
The 100 : The duty of a leader

(Slow Pace) When he died, Leon wouldn't have imagined that he would have a second chance. A new world, a new life, stripped of memories of the past ,remembering only what he loved and nothing more, armed with nothing other than his guts and body , how will Leon survive in this world torn by nuclear war and ruled by primitive civilizations ? Note : I don't own The 100 or any other characters that may resemble in any kind of way any characters form various shows and games. If I were to say that I own something, that would be my idea of changing a world, but that's what fanfiction is ain't it?

MeatBunKun · TV
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190 Chs

Chapter 52 - Betrayal

The choice I have to make wasn't something easy by any means, but right now I neither have the time nor do I know how to save them from inside the dropship, without losing anyone. Even though Finn, Bellamy, and Sterling were armed with guns, in such an enclosed space, they won't have enough time to fire their guns for longer than one or two seconds, before the grounders would undoubtedly overwhelm them.

For some this may be an easy choice, after all, sacrificing Finn would save everyone and at the same time let us remain where the Ark had landed, but for me, that would mean going down a path where I would be forced to sacrifice my friends for the benefit of the rest, which wasn't exactly a pleasant thing to do…

As I was contemplating what I should do, Finn grabbed the walkie-talkie from Bellamy's waist as he decided to do something without talking with anyone about it.

"Leon, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear. What's the problem?"

"You don't have to choose. You are my friend and I hate myself for forcing you to choose between my life and the lives of all of our people. " He turned his head towards Lexa before he left his rifle on the floor. "I'm willing to go with you, so please, can you release the hostages? "

Lexa nodded and a few seconds later, the two guards that had been captured by her honor guard were escorted out of the dropship.

What Finn did came as a shock for all of us, especially for me and Clarke, but alas it was already too late to change something. Before he was taken away by the grounders, Finn made Clarke promise him that she would keep living for both of their sake.

Meanwhile, I could only watch the grounders take Finn and leave on their horses, as well as Clarke, who left together with the grounders, most likely to watch Finn's execution.

Monroe and I quickly made our back to the dropship, only to stop when we heard Bellamy's voice coming from our left.

"Leon, Monroe, let's go back to Camp Jaha!"

By the time we arrived at the camp, the grounders and Clarke had already arrived before us and sadly, Finn was already put on a stake, ready to be killed for his crime. All around me, people were waiting for this execution as if it was some kind of entertainment for them when suddenly, one of the guards shouted that someone was approaching the gate.

Right after I heard what the ground has just shouted, I run to the gate only to see a familiar face, slowly making her way towards us.

"Don't shoot! She's one of us"

I yelled at the guards in case they would shoot at her, but when I looked closer, I noticed two warriors accompanying her either to protect her or to take something from us. Soon after my yell was heard, Byrne walked next to me with a rifle in her hand ready to fire in case the grounders had some ulterior motives.

"I've sent someone to inform Abby that her daughter is back."

"Thank you, mam."

"Don't be so formal with me, boy. You left the guards, after all, besides, it's not like you would have remained there more than a few days anyways."

"Open the gate!" Bellamy ordered the guards as he walked beside us. The guards looked at Byrne for confirmation and she simply nodded at them, but not before reminding them that we aren't at peace yet.

"Hold your fire, but keep your weapons hot! We are still at war with them and I'd rather trust a squirrel than a grounder."

Clarke walked through the gate onto Camp Jaha grounds, completely in a daze as if she was still in shock. The poor girl could barely hear the shouting around her, yet she soon realized that someone came running over to her immediately upon her arrival. When she raised her head, she saw Octavia hugging her while I and the rest of our group were standing behind Octavia, glad that she had come back in one piece.

"T-they are going …to execute F-Finn… in the morning."

Clarke could barely talk as tears fall down her face, but still, she managed to put together a full sentence in between her cries.

Suddenly a shadow dashed forward and Clarke ended up in her mother's arms as Abby rushed up to her, desperate to see if her daughter was okay. When she felt her mother hugging her, Clarke hugged back, but what Lexa told her resonated in her head as if it was a broken CD. Soon, a crowd gathered around us, as Abby helped Clarke to her feet.

"What did their commander say? Do we have a truce?"

"W-we have one, mom, but…" Clarke looked at me when she spoke the last word, showing me the same hurt look she had when we found Finn in the grounder's village.

"They want Finn dead as well as Leon or else their entire army will launch an attack in the morning. I tried, mom, I truly did, but Lexa said it was the only way to achieve peace. Besides, all of her loyal followers demanded Leon's head on a plate for what he had done to their people."

In the end, everything came back to bite me in the ass, but rather than feeling scared, I have to admit that it was exciting for some reason. But regardless of what anyone from my group may say, I already know what my fate would be, after all, Dr. Griffin wasn't the most rational person when the life of her dear daughter was at stake.

And as I guessed, after she heard what Clarke had just said, Abby nodded at Byrne, who ordered the guards to grab me while at the same aiming her rifle at me.

"Sorry, Leon, but it has to be done."

Ungrateful woman, after what I did for her and this camp she didn't even bat an eye before she sentenced me to death. Well, I guess that's what you get for being stupid and believing that they would wipe out your crime after they threw you into hostile territory.

The last thing that I saw before I was taken away by the two honor guards, were my friends trying to fight their way towards the gate, especially Raven who was being held by Byrne.

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel (at least ten chapter ahead - right now there are 14 more chapters than here - plus R18 chapters) >

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