin since his endurance was quite high, however he got it in eventually and a sharp pain assaulted Marcus' wrist as the device came online.

"Follow me, don't try anything or we will use force." The shorter of the two said as the taller one pushed Marcus from behind. They walked out of his cell and started walking towards the rightmost set of stairs but Marcus' Danger sense suddenly started blaring. Marcus turned to see a guard aiming his tranquilizer gun at him before pulling the trigger, he could have dodged but he knew that that would have just made it harder anyway so he let the dart hit him.

Surprisingly the dart actually pierced Marcus' skin and the fluid was injected into his bloodstream. As he fell to the ground the guards on either side of him caught him and a system message popped up in his vision.

[You have gained the skill [Poison Resistance] by ingesting a poisonous fluid]

His eyes stayed open for a little longer than they should have but he didn't struggle he just looked around to see Clarke fall into her mother's arms about 20 rooms behind him before he also succumbed to the tranquillizer.


He awoke groggily strapped to a chair inside the dropship. Everyone was conversing quietly around him, looking around he spotted Clarke and Wells starting to fight next to each other before the ship shook as they entered the atmosphere. He couldn't help but be a little scared even if he knew that he was going to be fine, he's still human you know.

It was then that the screens placed around the cabin flickered to life and the face of Chancellor Jaha appeared upon it.

"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now you have been given a second chance. And as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us. Indeed for humankind itself. We have no idea what id waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable..."

The chancellor went on for a few minutes about forgiving them for their crimes as the delinquents began to shout slurs and disrespect towards him and Wells, who just sighed and kept listening to his father's words.

The chancellor goes on to explain about how mount weather is the drop site and how he would drop them their, Marcus just smirked and shook his head as he knew things about mount weather that the Chancellor did not.

He looked over to his right to see two people floating in the air and people jeering them on. He didn't take off his belt like Finn did in the show but that didn't stop the other two guys from getting up and floating around.

"Hey you guys should get back in your seats before the parachutes deploy." Marcus shouted to the two delinquents before they started jeering at him as well.

"Oh shut up Marc, you're just jealous cause your not the only spacewalker anymore. Hahahaha." one of them said before a bunch of them continued to laugh on. Clarke and Wells also warned them but by then it was too late.

"...Your one responsibility is to stay alive." The Chancellor said before he was cut off by the parachutes deploying. The two guys who were floating around crashed through some pipes before dying from the impact.

Alarms started blaring as the dropship plummeted to the ground, sparks were flying out from the walls and ceiling and people were screaming and begging for someone to save them.

As they plummet to the ground the retro rockets finally deploy, cutting very close, and the ship crashes into the ground.

The machinery in walls and the lights in the ceiling go off at the same time and Monty points out that the hum of the machinery is gone, indicating that they had lost power. Everyone seems in awe for a second before they start to unclip their belts and head downstairs.

Marcus unclips his the fastest and gets down just as someone behind him shouts that the way out is on the lower level. Clarke starts shouting something upstairs but Marcus pays it no heed as he knows that the air isn't toxic. He grabs the handle to the outer door and is about to pull it down when Bellamy approaches to do the same.

Marcus gives him a firm nod and he nods back before he turns to speak to the crowd forming behind them. "Hey just back it up a bit guys, We'll get it open." He says before turning back to Marcus and asking "Do we just pull the lever?"

He replied with a shrug and said "Well there's only one way to find out." As he grabbed the lever.

Just as he was about to pull it down Clarke came down from the upper level and started bossing people around and pushing her way to the front. "Stop!" she shouts "The air could be toxic." She states very matter-of-factly.

"If the air is toxic we're all dead anyway." Marcus says as he steals Bellamy's line before turning back to the lever only to be interrupted again by Octavia coming down and seeing Bellamy. She pushes to the front and has quite a touching reunion with her brother before starting to question why he's wearing a guard's uniform.

The people behind her then start to notice who she was and started shouting about how she was hid under the floor. She snaps and tries to go at them before Bellamy holds her back and calms her down. Frankly Marcus was quite bored and wanted to get out to the ground so he quickly shut them up with a firm "Hey! Can you guys quit squabbling like a bunch of 5 year olds for two minutes? So we can enjoy the fact that we're on the ground."

Everyone collectively held their breath when he shouted, not expecting someone their own age to scold them. "Thank you" Marcus breathes, he flashes Octavia a smile before turning to the door to pull the lever.

She blushes slightly whilst looking at his broad back, lost in thought.